"Glotoun" isn't even a word. Did they mean "glutton"?
Tales of Zestiria the X
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So who's the Shepard that's gonna cleanse her edgy ass?
Why why did Seres have the comb? It doesn't explain anything about her motivation.
And fuck Berseria.
>Why why did Seres have the comb? It doesn't explain anything about her motivation.
Play the game. They aren't gonna reveal all their cards now.
Well, you know, edgy characters want to feel different, so they change a letter or two to feel unique.
Are you slow in the head or something? It's setting up a plot point. Foreshadowing. Of course they're not going to spoil the rest of the story. Did you want her to dump exposition with her dying breath?
Who's the greatest and bestest and why is it Magilou?
>Velvet just flat out ignores her during her introduction scene
No, I wanted Zestiria.
So that's a "yes," then.
>610 mb
What is this
Lots of sweet panning action and bad CGI.
Are we finally done with Edgy McGee and her shitty little dream team so we can get back to Sorey and Mikleo's Excellent Adventure? This episode didn't bore me or anything, really, but I'm not seeing what any of this has to do with what's really important about this show.
Also, not-Mikaela the Praetor Exorcist is cute as hell.
Sorey and Mikleo are kinda boring, tbqh
How done with life is Velvet?
Sorey blundering his way through the human world he doesn't even know never gets boring. Miss "muh brother" is a snore from the get-go.
First Ufotable show?
No I played Zestiria Sorey is boring. You could replace him with a talking dog for all it matters
Thought i downloaded the wrong file or something last week. Hope this shit doesnt last long.
fuck off baba
Reminded me of Isidro scene, Velvet really is female Guts
I think you got your casts switched, since the Zestiria cast is a mediocre bore except for Edna's snark and part of Berseria's cast has proven to be more interesting in only two episodes than everything Zestiria could muster in 40 hours.
>berseria now over
thank god, I got velvet, seres, and magilou caps. Time to drop this shitty show now.
This shit wont even sell 5k bd's at the rate pre-orders are going either.
Her theme song is as wacky as her, Magilou is the perfect counter for Velvet OW THE EDGE
Edgy McGee and her little troupe are so boring I only know the name of the dead one. You're clearly deranged.
Sorey would have been interesting if they went with the idea of having him being feared by all the humans he came across.
Neck yourself. I'm glad this inane promo stunt is over.
A waste of 2 episodes for characters and plot hooks that will never be relevant in Zestiria.
fuck off baba
>Zestiria so shit bandai namco producers felt the only way this shit show was worth it was to throw in two disconnected promo episodes
Maybe you're the one that should off yourself with your shit taste baba
They no longer want to be white apparently. The ED is really good.
Can anyone do this? The separation is too big.
And you clearly either have no taste, or are in this just for the fujo bait, which is pretty much having no taste.
Baba's "promotion" is a clear indication Zestiria was a wrong turn in the franchise.
Can't wait for Rokurou to die in game and be replaced by his much hotter older brother.
Wacky comic relief with heaping of smug, easy-going, eccentricity, and haughtiness in the form of a cute dfc elf with a jester magician design is the best.
You're saying that as if "eoten" isn't an actual word.
They play with this a bit, but since he mostly interacts with his invisibuddies, Rose, antagonists and people he helps, it doesn't go anywhere. Just one animated cutscene, iirc.
News flash, this whole thing is a promo stunt. It's the only reason nips do adaptations these days.
Sorey is probably the most boring Tales MC. Even Ludger was 100 mores times interesting, and he doesn't even talk.
It's not just a "stunt" when you have a 2 cour anime.
Well, suckle on your commercial break all you want, the REAL show is back next episode, so you've got a week before you and your shit taste depart these threads forever, or you commit suicide. Either way, real taste wins.
Now this is a decent mage.
Rita was nice, but too detached from everyone except Estelle and Pascal was too much of a cloudcuckoolander to be decent or taken seriously.
>inane promo
It's a promo for Zestiria too, not that it's gonna sell more copies of Zesty, kek
Is this garbage over? I need more Zest in my life.
Didn't Lailah have a comb thing? Is that theory that Seres is Lailah still hold?
Also this episode was a right mess.
But from what I understand it was supposed to occur through out the game, Sorey helping others and them being scared of him, and Sorey needing to grit his teeth and bear it despite being upset. Though I guess once the politics angle was dropped so to were the consequences of it.
>eager to get back to Zesty
Man it's going to be fun to watch the trainwreck, both here and on 2ch, when they slowly just follow the plot of the game
If I wasm't afraid of showing my fingerprints to entire world I would post myself doing this. It's pretty doable.
What went wrong, lads?
She will be the traitor.
Why hadn't Rokurou and Magilou join soober? Ceres wouldn't have to die then.
>real taste wins.
Considering the utter crap Zestiria was, even if Berseria ends up being crap, it still doesn't make it decent. It was so bad the only thing you need is the opening to trigger the ptsd of every eleven that isn't a fujoshi.
Zestiria exists in it's sorry state because one man wanted pussy so bad he sacrificed the good faith that years of hard work earned him.
Wrong eyes color.
Lat me predict how plot will flow now. Velvet needs to gather the remaining elemental powers by eating other malaks and turning them into rings. She will eat Mikleo's mother for water, Eizen for earth and Laphicet for air.
>you get Rokurou and Magilou in your party at the beginning of the game
Fuck yeah.
The only time it happened really was with that leader of the mercenaries and he got over it near the end of the game.
>real taste
Eizen will be the traitor.
Laphicet is light not air
Considering Eizen is still "alive" in Zestiria I doubt anything of the sort will happend to him and Laphicet.
But considering the boner Tales games have for visiting shrines, it wouldn't surprise me.
N-Not Eizen
I'm surprised Magilou shows up so early.
>2 weeks ago=grumble grumble grumble something Baba bomb game when's Velvet
>This week=grumble grumble grumble something Baba when we back to Zestiria
>Next week=grumble grumble grumble something Baba THEY STOPPED SHOWING US VELVET FOR THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!1111
Shitposting is less interesting when it's entirely predictable and obvious
How can anyone be this wrong?
Paizuri doujinshis when?
How is Velvet edgy?
I wish you faggots would stop calling her that.
You can also choose to have this happen on the bridge to Marlind well, but it seems as though the plot line was dropped when Rose was added to the party in favor of "muh foils".
It helped that Ludger was a snappy dresser.
I'll cry and be mad if that's true.
What are you trying to prove by shitposting like this?
>butthurt Berseriafags mad their shit game wasn't good enough for a standalone series
Stay salty, casuals, you're just background radiation. Zesteria is the real deal and nothing Berseria is matters.
>no more velvet
>back to faggot nr1 and faggot nr2's faggy fag adventures
Just kill me now
The traitor is the shota. He's using that appearance and the name similar to Velvet's brother to fool her.
Too bad the clown girl isnt in the main show
Would love to see more of her
Will they go for maximum heterolust from the guy's side?
>Velvet and crew steal the show in just two episodes
Zestiriafags BTFO
>real deal
>already in the 1k range for stalker rankings
ufo won't even get a profit off of the anime.
Too obvious.
>shit game wasn't good enough for a standalone series
>why didn't they do a series spoiling the plot of a game that comes out next week?
Try being less of a retard if you want bait to work.
Daisuki, Gundam IBO had simillar file sizes.
It's funny because even though they charge nothing for their HD streams they still have better bitrate than CR or Funi.
>dis CG dragon
>heterosexual Tales doujins
Actually this episode was still rated lower than the average Zestiria episode, and they don't even have White Light to use as an excuse.
>tfw no more of her next week
Actually, we will get tons of her in just a few days, just not in the anime.
Only goes to show nips have no taste, since better characters were on display.
Magilou had maybe not even 5 minutes of screen time and was already better than the whole Zesti cast put together.
By "we" you mean Japs?
There are lots of them .
I think he means illustrations and whatnot, not just the game.