Fascism is right wing

Fascism is right wing

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>Strong central government
>Right wing

fuckin shitskin

he is a bad example but it was the only picture i had handy at the moment

there are more authoritarian ideologies in the right wing than there are in the left. right wing does not mean small government, but usually perpetuates smaller govts than leftism because right wing nations dont need huge redistributive states like leftist nations.

Franco turned Spain into pic related.



did franco do that or did leftists do that in his wake?

The more you chase them, the more they gain strength.
The more you chase them, the more they gain strength.
examples:South America and the Iberian countries

Franco was a leftist and so all the people who supported him.
>big goverment
>no liberty
>state controlled economy
>cult of personality
>"everyone is equal"

>t. hasnt even read the doctrine of fascism and just wants to raise real fascist's attetion for looking like a poser

I am literally weeping for Spain. A once proud catholic nation who did everything it could to remove enemies of Christendom is now suffering.

Remove the "everyone is equal" part and you've got nazism.

Left-wing: Slave morality
Right-wing: Master morality


It's so clear when you understand this.

He improved when he stopped with corporatism
He improved when he stopped with corporatism.
fascism as well as communism are economically terrifying

>Left Wing

>Right Wing

Franco was a conservative christcuck, not a fascist

t. kekbergtardians not knowing that the right-wing is far more nuanced than "muh freedumz!"

Also Franco isn't a fascist. You're thinking of Primo De Rivera.

I really don't know how they have fallen so far, not one generation ago Spain was a traditionalist right-wing stronghold, now they are only a shadow of what they once were, I don't understand what happened.

Your pseudo-socialist monkey ass country is what is truly terrifying, how you can call any nation terrifying when you are a glorified warzone is astonishing.

A good point.

>fascism economically bad
ask Argentina if corporatism is good

we all know that fascism was made because "muh left and right are both bad we need a better option" but it is still right wing

Embrace it fags you know it's the way of the future

that is absolutely not true and is mentioned nowhere in the definitions of left or right

rightwing was initially defined as ones adjacency to support for the monarch you retarded faggot. these are floating signifiers and how we define them says way more about us than the signifiers themselves. they are empty words, we fill them with whatever meaning we like, you unbelievably retarded person

Did nothing wrong

false they have definitions, albeit broad they have definitions. is absolutely wrong tho. right wing values tradition and therefore nation, inequality and hierarchy aka the natural world and its truths, and left wing is about equality and "progressing" to an unnatural "equal" "future".

and i have no idea where this retard ( ) got this idea

Corruption. We bring it in the blood

Authoritarianism has nothing to do with the left-right spectrum.

>The far-right is the only right and the far-left is the only left

The left-right spectrum measures ideology, but viewed through an obfuscating lens of policy. The far-right fascists and other fraternitarians. The far left is marxists and other equitarians. The center is liberals (in the traditional sense of the word), and that's the center because it's more or less seen as the default in most prosperous nations. The far-right and center-right are both right wing because they have some overlapping policy, and the same is true for the far-left and center-left, however due to the massive ideological differences between the extreams and the center, the center-right has more in common with the center-left than it does with the far-right, and likewise the center-left has more in common with the center-right than with the far-left.

I am convinced it is a matter of purity of the blood. The more race mixing there is the weaker mens resolve will become. Sad!

Your flag is a bundle of sticks. Literally a faggot.

So? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Meurican education.
Ring wing and left came can be simplified like this.
Right wing the common good, left wing the individual good.

Imo it's the best definition as it fits all the periods.
It first started with the monarchy with the loyalist on the right of the room and the liberals on the left.
But basically it has always been the main idea behind it.


Left wing
Right wing

Fascism is beyond left and right

To call it left is cucking it
To call it right is cucking it

Also Italian/Spanish fascism>>>German fascism

Keep spamming that cherrypick, nobody cares about you, everybody here knows that the cucktalans are the cancer in Spain

It's the actually the centre, in the meaning that it is the natural state of humans represented in the state. There is not left, there is no right, just the Tribe

With a blade on it.
Edgy faggot.

am argentinian. corporatism is fucking shit. Can confirm.

This is the edgiest, most bizarre argument I've ever heard. Like the state, of all institutions, can decide what's right.

Like california. Maybe california will decide for you whats right, you twat.

it's essentially a third position. Not right-wing or left-wing per se.

It's authoritarian center. Peronism, fascism, nazism, they're all ideological brothers.


This would place communism in the right wing camp.

Primo de Rivera wouldve been a better leader, but Franco was a fascist.

Not really. Franco just stole the aesthetics after like 4 guys next to lead the party all died, then made the country some monarchist,conservative slightly fascistic country.

Franco was the equivalent of Hitler then another 3 members of the Nazi party all dying then for Rommel or something to get the leadership

im not saying there is anything wrong with it but a lot of my fellow fashy goys claim fascism is some mystical "3rd option" which they cant explain but their galaxy brains lead them to say that

>Rommel as Fuhrer
Sounds like Heaven

First of all, Franco being a fascist is debatable. He banned the phalangists after using them to gain power. He was a Nationalist and a Conservative, but not a fascist. He wasn't radical.

Second, Fascism isn't right wing. It takes elements from the right, but also from the left and the center. Just because a party holds views that are right wing doesn't mean they are right wing. The Communist Party of Greece is opposed to gay marriage and other LGBT rights, but you wouldn't call them right-wing conservatives.

Third: left-right is actually bullshit and so vague at times it doesn't even count as any form of description.

So it's not left or right, but up?
What's the difference between Communism and Fascism?

Primo was a fascist, Franco an authoritarian.

it takes absolutely zero elements from the left and the center has no ideology. i agree maybe left/right is not an accurate way to describe but I would say that if we are talking about left and right than fascism is right wing

> Franco
> Didn't promote any kind of cultural revolution
> Retards still call him Fascist

A lot, even a simple 10 minute search would show vast differences between Marxism and Fascism.

Sounds like your trying to pull a horseshoe theory here

No I just hear people saying fascism is a right wing thing all the time and that always seemed wrong too me.

It's not right wing and it's not left wing
The post here does a good job explaining it very basically.
If someone calls fascism right wing their stupid. If some calls fascism left wing their really really stupid

worker rights
Everyone attends the same schools
free healthcare if you can't pay
unemployment benefits
freedom of religion

social programs are not left wing, they only become left wing if they purposely keep successful down at the level of the nonsuccessful. and neither is freedom of religion.

>Lumping National Socialists in with Communists instead of Socialists to fit your scheme

Why do you niggers do this?

you are technically correct

fuck collectivism in every form

If we look at broadly left wing and right wing things all I said is fairly left wing

It's pretty left wing to tax people to pay for a homeless man to get cheap food and free medical care and give him a job and ensure all workers are part of a union then to give them adequate worker rights even going so far to make it hard for bosses to fire workers and then handing out subsidized tickets to operas the cinema and even cheap or free holidays around the Mediterranean in cruises etc.

Like I said earlier fascism is neither left wing nor right win. Your trying to prove it is in the right wing of politics when it is most definitely not

see for instance, just having a few social right wing policies does not make you right wing.
You can't put it into the right wing due to that reason

>But muh socialism is different!
It all comes down to the same thing: the state telling you what to do.

No, sweetie. Fascism is left wing (big gubvment) and anarchism is right wing (small gubvment).

the difference in right and left is not the physical manifestation of the policy it is the intent and sentiments. if people are taxed at the same rate and that money is used for social programs that is right wing whereas if people are taxed very progressively that is left wing. Fascism is right wing because it embraces hierarchy and class differences and tradition and culture and the nation. leftism wants to destroy every single one of those things. maybe left and right arent the most specific or perfect way to classify things but in the perspective of left vs right, there is no alternative or 3rd position and if something embraces hierarchy and class diffs and culture and the nation and embraces literally nothing left wing (social programs are nationalist), then i say it is definitively right wing

thats not even what left and right means

maybe you want to use some other scale and good for you its probably a more specific classification but if you look at politics as left vs right Fascism is right wing

right wing/left wing dont exist.

>Everything from the government, nothing without the government.

Yep. Right wing.

Wow edgy. Please tell me how you feel about the family unit. Is collectivism on that level appropriate? No? You might be a communist!

In a state with strong moral institutions they won't need to tell you what to do. Voluntary organizations will generate the social norms to which you will conform or face ostracism. You wouldn't want to violate their freedom of association would you?

>what is authoritarian vs libertarian
Classic lefty.

>From one degree of Socialism to another degree of socialism.

Totally unexpected.

Right wing wants equality and left wing wants total hierarchy (authoritarianism).


Mussolini was a Socialist leader in Italy, comrade.
So why say "right-wing"?

thats literally the opposite of reality

>Be Antifa
>Want the state to have total control over what people can say
>Assault anyone who disagrees with you
>Fall for the same propaganda techniques used for 100 years
>Be the literal definition of fascists.
>Call everyone else a fascist
>Eventually forget you're a bitch and call a white person a fascist when your friends aren't around
>get beaten so bad you lose sight in one eye
>wife's boyfriend nice enough to give you a pass on this month's rent

HRC 2024

Gee its almost as if people's political opinions can change over time huh?

Trump's policies have resulted in black employment being at a 17 year low.

Obama already denounced by black colleges and black congressmen as a "do nothing, say anything" president.

The nogs are getting jobs, learning that Democrat policies chase away employers. The nogs are getting jobs, and seeing that welfare is state slavery. The nogs are getting jobs, and they're getting very, very pissed off at democrats.

President of T. Marshall - blackest of black - went on record last month saying Trump is better for black people than Democrats ever were.

Black colleges more redpilled than white. What a fucking world.

Tell me more about how giving a job to a Malaysian slave instead of a black American promotes equality?