The worst Sup Forums meme is ________.
The worst Sup Forums meme is ________
Other urls found in this thread:
we need a 2016 version of this chart
we don't
We really don't.
The only good meme is
This image reeks of cancer.
If you're going to spread forced memes at least use the better screencap
The worst Sup Forums meme is naranciafag and pixelfag in the jojo threads
It's a general, what did you expect?
What's that ?
Keit-Ai, obviously.
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
That's not even funny though. Fucking Sup Forums
Fucking cancer. Where do these retards come from?
Don't listen to them. I think it's funny. Keep posting this.
this is awful and a waste of digits but that game with the mitts actually looks pretty neat
nyanners is the queen of Sup Forums
No one listened when I told everyone, more than once mind you, that she'd turn on them.
Oh well, reap what you sow faggots.
Why did you just post that?
boys on Sup Forums
Currently? Keit-Ai, no question. It's starting to get old, though. By all rights it should've gone away a while ago.
Starting? It's been old since when someone decided to dig up an old joke post and spam it everywhere. At least mods have started banning it, thankfully enough.
>Sup Forums gives some camwhore slut attention
>she becomes meme girl for a season and wallows in the attention like a sow in mud
>meme runs its course and dies off
>a year or two later she's in college and is majoring in SJW cultural indoctrination program
>she shittalks user and posts on her blog about how there oughtta be a law against four chums
it happens literally every time
if you pet it in animoe terms, UR WAIFU from 2 seasons ago is now a tumblr fascist
Almost makes you wonder whether exposure to Sup Forums encourages feminism.
but it's a Sup Forums-tier screencap, user
What's with all the fucking Sup Forums-tier threads lately? Even for an off-topic thread like this, this thread is abnormally shit.
Stop trying to make squap into a meme you Sup Forumstard faggot
This is the correct answer. It's beyond forced.
Simply epic
Clearly anything I don't like is Sup Forums