I-is he right, Sup Forums?

I-is he right, Sup Forums?

do we boast of our ancestor accpolishments as if we did those things ourselves? No. We merely point out the inheritance given to us and our right to defend it from the hordes of ravenous barbarians.

he is, pol may be foll of bitter virgins and used up boysluts who have nothing left in themselves but it matters not if they are wrong to the truth.

What matters about your heritage is not to take pride in it, but to protect it and value it. Its the protecting the good parts of it that should give you pride, that is what sacrifice is. (unless, yknow, you don't sacrifice anything, then you're just a self indulgant psycho looking for any excuse for a fight.)

>people who boast of their sexuality have nothing that they can boast about in themselves

Is the inverse true? People that don't boast about their ancestry have a lot to boast about in themselves? I think it's too broad of a stroke in both cases, but there's some truth to it. Only some. Also, ancestry is a quality within oneself. If that's all they have, it at least spans across history and gives them an identity compass to navigate reality.

Yet his heritage got him to become the emperor.

>Is the inverse true?

no, humility is a strong marker of self-worth and a desire/capability to exist purely on merit

>people in this thread struggling to justify a fundamentally retarded belief
Just admit it. Tribalism and pride in heritage is essentially ape-tier identity politics.

and humans are ape-tier animals you fucking idiot

Yes you can be proud and use it to carry you forward but you do not own their sins and you do not own their achievements. You die with yourself no one else

So every Black dude who says he's proud to be Black is really just insecure as fuck?

You know you do. Dont play dumb.

>muhh race did this and this and created this
>so it means im better than you

Nice post, are you really gay? if so then im digusted but i still agree with you.

It could indeed be true. If all you can boast are about things you have done yourself, then youre really an accomplished person.

Did he ever used his heritage to boast about his superiority? Hmmm i dont think so.

He is.
You're supposed to honor your ancestors, and not boast about their deeds like you did them yourself.

Can someone post the entire monologue leading up to this? It really makes sense in context.

He was talking about aristocratic conceit, how old money and blood ruled on the basis of ancestry rather than competency. This doesn't change the very real science behind race.

Tell that to trump

case in point: Kangz
>inb4 Sup Forums does the same as well
most everyone on here takes pride in the accomplishment of their ancestors and kinsmen before them alike, but if anything its seen as a standard that is to be surpassed by the current generation

It applies to any person, so of course
No sane intelligent person with real personality would fall for any sort of tribalism mindset

>No sane intelligent person with real personality would fall for any sort of tribalism mindset
then explain all of Human history pre WWII?
was everyone crazy?!

>no sane intelligent person with real personality would be affected by biology
you are so stupid, so very stupid

Naturally a Brazilian would be against other nations wanting to protect what their ancestors passed down to them. All you got were banana peels and windowless favelas faggot lmao

I prefer this animu tbqh

All human regress followed suit of reverting to tribalism, either in race or ideology (religion)
All human progress was due to promoting serious observation on the sciences and individuals adjusting to objectivity instead of tradition

WWII was a battle between oldschool idealogy with a shitty forward thinking spin vs. human progress and democracy that promoted culture where people had wealth and didn't hinder those smart enough to improve our understanding of sciences.
>"O-ooga booga!!!"

If you're seriously arguing that the Germans (old school ideology) during WWII were hindering scientific progression, you are verifiably retarded.
They are the sole reason we were able to land on the moon, really achieve space travel in general. not to mention the invaluable contributions to the medical field per their experiments during the war, because they were not hindered by ethical standards, say of it what you will.
>All human progress was due to promoting serious observation on the sciences and individuals adjusting to objectivity instead of tradition
>All human regress followed suit of reverting to tribalism, either in race or ideology (religion)
Horse shit
Human beings need something to orientate themselves around, something higher than themselves, such as race (tribalism) The Nation, Religion, and the Family
you take those things away, man becomes depressed and apathetic, more crime occurs, suicide goes up, coincidentally like it is today

There is a fine line between extolling the accomplishments of one's ancestors and claiming those accomplishments as your own. The former makes you mindful of your legacy, the latter makes you a chump.

Oh shit it looks like i got one alredy.
No need to be that mad at me mate, i swear i wont point out any other truths.

>If you're seriously arguing that the Germans (old school ideology) during WWII were hindering scientific progression, you are verifiably retarded.
>They are the sole reason we were able to land on the moon, really achieve space travel in general. not to mention the invaluable contributions to the medical field per their experiments during the war, because they were not hindered by ethical standards, say of it what you will.
They did blitz through a bunch of unethical experiments which are valuable
But the ideology governing society there wasn't enough to keep real intellectuals by its side, which is why people like Einstein fled to America to warn about potential for atomic weapons

The unethical experiments didn't really have a correlation with the political ideology thrown on the people. It was just funded heavily cause of the quick rise to superiority the culture was being sort of forced through. Which would have been cool if not for the "We are better than all other races, let's kill them all" shit

>Horse shit
Human beings need something to orientate themselves around, something higher than themselves, such as race (tribalism) The Nation, Religion, and the Family
you take those things away, man becomes depressed and apathetic, more crime occurs, suicide goes up, coincidentally like it is today
Agreed but periods like the Renaissance also promoted exploring new ideology founded on objectivity, which ended up massively improving quality of life in the most objective sense long term. (lower mortality, higher education, industrialization)

Say what you will for the quality of individual lives.
Hivemindsets CERTAINLY helped humans evolve at an alarming rate. Societies larger than 100's of people were possible due to shit like religion and race.
But it "caps out" progress very quickly. Which is why we didn't see civilizations evolve until massive movements promoting individual thought and valuing objectivity moved the species along.

Iterating a little more, I think each progressive step and each regressive step correlates highly with whether or not the movement is in favour of "human emotion" or "observable objectivity"

It's just nowadays I think the likes of Sup Forums and antifa are, by large margin, emotionally driven.

What Nazi Germany did was kind of cool if you think about it. It combined tribalism with a sense of objectivity. It asked everyone to work towards being the ideal human, cause their society was rising through echelons.

America had something nearly identical. "True american", promoting noble values, sense of responsibility, opportunity.
It came hand in hand with the economic state and the idea of individualism. American does not equal white- it means we all came here on our own choice to build a valuable society.

Germany made the mistake of thinking it was handed to them, and they simply had to pluck out the weeds from its society.
Which is the same road Sup Forums is headed down, except they don't have any "values" besides "muh white genes" which is even lower than religion which at least promotes VALUES.

>it's only bad when black people do it!

>Agreed but periods like the Renaissance also promoted exploring new ideology founded on objectivity, which ended up massively improving quality of life in the most objective sense long term. (lower mortality, higher education, industrialization)
Thats the enlightenment age not the renaissance
not all blacks are kangz but all kangz are black, unless you're Shaun King

>Thats the enlightenment age not the renaissance
I'm not good with labels and names so my bad
But yeah

>what is aspirational motivation