Why are lewd lolis so cute?

Why are lewd lolis so cute?

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You can't be simultaneously cute and lewd, it doesn't work like that.


because you're a pedophile

lolis are for hug, not for fug.

except Illya lolis

Then explain lolis.

I am a pedophile for thinking little girls trying to be lewd is cute?

Their need for mana.

>except Illya lolis
Chris has good taste.

Lolis can either act cute, act lewd, or try to act lewd but end up acting cute. They can only do one at a time.

>or try to act lewd but end up acting cute.
This one.

Kuro makes me so fucking horny.

Me on the right



You will never be Miu.

Let me pee in your butt.

Any specific qualities about her that drive you wild?

>You can't be simultaneously cute and lewd, it doesn't work like that.

That's just wrong.

You're going to hell

I don't really know, her eyes and her lewd attitude, mostly.

I need more doujins featuring her.

What about lolis trying to act cute, but end up acting lewd.

dont forget that illya lolies,are best lolies

>Patiently waiting Mods to delete this thread


Because being lewd is a good reason to punish them.

Simultaneously cute/lewd lolis have been theorized to exist by I. von Einzbern et al., however, there is a significant lack of experimental evidence.

They're too unsexy.

Why are they so perfect?

Nopan cutelewd.

Literal semen demon genetics.

Lolicubi are made to appeal to pedophiles as much as possible so they can steal their souls/semen.

But user, all lolis are lewd, but not all lolis are cute.

i don't believe in hell

Is this the supernatural loli danger awareness thread? Someone needs to do something about those monsters.

Did you try throwing edamame at them, often times loli witches and other loli monsters are just goblins in disguise.

you have that backwards.

does anybody have the "atleast i'm not RUDE" pedophile drawing.

No, I just went and stole their panties. But my carefully thought strategy backfired, as that only made them stronger.

Why would you steal them?

I do not, but I am also interested.

>Someone needs to do something about those monsters.

Be careful, they're everywhere. Don't get tricked by supernatural loli monsters.

>Not wanting to be a supernatural loli's servant.