do you guys pay for your anime? im using a basic crunchyroll account and thinking of upgrading to a paying account to make watching anime more fun, should i bother to even continue watching the ads or just go to a tracker or kissanime or something like that
Pay For Aniime???
I buy JP BDs
What if Julian died instead of Yang
I watch my anime on Youtube. 480p is god-tier.
Just kidding faggot
I buy my stuff. I preview for free online and buy hardcopy. I don't like paying for streaming when my internet is enough. Hardcopy > streaming.
On second thought; I only buy streaming to help with ratings on manga and shows I like to help keep supporting them and for data statistics. I like my stuff to succeed well in serialization.
I download everything first, then buy what I liked.
>Paying for subs like this.
No thanks.
>paying for anime in 2016
>buying anime for subs
do they have English subs?
You don't pay for your anime, you give CR money for the "I'm helping the industry" placebo. Unless you buy BDs or a ton of merch you're not really helping.
I prefer to pay for the services like crunchy roll and Hulu/netflix. Crunchyroll and funamation should meet all your anime needs at 1080p if thats all you're in for. For uncencored shit I used those low quality stream sites
Nip closed captions
Some of them do. The compiled box sets usually do. Also, BD releases of theatrical movies, like Kizumonogatari, have English subtitles.
Does Crunchyroll actually help the industry at all?
I don't want to buy BDs because I hear they don't have English subtitles so instead I just try to buy merch.
What websites usually sell and tell you if they have English subtitles?
Pretty sure they didn't back when they were trolling around as dattebayo.
I only pay for it if I really love the series or it comes in a nice box.
I don't care about their past, only about the present.
I pay for a plane ticket to Japan every week to watch my favorite shows live on TV.
>implying anime makes shit off t.v. viewers
If you're a massive normalfag who wants to watch anime with all your faggot friends then I'd pay for CR. Otherwise just torrent or XDCC it.
Well, they have to pay royalties to the studios, so yeah probably.
Wouldn't it save you money to find someone livestreaming anime and just stay home
I get almost all my animu illegally like a dirty criminal I am
I try to support the industry the best I can and buy stuff from time to time but I'm a poorfag so it doesn't really mean much. Wish I had more cash to spend on my chinese cartoons
what does CR have to do with watching anime with your friends?
Just torrent it, god what the fuck is wrong with neo-Sup Forums
Hahaha so true.
nigger you need to straight up kill yourself like legit
not even being edgy, just being real
the anime industry is in an abysmal state
buy merchandise, it makes them more money
But don't BDs in Japan cost almost as much as a figure? Also aren't BDs also merchandise?
They seperate BDs from "Goods"
0/10 b8
"Buying stuff makes you a troll"
Piss off
>implying that's what I said
I think you should consider killing yourself.
It's perfectly fine.
>buying anime
i got that crunchyroll premium, pretty decent since i refuse to pay for cable, don't really watch other shows on netflix or other services, and if i want to support the studio i buy the dvd or bluray
Sup Forums is a bunch of unemployed manchildren that can't buy anything without their parents permission, it triggers them to think that there are people that are not like them browsing the forum.
From everything I've seen they've overworked and get payed like shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if I make more money than the average animator at my shitty restaurant job
That one picture said animetors only make $9400 USD a year so you probably do
That's not going to improve from more people paying for anime. Money doesn't just trickle down out of goodness of peoples' hearts. The economic imperative forces companies to optimise, and any more profit they make isn't going to end up in the pockets of animators but it's going to be invested.
I don't pay as in a subscription service, but I do buy series that I like. Manga as well.
Hell no, all anime goods I consume are downloaded, hardcopy never
Yep but minimal, if crunchyroll are indeed paying royalties to studios. In my old days as anime newfag, crunchyroll seems to be streaming free fansubs and charging people for it, they don't seem to do actual work themselves and leech off free fansubs without giving fansubs any credits or compensation, that is why i don't like the idea of paying for such leechers