Why does everyone act like Subaru is a weak and useless pussy?

Why does everyone act like Subaru is a weak and useless pussy?

>In the first arc he takes on three thugs and fucking suplexes one of them. He also can apparently bench 80 kilos (~170 pounds)
>In the second arc he holds his own against a mabeast, and even kills one by LIFTING IT OVER HIS HEAD and impaling it on a branch.
>In the third arc he fights against a trained knight, and while he is beaten horribly he lasts for a very long time. He also trains with Wilhelm for a short time.

Weak and useless my ass, Subaru would beat the shit out of a normal opponent, if he wasn't fighting enemies that overpowered a demon and killed some of the most powerful characters we've seen in the show so far.

tl;dr Subaru would kick your bitch ass in a fight

>where does it say he benches 80 kilos?
>being able to bench your body weight isnt impressive in the slightest

In the light novel that was recently translated.
It's impressive to me because I'm lazy piece of shit that can't lift anything.

>not benching at least lmao2pl8
choose one

The reason everyone hates him is because of his insufferable lame beta personality.

Doesn't matter if he can lift 200kg, as long as this fucking fagboi keeps saying "Emilia-taaaan~~" I fucking loathe him.

>goes to gym daily
>cant bench more than his body weight


That is a pretty strange level of fitness, anime physics aside of course.

Maybe it's impressive for nips?

He isn't a stoic badass

Re:zero haters BTFO.
Is Subaru the strongest human in anime history?
Don't say Goki, he's alien.

Pretty sure it was grip strength not bench.

Why are all anime MCs practically the same? You could watch any anime and it's the same personality and behavior.

He's like Hercule, strong by own means but unfortunately in a world where that strength is laughable.

Its actually very impressive, more so if you can bench more than you weigh. This is what I can remember from weights and conditioning back from high school.

170 pounds is an extremely shit bench for an adult male, or even an athletic teenager.

>170 lb

>all the armchair lifters in this thread

No, that's Saitama

You remembered wrong.
Ideally you should flat out be able to bench your own weight with no problems.

> Saitama
> good anime

Choose one

>good anime
He only asked about the strongest human in anime history though