Mob Psycho 100: Cactus boy in 20 hours


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Bones does pretty good animation. I wish they did the same for Boku No Hero.

How will animeonlys react?

Hopefully they'll flip the fuck out. I know I did

should i read the manga?

cactus boy?

anyway I've just seen the last episode.
I really like where the show is going, I like how mob tries to be a better person.

Preview from the episode.

Someone should send a link to this thread to the other one because it is past bump limit. Can't do it myself because on mobile and to much of a newfag.

Post the the crossdressing one too please


Why isn't the show getting preorders, are there fujoshits in the 2chan threads too?

The anime is great so far and going in completely blind is probably the best way to enjoy it, so you might wanna wait until it's finished airing before jumping into the mango. If you do it start from the beginning, though.

Here's another preview. Taken from the animation director's twitter.

If are impatient like me,yes.

>assuming I wasn't there when it posted two threads ago

user is obviously doing it for the newcomers.

Boku no hero felt slow as fuck and overused flashbacks.

I'm looking more forward how the people who think mob is a saitama clone react to the koyama battle

I know. Being salty is my hobby

yeah you are right, the manga is 100x better. There were only like 3 fight scenes in the anime and they were like 30 seconds, not counting the last one which was 40 secs.

How far will ep 6 go according to the list of episodes? Cause the whole thing with that trash guy is so fucking boring. The worst part of manga. Hope it will end in that episode.

Shinji > Cactus boy
Episode title have "Discord" so it will end with Ritsu meeting Teru

Oh boy, that one. He really got his ass handed to him, didn't he? Koyama really felt threatening as fuck back then

Did you rewatch with the BD?

how do you pronounce reigen's name

How about listening while watching?


Second cour fucking when?

This arc was shit.

But the Boss fight was pretty fucking cool.
And it'll be a sakugafest if they adapt it.

I was a fan of the manga way before the anime was announced. I liked the manga because it was fast paced and didn't linger unlike the anime.

>4 goddamn mob threads
wow guys has One saved anime!?

3 trolls who can't even ctrl + f

yeah. It depends on the reception for a 2nd cour. Is mob psycho 100 anime well received?

Because this show is shit, below mediocre.


Your taste is shit, below mediocre.

>Boku No Hero.
had great animation.

In Mob's defense, those other three threads were made after this one, so it's obvious that either they're shitposters (based on them saying AOTY) or didn't use Catalog to find this thread.

stop making me hype for things I'll have to wait for years to come ;_;

Same here, I started with the manga when it was only 20 chapters. Was hype when they made an anime of it and was even more hyped that Bones was doing it, then it came out it was was slow as fuck unlike the manga. If they really wanted to they could have gotten to the sports festival arx

But it took 12 episodes to see something like this. The Deku vs. Bakugo fight was very underwhelming. And all the other fights were way to short winded.

How long will it take me to bing read the whole manga because waiting every week is getting old.

It has only around 100 chapters but it's dialogue heavy. You could easily binge it in 1 day.

You can binge read it in a day. Take your time though, don't speed read it.

I need to see this animated.

disliked manga and anime. Read it when it had 20ch and was held up as the next naruto. Felt way too by the book for me, Too black and white. Anime made it a bit more bearable through the music and animation.

Don't know why people keep saying this arc is shit. I'm loving it so far.

>This arc was shit.
Can attest.

I recently reread both Mob and OPM (the webcomic) and all I can say it's a shame ONE's update speed for the latter is so atrocious.

Mob is updated regularly but holy fuck not even marathoning the latest arcs helps. They're, like you said, shit.

Meanwhile OPM is getting more and more interesting but ONE draws new pages once in a blue moon.

Boss fight itself wasn't bad but some of the super 5 fight were shit. Only good fight out of the super 5 would be the muscle dude and blind dude. Plant guy literally did nothing and so is the control guy. Umbrella guy got talk no jutsud.

That was literally one scene out of twelve episodes of mostly mediocre animation. Even when you look at the entirety of Noumu v. Almight, the budget limitations are hard not to notice. Good thing the anime knew exactly how to sell its hype moments, which kinda compensated for the underwhelming animation, but they could've done better than that.

Hoping the BDs fixed some of it.

At least we got some gems from it. Why are BONES boys the best?

fuck that, I want to see HYPNOSIS PUNCH

that better end the episode

It's a good thing I don't like the brocon so I'm not hyped for this episode.

So you mean that even the current arc isn't good? I mean, no one really talks much about it in the threads but from what I've heard it's very promising?

>But it took 12 episodes to see something like this
>That was literally one scene out of twelve episodes of mostly mediocre animation.

Now, now dont get too hyped up hating it, what you said was almost completely false. Every episode had several sakuga moments and generated a lot of hype with its soundtrack. If you still didnt like it blame it on the manga, that one sucked.

the manga is far better than the anime.

i liked it, i feel like it will be better in anime form

Maybe it's just the bad aftertaste of the boss arc but I'm not particularly interested in the new updates.

And I don't really like what ONE's doing with Dimple's development.

I'm curious about this, did everyone else actually think that Reigen was Claw's boss upon seeing that panel? I instantly assumed it wasn't the case and it was just Reigen bullshitting his way through everything like usual. I'm not trying to sound smart or anything, just legitimately curious if I missed what was supposed to be a joke.

I was extremely confused, but that's about it.

Dont mind the people saying it sucked, its similar to the current scar arc in the anime, but instead of a climax that subverts expectations ONE delivered a stereotypical Shonen end boss fight, which(ironically) subverted ONEs general writing style, so it came unexpected to most of us.
The ones hating it are just bandwagoners, in the hopes of seeming edgy and different, saying its shonen shit and so on. Probably people who came in later due to the anime hype. Some of course also just dont like it.

When I read it for the first time, I was "what the fuck?" Like, I was confused. Then I just assumed it's just a guy who looked very similar to Reigen.

The manga is what i consider the most boring battle shonen ever. It plays it so safe, everything goes by the book. Plot points you have seen many times before just in a superhero coating. Its just bad.
Look at his One-shot, if he went with this idea it may have been good, but he had to make it WSJ friendly. The anime is bad too, but at least had nice production values thx to bones.

I wasn't sure what to think, I already knew ONE likes a lot to play with reader's expectations so I just kept reading. At most I thought the entire claw association was some kind of joke that went too far or something.

I thought for a second that maybe I was autistic and that it must be a guy that I thought looked similar to Reigen.

>What chapter did you read up too until you called it quits?

yeah, I liked it too, feels like an arc that reads better while binging because I understand how frustrating it must feel waiting for ONE to update only for it to be a chapter about an irrelevant super 5 battle

you're probably right how it will feel better in anime form

I laughed my fucking ass off. I thought it was intended that Reigen was presented as a joke since he immediately met a bunch of Claw's biggest idiots.

I instantly laughed i think. Not sure why, the situation was just too ridiculous. But i think i thought it was a misunderstaning from the beginning, then again i went straight to the next page, so i dont know what i would have thought if i had more time. Both scenarios were valid, one would have had more serious implications tho.

So it varies from person to person I guess. I wonder what the anime onlys will think.

I was reading from the beginning i think, quite early till after the tournament and this hero hunter. Recently i started again, read a few chapters, still didnt like it. It may pick up now, now that All might is down(would be better if he had died). I remember saying that this fire/ice guy would have been way better as an mc, you dont see parental abuse much in shonen manga by the mother no less.

Most will be shocked, thinking that it has to be some kind of joke knowing who reigen is. A good amount will ask for spoilers or go straight to the manga, the rest will have to ponder. Also depends on if this will be a cliffhanger.

Don't misunderstand user, I loved the anime and I'm eargerly waiting for season 2.
I said that the show knew to sell its hype moments because I think it's true: from the soundtrack to the voice acting, everything else was absolutely on point. It's just that on the sakuga department, I expected a lot more. And I really do hope they fix it for next season, because it really deserves it.

Is that supposed to prove us wrong? In 5 episodes Mob Psycho managed to have twice a many sakuga highlights.

I've ben re-reading the manga and I know I am slow for just realizing it but the shirt mob is wearing when the go to rescue ritsu in this arc is the same one that teru was wearing when claw attacked him the first timethat was a nice detail

also does anyone else feel like they are hinting that mob will lose his powers? or will be forced to stop using them?

>first time he goes ???% he loses his appetite

>dimple was able to take his body after reigen told mob his family was fine.

>mob mentions that lately using his powers make him tired

The mom is the one abusing him it's the dad. but it does it better after the hero hunter and the field training arc, All Might almost dying was pretty cool too. I wish he would die too, but it's too early in the manga for that.

forgot to spoiler pic

Well there wasnt much they could have done or did they cut out scenes from the manga i wasnt aware of? I mean they could have went more all out but it was decent for a Bones production and average or above for general anime. The only thing i can fault them on was the pacing of Episode 1/2. But if they hadnt done that they would have went into source material for season 2 by episode 10/11

I hope to fucking god they'll manage to end the episode on that scene.

>mob starts with m
>moses starts with m
>mob is splitting the sea

What is this supposed to be? A teaser for whats to come, a commercial, a Mob calender? Help Anyone?

beach episode incoming

Just an illustration from an anime magazine.


Only if its Tome, Mezato and Tsubomi only, maybe those highschool girls too.

Not even chuuni yet.

I honestly he assumed he WAS Claw's boss, but still a fake. Like in the past he accidentally founded them and it was just a lie that went too far and beyond his control

How can he be a chuuni if he actually gains powers?

i thought something like this too, it seemed like something ONE would do
though making the actual claw boss a typical "WORLD DOMINATION" childish adult kinda worked too. It was so cliché that it wasn't a cliché anymore

It was cliche through and through,though how ONE ended and subverted that cliche is what makes ONEs style so interesting.

As with everyone I thought he just looked similar.

That would destroy the entire point of the story.

Oh shit. hes borrowing his shirt. that's pretty clever

Think about it though, cliche as fuck but

>loses powers
>finally gets to live normally
>realizes how important it was in his life
>needs a balance

Though it's just rehashing Mogami arc.

Anyone else finding this disappointing compared to One Punch Man?

I think Mob Psycho is better, but I understand how others could think otherwise. Are you an anime-only watcher? What expectations did you have coming into MP? I think it was wrongly advertised as "OPM 2.0", which might have disappointed many people.

Mob is about being extremely gifted but not using your gift to be a big asshole. If Mob stopped being powerful, the basic theme would be lost.

Also he lost his appetite because he was still a little disgusted with himself.

I haven't read the Mob Psycho manga. As for expectations, pretty much I just thought "I liked One Punch Man, so I want to check this out too." The action and characters aren't as good imo. I don't think it's bad, but I'm underwhelmed so far. The high school setting and almost SoL-esque episodes aren't very much to my liking.

OPM character are joke characters you know. Especially early on most of them don't have much depth besides their gag and stay that way until Garou.