Germanic appreciation thread

After seeing one after another shill pro-asian racemixing threads, I decided to start an opposing one aiming to focus on the truly praise worthy Ubermenschen, the Germanics.

that guy is clearly jewish

> clearly

Airbags, Contact Lenses, X-ray machines, Accordions, Aspirin, Ring binders, ink erasers, hole punches, glue sticks, MP3s, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Hitman series and much more, all thanks to friendly Helmut and Helga.

Fact: If not for the swedish gentleman Gideon Sundback you would have to make to without one of the best inventions in the clothing industry, the zipper.

People here are either some really self-hating cunts, good goyim - anyway, on with the appreciation - Ultrasound is so integral to healthcare today that remembering a time when it didn’t exist is difficult. Along with German researcher Carl Hellmuth Hertz, Swedish physician Inge Edler devised the modern day electrocardiograms – a Doppler ultrasound of the heart – that are integral to monitoring cardiovascular health. This invention netted both Hertz and Edler a highly coveted Albert Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award in 1977.

ITT: rich people of the world looking backwards at shiny things
Decline just creeps up on you like that

Good ol' Germanics

Some top German car brands!


this is what germans used to look like
>dresden father
>teplice mother
>tfw racemix

In the 1800s northwest Europe (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands) the most common dog used to herd sheep and protect the homes was the so called "continental shepherd dog". These dogs all looked very similar at that time, and it was around 1890 that the three breeds (Belgian Shepherd, German Shepherd and Dutch Shepherd) went their separate ways. Of those breeds, the Dutch shepherd looks closest to the continental shepherd of that time.

Urban Search and Rescue Task Force dog works to uncover survivors at the site of the collapsed World Trade Center after the September 11, 2001 attacks

Andersen's fairy tales, of which no less than 3381 works [1] have been translated into more than 125 languages, readily accessible to children, but presenting lessons of virtue and resilience in the face of adversity for mature readers as well. Some of his most famous fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", and many others. His stories have inspired ballets, plays, and animated and live-action films. One of Copenhagen's widest and most busy boulevards is labeled "H.C. Andersens Boulevard".

t. polack

At least porsche names their cars in a beautiful language. Imagine driving the :KFDSH:IFSADUGAPISUGSFGUAFGUplatz.

Germans are known for being ugly. I don't get this thread.

Did it find the lakes of molten thermite under the rubble?

Here come the shills yelling polack and derailing the thread, but hey, you will not stop me from appreciating my neighbours, not until they feel confident enough in themselves for it to be okay to walk around with a German flag on German streets! Behold the colors.

You are the ultimate cuck.


Negative sterotypes, Germanics are European people and are full of European beauty, only kikes benefit from calling them ugly, they want to destroy any sense of happiness from being who you are.

Polish/German mutt here. Feels great to have blue eyes

God bless you Poland-user, we need more positive messages for Germany in these trying times.

What was that? Can't hear you over the glorious melody of Mozart and marching drums of Prussians! The only thing I catch over here is "divide and conquer" and "a shekel for a good goy".

Iberian here.

Some awe-inspiring Prussian uniforms!

Saved for impersonating

looks like yer takin a shit m8

Norse-jews think it's funny to shit on Germans even though they are literally the same people.




Anglo-Saxons are superior to their continental relatives in every metric. I dare you to prove me wrong


Did you know that there's a 700 years old glass making tradition in Bavaria? To this day the same family operates in their glassworking workshop!

quick rundown on the dutch

>never bowed to german imperialism
>never bowed to spanish imperialism
>never bowed to french imperialism
>remain independent to this day
>invented capitalism
>took land from the fucking sea
>built most valuable company in history

dutch germanic is BEST germanic

Why do you look fat?

and Norway is known to be pathetic weaklings with no strength that can be overrun if somebody wants to French style the height of norways warfare was when they were niggerlike Barbarians. Sucks that the times changed where a non Countries think they have anything to say

Kind of creepy to fetshize an ethnicity dude

Do you ever go up to German people and talk about their looks because their Germanic? Creep

Albrecht Dürer, Nuremberg's greatest painter, is also regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist. His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings. Some of his famous woodcuts, such as the Apocalypse series (1498) are renowed around the globe.


Thanks for the info. I am currently informing the Open Society Foundation so we can send more arabs africans and asians into these countries. We've recently received a generous donation from the benevolent George Soros.

Yes I do.

And how creepy do you consider a specific ethnicity constantly being put down for how they look, for their past, and for what they have and thoughtcrimes they commit? How often do you walk down the street and wonder "This just no right, I have to do something!"? Ah, what am I saying, shills don't do that, go support asian race mixing or something

The Dutch are nothing but Swamp Jews.

>Swamp Germans