Legend of the Galactic Heroes

In August 2015, Production I.G. announced that a new LOGH project would come out in 2017 (gineiden-anime.com/). Since then, there's been zero news about it.

Is LOGH 2017 dead?

Other urls found in this thread:


The dream will never die!

>new LoGH project announced for 2017

Still 4 months left for 2017, what else do you want? If it airs Summer 2017 we don't need more news until next year

10 years later and i still cant deal with his and Yang death

Mark my words. It's either fujoshit or not financially feasible

I thought there'd be staff announcements by now if the project was still happening.

I'm not sure you can make LOGH more fujoshit than the OVAs, especially the gaidens. Maybe with Kensho Ono as Julian.

How pretty will they make Oberstein?


If it's anything like Yamato then they'll have to genderswap some characters to make it less gay. Who do you think'll be genderswapped? I bet Dusty.

Tried to get this, but no seeds. Anyone got anything? It's a tragedy that I'd have to track it down on auctions.

A few months ago they updated the website with hints that they were casting VAs. They're definitely still working on it, it's just too far off right now for any concrete announcements.

Haha, I love Takarazuka Revue. Of all things, I wonder why this series.

Has anyone been able to track down the other stage play though?

daily reminder oberstein did nothing wrong

Daily reminder that if oberstein wasn't such a useless sack he could have been the one to take the place of a certain other general and end the war early, keeping certain people alive a little longer

>I'm not sure you can make LOGH more fujoshit than the OVAs
You can. It's called the original novels.

>find out about this series
>110 OVAs long series not counting the movies and sequels/prequels







Dedicated so to speak, worth every minute.

I'm going to watch it, don't worry

I'm just wondering









NOT 10




because it is the best anime of all time? I know your mannerism though, seems a lot like


I'm pretty sure there were not much anime being produced for Television during the time that LotGH was being made.

OVAs were the only way to make anime and money.

Literally never been there since I heard only things about it.
If you said Sup Forums you would've been right though.

With that said, started downloading the 720p torrent from Nyaa.

Sup Forums is literally the reddit of this website, you have to go back.

LotGH as Shipgirls

Here is the proper order to watch the whole series if you are interested in chronological order:
Spiral Labyrinth 1-14
Silver-White Valley 1-4
The Mutineer 1-4
The Duelist 1-4
Movie: Golden Wings
The Retriever 1-4
Dreams of the Morning, Dreams of the Night 1-4
One hundred Billion Stars, One Hundred Billion Lights 1-12
3rd Battle of Tiamat 1-2
Movie: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Dishonor 1-4
Movie: Overture to a New War
OVA Series 1-110(1-2 are covered in Overture but are still worth watching)

go wild.

more like go mad

I don't like watching things in chronological order, as I prefer release order.

As such I'm going with the My Conquest is the Sea of Stars movie first, then Overture to a New War and then the OVA series.

At least that's what my research gave me.

Then I'll look into rest of it.

I would just recommend watching:

Movie: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Movie: Overture to a New War
110 OVA Series

Then watch the Gaidens Prequels, in really any order, recommend chronological though.

This is production order really.

You're welcome

Don't forget to order the finally translated English novels.

First 2 of 10 are already out, with the 3rd coming soon.

With enough sales, hopefully the rest are translated.

It's probably going to be an adaptation of the new manga in Weekly Young Jump that's running right now.
Therefore it will have the same cutesey art-style and more adventurous pacing of the manga.


Waste of time as the previews tell you which storyline is next anyway you're just going to confuse yourself.
The series is based in a novel and some episodes mostly the prequels were only animated later because budget constraints.

I liked just about all of the prequel arcs. Yang breaking out of prison with an old Imperial officer was cool, and Kirechis doing detective work and watching a man kill himself in the name of love was pretty intense. The Duelist was ok, but I dont think it deserves the hate a lot of people give it.

I find it odd how the manga started so back in the timeline though.

Kind of makes sense, but cuts out a lot of the early stuff though.

Got pics of the manga's art style?

Then explain why literally everyone recommends the movie 1 -> movie 2 -> ova series -> prequels ordering, hmm?

Because they are retarded, the subbing group even recommends order.


That looks absolutely terrible. Generic modern low budget anime tier art with simplistic shapes and giant kawaii uguu eyes.

>the subbing group even recommends
I'd like to see some source on that.

But the main story is the Movies, then the 110 OVA Series.

Most fun of the prequels is seeing the characters you are familiar with again, but before the story.

Like reading The Silmarillion, before the Hobbit or LotR; although the analogy is stretched thin.

It's by the mangaka of Hoshin Engi.
It's very stylized.
It's also a very good adaptation too.
It's an adaptation of the novels, not the anime so stop looking at it that way.

I hate the generic moeblob modern anime kawaii shit so sorry but it looks like utter fucking ass and I don't care about your shitty meme mangaka. It just looks like trash, and when it looks inferior to the old series then why should I even give a fuck seeing as they cover same material?

>Like reading The Silmarillion, before the Hobbit or LotR; although the analogy is stretched thin.
This guy gets it.
Prequels are often made after actual main series and are better experienced that way as well.
Silmarilion is a perfect example of a prequel that should be read AFTER Hobbit and LotR rather than before.

I don't hate the style, but don't immediately like it. After watching Shiki, his style interests me though.

Serves the story well, and might look better later down in production.

>adaptation of the novels

I actually didn't know how many extra characters were added into the LotGH anime, as opposed to the novels, now that they are coming out in English.

You are seriously judging an entire series because you personally don't like the art-style?
Do you realize that you sound 14 years old?
Also, they cover the same material in a different order and with a different atmosphere.
Think The Long Goodbye and The Big Lebowski.

Man I wish I hadn't watched this. I had to watch the ugly LD rips. The first episodes looked more like fucking VCR tapes than anything.
The series is excellent. Go watch the 110 OVAs and the movies, at a least. Didn't bother with the side-stories, myself.

>Do you realize that you sound 14 years old?
He already said he's from Sup Forums.

News flash, art style is important.
You could write the best book in the world, but if it looked, smelled and felt like shit in touch, then no I wouldn't read it.
For me art style is an integral part of the experience, but you're free to like your modern moeshit kawaii uguu garbage if that's your fetish. I'd rather just read the translated novels as they release rather than read that ugly looking manga.

As for Long Goodbye and Big Lebowski, that would only apply if Big Lebowski was said kawaii uguu moeshit that looked like 5 dollar budget drawing by a child. But alas, Big Lebowski actually has good cinematography.


Okay, but you don't seem to realize that just because you don't like the art-style doesn't make it shit.
It's actually very detailed and stylized. Fujimaki is very unique.
Something a mangaka has to be talented in order to do.

Also, your response to TLGxTBL comparison proves that you are actually only 14 years old.

What next, are you going to say One Piece has bad art because you don't like the art-style?

>It's actually very detailed and stylized.
Stylized? Yes, stylized like moeshit that is.
Detailed? How about no. Berserk completely shits all over this in terms of detail, for example.

The fact you resort to pitiful namecalling ad hominem and projections (HURR DURR U 14 FAGGOT) proves to me beyond all doubt that average Sup Forumsutist is a fat greasy neckbeard that only watches Slice of Life Kawaii Uguu Moeshit #4712 FOTM.

And if you really want to know, I'll be 25 in October.

And yes, One Piece does look like trash as well, but certainly better than this.
One Piece is also a shitty shonen like Naruto, Bleach and DBZ. Sorry I don't enjoy trash.

>proves to me beyond all doubt that average Sup Forumsutist is a fat greasy neckbeard that only watches Slice of Life Kawaii Uguu Moeshit #4712 FOTM
Feel free to go back to Sup Forums if you don't like it.

>got spoiled about it on Sup Forums for years.
>decide to watch it.
>great setting, story, characters.
>end up crying at the end because nothing will come close.

I wonder why HBO or Netflix hasn't picked this up for live action TV run with western actors?

Also, anyone remember THIS?


How about I don't and simply enjoy the original series and the novels once they get translated instead?
I still am not going to read your moeshit looking manga adaptation or the upcoming anime adaptation of said manga adaptation if it keeps that dreadful art style.

>I wonder why HBO or Netflix hasn't picked this up for live action TV run with western actors?
Way too expensive probably considering all the spaceship stuff in it.
And even then costume and sci-fi series generally don't sell anymore. Babylon, Stargate, Star Trek all dead.

Dane Dehaan did a AMA on Sup Forums a few years ago where he said it's a dream of his to one-day produce a TV adaptation of it. He'd want to star as Wen-Li.

Never watched this, i'm reading the new manga though.

A really rich guy, really loved the novels.

This is easily the most overrated anime of all time. When I first came to Sup Forums, I didn't hear much about it. About August 2015 I started seeing it being recommended on here. I didn't pay attention to it. Fast forward to 2016, March to be exact, and I'm seeing it being recommended left and right, and being hailed as the greatest anime of all time. Many people even went as far to say that if you didn't like LOGH, you had no taste in anime. So I started to think that I may want to watch it. I went to it's page and found that it was ranked in the top 5.

That's when I initially started watching it. June, 2016.

Now, I watched the first 7 episodes and thought to myself "Well, it's starting off a little slow, maybe it will pick up." You see, by the first episode, I was already bored. I put it on MAL On Hold list.

Then, July 2016, I decided I would give it another chance, I thought that maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind back in June, and that I really had made a mistake by putting it on hold. It turns out it was a mistake to put it on hold, I should have put it where it belonged - in dropped.

You see, it never got any less boring. In fact, it got even more and more tedious, until it at episode 20, it began to be a chore to watch it. I would actually DREAD my anime watching time, because I had to watch LOGH, the 'great anime of all time'. If I could give it a 0 for enjoyment, I would. Hell, this sounds corny, but I would give it a -10, if I could. Alas, I cannot. So I give it a 1. This is about the most boring anime ever.

Shouldn't anime be enjoyable? If an anime isn't enjoyable, hasn't it failed? In my opinion, yes, Anime should be enjoyable. In my opinion, LOGH isn't.

Everything is directly plagiarized from Star Wars. I'm surprised George Lucas didn't sue them. Imagine Star Wars, only with no light sabers, no plasma guns, and no awesomeness. Oh! And it's run by aristocrats from France. Alright, now you have Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

>Dane Dehaan
Only seen him in Chronicle and his Green Goblin

They'd call it whitewashing anyway. Can this guy even pull off a Yang in your opinion?

>trying to recreate something that is already perfect

Adapting a live action show would require triple the budget of Game of Thrones. And look how constrained their CGI is.

It just might not be your kind of thing, you can just ignore all threads if you so choose.

>LoGH plagiarized Star Wars
You're gonna need better bait than this

720p has weird video issues. 480p DVDs or bust.

What kind of video issues are you talking about considering the subbing group didn't mention any and flat out tells people not to watch their old DVD encodes and watch the 720p BD ones instead?

>when I first came to Sup Forums
>about August 2015 I started seeing it being recommended here
You need to go back from whence you came.

>spreading misinformation
Sup Forums hits a new low of sekrit klub faggotry

Not him but Star Wars is older than novels by good 6 years.

90% of LoGH takes place either in nicely furnished rooms, on the bridges of ships. The spaceships and semicircle formations can easily be full CGI.

GoT is difficult because they have to mix CGI with live action shots, this involves often times ridiculously complicated mixes of CGI and practical effects and costumes.

LoGH has a clear separation between the ships and CGI needed scenes and the drama/dialogue scenes.

I've been caught.

I would also recommend the Shana and To Love Ru BDs.

>Not him but Star Wars is older than novels by good 6 years.

>star wars the force awakens 2015
>LoGH 1988

What the fuck are you going on about?

Manime is cancerous shit

Now you're just pretending to be retarded and I don't know why you're doing that since it only makes you look like a complete imbecile.

>Of all things, I wonder why this series.

>Not him but Star Wars is older than novels by good 6 years.
It is, but you have no clue what Star Wars is about if you think LoGH is a ripoff.

Star Wars is a science fantasy space opera which focuses on themes of clear demarcations of good versus evil, the struggle of a young boy to find the truth of his past and to bring peace to the universe.

LoGH is a political intrigue period drama masquerading as a science fiction space opera, that deals with themes of moral gray areas and a clash of different systems of government and how people and their decisions sculpt the fates of entire nations and peoples.

>but you have no clue what Star Wars is about if you think LoGH is a ripoff.
I never said that, different person. Merely pointed out that SW is indeed older, whatever implications that may carry.

I'm pretty sure it's just that your autistic mind doesn't understand the concept of a "joke".

That homoerotic description kinda fits considering who he was directly inspired by.
> The outward appearance of Alexander is best represented by the statues of him which Lysippus made, and it was by this artist alone that Alexander himself thought it fit that he should be modelled. ² For those peculiarities which many of his successors and friends afterwards tried to imitate, namely, the poise of the neck, which was bent slightly to the left, and the melting glance of his eyes, this artist has accurately observed. ³ Apelles, however, in painting him as wielder of the thunder-bolt, did not reproduce his complexion, but made it too dark and swarthy. Whereas he was of a fair colour, as they say, and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly, and in his face. 4 Moreover, that a very pleasant odour exhaled from his skin and that there was a fragrance about his mouth and all his flesh, so that his garments were filled with it, this we have read in the Memoirs of Aristoxenus.

Pretending to be retarded is not a joke, it's the same as being retarded. You're retarded.

Alexander, like most greeks, was bi though.

That user never said it wasn't older.

I can imagine what anime you like...anything that has a pillow available, right?

I'm not the same user, but it was clearly a joke. Not pretending to be retarded, because that implies they believed that Star Wars TFA was the only/first star wars.

No one thinks that. The absurdity generated from that statement is called an attempt at humor, also known as a joke.

There, that should be sufficiently broken down for you. Don't take everything people type literally.

>No one thinks that.
You'd be surprised.

I'll rephrase, because you are probably right.

Few enough people think that that it should not be the assumed opinion of a person.

>multiple hulls
>not of the Triglav

don't do this.

This is the only acceptable choice

And I'll repeat.
Pretending to be retarded is not a joke, it's pretending to be retarded.

Do you know what a joke is?

>What's the difference between a boy scout and a jew?
>A boy scout comes back from his camp.

This is a joke.

Great bait, 8/10.

Again, it was clearly not pretending to be retarded. A joke is the term for some mechanism used to create humor. Absurdity can be obne such mechanism. Using a absurd statement that no rational person would assume is sincere to try and create humor is a joke.

Saying that the Star Wars series began with Star Wars 7 is an example of a joke using absurdity.

This is not a hard concept.

Another not hard to understand concept is "pretending to be retarded". It's used to deride someone who tries to back track on a sincere, stupid statement or assertion by saying "it was only a joke" or some variant.

Even more LotGH Shipgirls

Stating absurdity is the same as stating retardation and thus by extension being retarded.

You are everything that's wrong with modern "jokes".

In my day, trolling meant something.

Now it's just a bunch of monkeys throwing shit around while acting retarded and hiding under the cover of "B-B-BUT I WAS MERELY PRETENDING".

The difference in this specific case is that trolling requires an attempt at seeming sincere.

Here there was a simple, single sentence absurd statement.

Another example of an absurd statement is
>You are everything that's wrong with modern "jokes".

Absurdity as humor has been around for longer than you and everyone you know has been alive.

Again, what you can't seem to grasp is that sincerity is necessary for something to be "pretending to be retarded".

We both know that you were sincere about this and are just backpedalling harder than politicians on their pomises.
No amount of "Tis was merely a jest" will save you from your shameless display of retardation.
I'm sorry user but your retardation is terminal.


Interesting how the person trying to call out an user on shitposting is now reduced to shitposting.

Never try to watch a comedian, you'd just be wasting your money.

Jesters are for retarded plebeians such as yourself.

>Imperial ship with multiple hulls
>Not shield ships (berlin?)
how do these artists stay so uninspired with this source to draw on?



Glad you're aware of your shit taste.

this thread needs more gay

Sometimes, I charge into the enemy so hard, I fall into a trap.