Sup Forums on suicide watch


>Neo-Nazi and National Front organiser quits movement, opens up about Jewish heritage, comes out as gay

top kek


Richard Spencer

Fucking kek. Are the onion writers out of jobs now that their satire is reality?


>the UK
who cares? they're all gay jews as far as I'm concerned

A stormfag ended up being jewish and a literal fag. Color me surprised...

I hope he comes out as gay. I want to bounce on his dick all night.

Why haven't gays and Jews distanced themselves from him? Shameful.

>jews are hate crime hoax for media boogey men
>every time

Wow, its like it keeps happening.

>A PRcuck ended up being Jewish and a literal fag.

How many times this thread going to get deleted before shills stop posting it?

>literaly who?

anglin the creator of stormfront is also a jew, its long since known that many if not all of the current day prominent neo-nazi figures are puppets of the jews.

t. Buttmad PRcuck failure at life

Gee I wonder where the image of an illogical neo-nazi population came from.

Surprising nobody. 99% of pol are redditor faggots who choke on jewish cock

How is anyone surprised that a jew spent his life making sure that jews appear persecuted and no-one forgot the 6 gorillion?

>anglin the creator of stormfront is also a jew, its long since known that many if not all of the current day prominent neo-nazi figures are puppets of the jews.
I was 'warned' there to stop bringing up the fact that Tiger Woods was a nigger and they should stop sucking his dick so much and read a book. After that, I realized that they're all a bunch of fucking shills and never went back. Fuck those agent provocateurs right in the ass.


df is the national front ?