This is a Bleach Thread. I'm disgusted at all of you.
That roleplaying's the funniest shit I've read in days.
qt rangiku
Do you have a life?
Leave while you still can.
Shitposters, shipperfags, and roleplayers are coming
reminder that ichirukifags are cancer
>implying big boobs will lose over flat boobs
Gotta get those sales from virgin neet at any cost
Soon very soon
Yet Kubo hasn't had them interact in four years.
what the fuck did I just read
>implying all ichirukifags are tumblr shit
Will we ever know who penetrated Ginjou?
They are.
Too late.
this is a lot to take in
>implying they aren't
More than friends, less than lovers: Irreplaceable Nakama, so the ship makes 0 sense.
another thread another cancer
>Implying Ichiruki faggots haven't been shitting up Bleach threads for years
I just want Rukia to lose to spite you fags.
Reminder that this will be canon.
>Hyuk hyuk if one fag acts up that means the whole community is full of faggots!
Ichihimefags everyone.
>implying anybody in this thread is not
>face of IchiRuki fags after Ichihime is revealed within canon
Rangiku a shit
>More than friends, less than lovers:
Bias translation. Kubo flat out tells us that there are no romantic feelings between Ichigo and Rukia then states that "precious nakama" suits their relationship well.
Just let it die. Put us out of this misery.
Neither Ichiruki nor Ichihime makes any sense. There's nothing romantic between them. Orihime obviously loves Ichigo but that is also very one sided.
This cancer has exist in these very threads unironically. Even before the manga was announced to end.
IchiRuki Clowns on eternal suicide watch
>we will never get an anime with the canon IchiHime moment
Look at all you faggots trying to meme us. It's not working IchiHimecucks.
>me on the lower right
Four days. Keep posting.
Ichirukifags in despair
I cant take it anymore. I want off this hell ride. When are we getting spoilers?
That won't stop Kubo from making one of those canon
>post yfw Ichigo decides to settle down with Riruka
Mods just go ahead and delete the thread please
Ichirukis dying in vain
IchiHimequeers are samefagging and shitposting to hell and back. Holy shit.
The usual Monday/Tuesday for spoilers that could true or fake. We have to wait till Wednesday night for the raw.
Anyone else noticed that half of the Shinigami changed their styles back to their pre-timeskip ones?
Ichiruki jokes obliterated desu
The closest we have is the Hellverse movie. They really went all out for that.
See? SEE? This is why Orihime/IchiHimefags weren't allowed. Look at all this. In my opinion they need to get banned again and this time for good.
Yes, thought that was very weird for Kubo. Maybe he's implying that they de-evolved or maybe he got bored of short hair.
Kys, tumblr.
Yes this. Indeed, dubs of truth.
But I'm not.
IchiRuki autists begging for mercy
>disavowed by Kubo
Who /ulquihime/ here?
Please, Stop. I'm Dying
Ichiruki assblasted from getting called out
Kill the Rukiafags while you're at it too. The only fag worth keeping was the Isanefag and he got chased away by you and your insufferable ilk.
Or maybe it's linked to Yhwach's visions/dreams. When he dreamed of Ichigo things were also strange. Ichigo had his post-time skip face, but his pre-timeskip clothes. Yhwach lacked the shadows and the Almighty, but for some reason wore Zangetsu's glasses. His mustache might have been smaller too.
Better than Rukia winning.
That's not memeing my friend, you just have full fledged autism and can't comprehend that you Ruki/a/ fags have, and always will be, cancer
Do we give a shit?
He had limited options.
-Rangiku already had long and short hair so he went with medium length this time.
-Rukia had short and somewhat medium length hair so he went with long this time.
-Isane had short so he grew it out a bit.
-Momo has a more mature updo.
tumblr leave
Worth reposting
>people in here like a flat chested girl that looks like a boy
Nigga, Isanefag was an annoying shitposter. It's good thing he's gone. Faggot couldn't stand it when someone spoke ill of his waifu. We don't need him boohoohooing about the evil and mean Rukiafags. Goood riddance.
>worth reposting
Not really.
>It's good thing he's gone.
Who is that ugly bitch? Haha eww
Cry me a fucking river. Sorry, that your autism can't co-exist with ours. How about go somewhere to discuss Bleach? This isn't Sweden. We aren't going to bow to the needs of shipping immigrants.
You don't have that ability user.
>kubo disowned all IH bait ship the studio tried to do
But everybody on /a is a little girl.
Nothing is more satisfying right now than seeing ruki/a/ going full panic mode.
Orihime is tip top qt!
Your waifu looks like shit now. Her hair is fucking hideous.
There won't be anybody left then.
Fuck off. Your waifu has a shit haircut now and her tits vanished.
I love Iba as a captain but now I realize he's become too similar to that zero squad guy.
Ichiruki retards are so done.
I'm okay with that. Than the real fans can stay and shitpost how shit Kubo is.
Your tears. They sustain me.
I'm warning you IchiHimetards. The storm that's coming for you is going to be so much more than a flurry. So much more.
Rukiafags everybody.
You don't have any abilities user. You can only watch shounens and cry. The only thing you can do to improve your situation a little is to create your own battle mango/learn moon.
i miss the days when Rukia was actually relevant. as she played less and less of a role, my interest tapered off as well. i know its unlikely but Rukia is my favorite character and it would mean the world to me if Ichigo x Rukia became a thing. truly it would be a completion of a childhood fantasy of mine. please kubo, pls... ;_: