I'm sick of people here scapegoating boomers for this generation's ills

Boomers gave millenial brats a wonderful upbringing. Millenials were raised in traditional families and communities; church-going, married parents, conservative minded communities. They protected us from sex and depravity, film age ratings and things like that were taken seriously.

Schooling was not so different in the 80s and 90s to the 50s when you compare it to now.

I never remember hearing anything about gays let alone transexuals as a kid. When we were taught about different cultures it was done in a twee way, with a few colouring books and a song about diwali. We were never made to feel white guilt or any of that bullshit.

Now millenials have turned into horrible SJW adults and some people on here and other places have the audacity to blame boomers parents!

If I was a boomer parent I would be be mighty pissed at how their kids (for the most part) turned out, in spite of their charmed upbringing.

And its really sad when you see these "gay/trans coming out to parents" videos on YouTube. Boomer parents look so shocked yet they renain noble and show their depraved and ungrateful children love them no matter what.

Enough with the boomer blaming! They did a great job, our generation should have used that as a springboard for great things but have instead chosen a different path.

>Leans into microphone
Seriously OP your whole post is bullshit. What gives?

t. Boomer cuck
Go suck more Israeli cock faggot.

>the era when the boomers were young was good because the silent gen was still in political control
>now the Boomer gen is in full control of American politics.
>world in absolute ruin

Either the boomers fucked up raising millenials or they are literally adult babies who destroyed the world in a single generation. Who knows maybe its both? Jk it is both faggot.

>They protected us from sex
Thus spawning a generation of 16 and pregnant

Millennials were raised by Generation X you dumb fuck
every generation raises the next, why do I have to explain this?

Boomers are the reason the human race will never explore space and will die out on this shitty rock. Good job boomers for using up all of earths resources

>Boomer parents look so shocked yet they renain noble and show their depraved and ungrateful children love them no matter what

This is why boomers are partially responsible for the death of the west. They should be discipling those brainwashed kids

>16 and pregnant
You will never have this life.

Hillary Clinton is a pretty good example of a Boomer. Thinks only of herself, shamelessly shits up the world to make money, doesn't have the decency to fuck off when she should.

BTW does anyone have that cartoon of her on the floor pulling hair out, shitting herself? looking for it.

i do have some criticisms towards boomers but you gotta admit their work ethic is way higher than millenials.

also on avarage, the average boomer is nicer and more experienced than the average millenial. for some reason i get along much better with old people, they even invite me to eat and hang around

My dad was born in '48. I was born in '95.
Having our first baby in 2018.
Only disappointed it took this long to happen.

Can fuck off

>boomers mismanaged social security
Spent theur savings, their kids, nos stealing frim the current generation.
Pot-head hipoy retards whi had an easy ride

Raised in a booming economy frim the Greatest Generation
>Drop Dead & save us all your mistakes

Boomers got everything handed to them jobs houses everything then because they didn't understand truth they passed on a shitty materialistic up bringing where morals where replaced by the electric Jew. They didn't do it on purpose they are just dumb fat and greedy

boomers raised fags and whores. that is true. should have beaten your whore daughter! its your fault

Sup Harry, how's Beebo?

>traditional families and communities; church-going, married parents, conservative minded communities. They protected us from sex and depravity, film age ratings and things like that were taken seriously.
stop making excuses for yourselves boomer scum.
Guess who were the hippies?
Who protested Vietnam?
Who loved communism and "diversity"?
Who started the uber-leftie social groups that still ruin America today?
Who did so many psychedelics that the world stereotype of an American college student became a burned-out worthless druggie?
Who did the sexual revolution, completely ruining marriage?
Who did the whole "fuck my parents, fuck the system, fuck the man maaaaaan" bullshit?
Fuck you, hypocrite boomers. All this lgbt and sjw shit WOULD NEVER HAVE EVEN EXISTED if you hadn't funded and participated in their precursors. Now, I'm not saying that the millennials are any better. We may turn out to be even worse than you were. But remember that you started all this social justice shit, and now you're just suffering the consequences.

Boomers are geriatric children who've managed to fuck up countless Western countries in a single generation. They have their heads so far up their own asses that they have the audacity to blame a group of people (that they raised) who're just coming into the world. The logic is astounding

Hey Beebo how's it going?

>Boomers gave millenial brats a wonderful upbringing.
Uh yeah, no
>Millenials were raised in traditional families and communities
Are you fucking serious?
>church-going, married parents, conservative minded communities.
Hahaha ahahahaha
>They protected us from sex and depravity
What kind of shit are you on?

Fuck off boomer cuck

Dude fuck you. this is actually a decision discussion point that makes some sense.

Better than the retarded stuff flooding this board the last month.

>goes to bathroom
>piss allover toilet seat
>doesn't blame person who used it before him
It's not that complicated.

Yep, they hate us cause they aint us. Boomers built the world, what have Millenials built?

Generations can only take so much credit for the way they went about life. Each generation has a role to play and is shaped by economic and cultural conditions. If conditions then had been what they are now, they would be a lot like today's millennials.

Ya''l responding to a troll thrad. ! post by this id, 3 hours ago.
/sage n sheet.

True but it was the generation closest to the boomers. On the late end of the spectrum I’m a gen x and we are raising generation z with the retarded half of millennials who had kids in their teens and 20’s you know when your not prepared to take care of one. Boomers let Jews run wild and they fucked the generation up just after I was born. They are basically the entitled children of their hard working parents who basically allowed the world to burn just before they collected their social security checks.

This photo was used by The Shizzy before you were born. Classic prank E-mails.

Schooling in the 90s and 00s was absolutely fucking miserable.

Fuck boomers!

Boomer teachers are assholes.