Does it have enough butter?

You mean bechamel right?

It has tons of fat to make up for it.

>in my Lasagne

What the fuck are you talking about?
Waste of quads.

Ottimo Fango

I dedicate this disgusting specimen of lasagna to Don Fango

It lacks in both butter and Orco

Will someone be able to kill this fucker or he'll end serving the rest of the cast on his restaurant?

>still tastes delicious even with random chunks of fat Orco

Fango is one of the most smug mother fuckers in anime history.

Béchamel sauce is made with butter. Do you even lasagna?


Avilio and Co. basically replaced a slightly insane mafia leader with a full-blown insane one.

I hope they planned out what they're going to do next after this.

Who would win, Fango or Ladd Russo? Or would they get along?


I'm pretty sure they'd go on a killing spree together before eventually turning on each other over something trivial. At that point, I think Ladd would probably win.

To survive.

Well, we've never even seen Fango fight before and he ran away from Angelo/Avilio when he just had one gun.

Meanwhile Ladd is a pro boxer and was able to snatch a guy's tommy gun, kill two of them and scare off the rest of the armed gangsters, and beat the last one to death with his fists.

I think Ladd would win one on one.

Both are batshit insane but also competitive, so I don't really see them working together.

In terms of leadership, both lead out of fear but Ladd has more charisma and is able to attract crazies to his group, but Fango is more power hungry so that'd put the two at odds.

You made this?

No, restaurant. Don't have the facilities to make lasagna in my dorm room sadly.

Dude that isn't lasagna.

That is most certainly not lasagna.

How not so?

It's got the flat wide strips of pasta, layered with the ragu and bechamel inside and with cheese on top.

I mean I'm not a lasagna or Italian food expert so tell me why this isn't lasagna.

This is lasagna.

I'm Italian.

Also, butter? The fuck?

The white stuff is not cum, like you always thought, but a sauce made with butter.




That's bechamelle, also it has very little of it. (You can use olive oil instead, it makes the bechamelle lighter)

If they wanted to survive easily, Avilio could have just gone to Orco instead of Fango and argued to him that the only reason he wanted Nero dead in the first place was because he tried to kill Fango.
But since Fango went wild and left Orco, then the original reason for wanting to kill Nero no longer exists. If Orco busted out any other reason after arguing this, that reason would have just been a bullshit pretense to want to kill Nero.

Yeah, that looks more like how my mom makes it. Butter goes in bechamel?

What I ate is the same thing on the inside, just served in a boat dish and with a slop of ragu piled on top and the nuked layer of cheese. Very nonstandard presentation even as far as my experience with the dish goes, which is more like your picture. My guess is the logic of the boat dish is they can cook individual servings or something quicker like this? Heaven knows why they can't use a rectangular dish.

I didn't go to a proper Italian restaurant because I'm broke right now. Also this is a restaurant in China so its highly unlikely that they wouldn't somehow bastardize your dish

For the record this is one of the most garbage lasagne I've ever had, but I've had to get used to absolute garbage preparation of western cuisine here. I'm not enjoying it either but it's the only western food I have access to unless I'm willing to fork over $50 a meal.

>The white stuff is not cum, like you always thought, but a sauce made with butter.
Are you telling me I have made my lasagna wrong my whole life?

First of all, that thing is swimming in fat and liquids, it doesn't even look like it was made in an oven.
Secondly, you just don't fucking use random pasta with just ragu and bechamel, what the hell son?

You use lasagne, which are sheets of pasta made with eggs and flour, not normal pasta like spaghetti, the ragu must be properly mixed with the bechamel and it must certainly not be swimming in liquids of any sort, it must be compact, the pasta layers should absorb the juices of the ragu as to make it firm and solid so that you could cut it with your knife.

Lastly, the last layer should be crusted and firm, that image you posted has the ingredients but not the preparation.

If you're a patrician you also put some strips of mozzarella di bufala inside the layers and on top to make it extra smooth and rich in flavour.

And if you're a master patrician you make your grandmother do all of that because you'll never be as good as your grandmother at doing Lasagne, this is a universal scientific law.

i like that guy

Case of desperation, all western food that isn't ten times the usual price is absolute dogshit here. I need a certain level of self delusion to be able to survive and not just end myself from compounded depression from not having had a decent meal in ages.

Has anyone posted this on /ck/? I'm pretty sure that actually talking about food there might be considered poor form though.

Then come to Italy and let me treat you user, it is heartrending to see you call that thing lasagna, and I'm probably one of the most unpatriotic assholes around, but it really breaks my heart.


use bolognese you fucking pleb
also adding ricotta with ham/spinach makes it godly

Based FUNgo.


And to think I wanted him dead in the first episode.

He'll be dead soon, he's not going to forget these guys tried to kill him. He's only keeping them around while they're useful to him