How do we fix the plague of unfunny memeshit in translations?

How do we fix the plague of unfunny memeshit in translations?

Other urls found in this thread: petroglyphs

But it makes things funnier

A translator's job isn't to try and make shit 'funnier' by putting in their meme humour. They usually fail at doing that anyway since it's so jarring.

His friend is lucky to have those boobs as his gf

Learn to read raws.

Rape the meme subbers obviously, that will teach them!

Learn 日本語


In fairness they were still better than the utter shit-tier mangafast faggots that now have a hold of Shomin Sample with their shitty korean umaru raws.

>shitty korean umaru raws.
Gooks need to fuck of with their translations of a translation. At that point you're basically just writing out a list of spoilers.

Jap -> Anything -> English translations are all garbage and should be banned, not just Korean. You lose so much when translating a translation.

>translations of a translation
I wish it was just that, the English is usually beyond terrible, the scans are even worse and to top it all off they apply watermarks liberally.

I know, gookshit is just the most common.

ESLfags need to stop translating into English in general. It's painful to read that shit. J-(something)-E translations for manga, and ESLfags doing "translations" for LNshit need to stop. It's just a bunch of retards getting excited because they think reading a poorly written and usually inaccurate translation makes them better than secondaries and then they feel smart.

How do you feel about memeshit in the art.

The translation of Tocharian petroglyphs into English is a philological discipline worthy of the utmost respect and careful devotion, with care taken to preserve as much as possible and strike a careful balance between both meaning and atmosphere, to properly relay the deeds and personalities of the characters in the work being translated and to also account for the cultural gap between Japanese society and the presumably Western target audience's.

t. anime pro

You can't.
The only way to avoid shitty meme translations is if you learn Japanese yourself.

>Tocharian petroglyphs
I didn't think this would actually turn up a thing but it does. petroglyphs

Tocharians were rad as fuck
They're what happens when a pseudo-Celtic IE people immigrates into China a (probably) millennium before any Celts as a distinct people emerged and converts to Buddhism, and then spreads it to China and ultimately Japan.

Actually as someone who speaks moon and English, and who translates stuff and takes it pretty seriously, yes I do try my best to preserve the original verbiage and tone and intent of the author's lines when I translate. Just because you're a shit eating retard with no standards doesn't mean that everyone else here wants to read a list of mistranslated greentext spoilers in broken English and then go shitpost threads with "Oh come on, you don't know that already? Fucking secondaries!"

I wasn't actually being ironic
I legitimately believe everything I wrote there dude
How many layers are you on?

0 layers. I firmly believe that if you're going to do something, you should do it right. I like weebshit and hate bad translations, so eventually I just went and learned moon, and now I translate things to give back to the community and I do my best to strike the balance between readability in English without extinguishing the author's voice or original wording of the Japanese lines.

I don't think a bad translation is necessarily a completely bad thing; many people who start out as almost jp-illiterate "translators" do improve over time, because of both experience gained and a general interest in Japanese-language media. A lot of old and established groups today are like that.

The ones that don't improve tend to be the ones who view the whole scanlation gig as an easy source of occasional donation money and don't bother with proofreaders, so you get lazy and hastily done and in general botched jobs.

Some blame also lies with the audience because it lets groups get away with this shit and largely doesn't know just how much wool is being pulled over its eyes because why would (and should) someone who knows Japanese bother reading a scanlation he knows is going to be bad in advance?


>I don't think a bad translation is necessarily a completely bad thing
If you're a native English speaker and you write shit like "Even if you were to say such a thing as that" then you need to stop writing, or find an editor who isn't retarded.

>an easy source of occasional donation money
I pay for everything I use right down to BDs and manga tanks I rip, and even servers to host things. Anyone who takes any money for fan work needs to kill themself.

>Some blame also lies with the audience
Yes, bottom feeders are indeed a problem.

>find an editor who isn't retarded.
>he thinks people who work on korean raws of manga adaptations of lns which are adaptations of wns actually use things like editors, proofreaders, typesetters or the English language

The reason those mistakes happen is because people who've never picked up a book written in English of their own volition try translating, and there are plenty of bad translations written in passable or even good English prose (those people tend to improve their Japanese too). The rest are just ESLs not taking it seriously.

>Manga adaptations of LNs or WNs
I fucking hate this. The anime sometimes make these stories tolerable with nice visuals and good voice acting, but the manga adaptations are complete shit. The thing is that they're the easiest to translate, so you ESLfags gravitate towards them so they can feel special for knowing spoilers, and then shitpost the threads about "The anime better adapt the garbage manga I'm pretending I can read 1:1 or the anime is shit!"

Source. Google has failed me, you must not/

I've never read an LN in my life and invariably dropped the poorly done adaptations at most three chapters in take it easy

hopefully soon but people still support commie so it'll take a while

I prefer these kinds of translations

>Understandable meme translation
Manga weeaboo SJW gets mad
>Untranslatable Jap meme translated as proper english
Manga weeaboo SJW still gets mad

Scanlation is a hobby. Deal with it.

I've put memes and jokes into stuff I've done and never once has anyone complained about what I write. At worst, they'll ask the original line and when I tell them, they're fine with my translation.

Stop being a shit translator.

What's wrong with meme translation? It's funny in the right moments. Even Pokemon has meme translation nowadays and no one's complaining about that.

Those complaining about memes are some oldfags that can't blend in with the current generation.

If I get the meme, I could have substituted it for myself in an unblemished translation. If I don't, then I have to look it up to figure out what the fuck is actually supposed to be there.

And that's just assuming I'd find the maymay funny.

By the way.
She's used goods

This. /thread

The only problem I have with memes in translation is brought up in one of George Orwell's rule of writing.

>Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

Even if the meme fits, it's still unimaginative, and it dates your translation. Just think about it a bit harder and come up with your own joke.
That said, if the text references a Japanese meme, then it's completely fine to sub it with a western one.

Is this the new bunny girl manga?

Some memes are self-explanatory. You've just got to make your brain stupider and you'll get it. As long as it doesn't change the context.

Orwell is the author of an essay decrying Latinate loanwords in English that has an above-average percentage of Latin or French-derived words. He's the poster-child of haughty prescriptivists.

Yeah, I'm aware completely of how much Orwell is a talentless hack, I still think that particular rule is a useful one for anyone that has to do any sort of writing.

What about their pop culture reference and puns? Should the translators ignore it? It's not really funny when you do translate the joke and add a translation note explaining it. It defeats it's purpose of actually making the reader laugh.

Cool lie bro

Is Norway kill?
Thank God. No more dank memes in my mangoes

Depends on the reference, no matter how hard you try and localize, it might still come out unfunny.
If it's possible to substitute it in an unobtrusive way, that preserves the joke, then yeah it can be substituted, I think.
In the other cases, you might just have to bite the bullet and add a TL note.

It's gotten to the point where I'm not even sure if it's the translator or the author doing it anymore.

Meme translations are 100% okay.

>I don't think a bad translation is necessarily a completely bad thing

cant read after that

You're always going to be bewildered by all the stupid mistakes you made when you were new to translating even if you're a conversationally fluent speaker of both languages because translation is more than the sum of its parts and constitutes a special skillset that has to be learned, just like any other profession.

is this hentai

>Even Pokemon has meme translation nowadays and no one's complaining about that.

This proves you just fucking got off the boat here

Fuck off