Other urls found in this thread:

oh your little autism will be tickled at ep5

aaaand SAGED


Will we have our mpv circlejerk here?

I use homOSeX

>not using mpv

How do i get 60FPS with mpv?

idk ask Sup Forums

works well ootb does not require customization unless you're autistic etc


>implying she isn't going to marry Moe

Sup Forums told me that i should fuck off back to Sup Forums

they're just tsundere don't worry

desu senpai

wtf why does it say desu senpai instead of desu senpai

I dun geddit

>how to spot a summerfag: the post

If you post Maki they'll help you out.

Yeah, they're right

>applying pos-processing filters at all

Kiniro Mosaic reference?

They're both Kirara series, so no

I actually made a Maki thread and they made fun of me.

What is this? Are you implying you want yurishit or something?
kill yourself

>why does it say desu senpai instead of desu senpai
But it did say desu senpai


Now i changed the filename of the screencaps, and nobody will know about my vlc desu senpai

I'm glad they filtered it. I have no fucking idea why people parrot these shitty words around all the time like they're fun or something.


But pretty soon "desu" and "sempai" will be just as enraging

The filter has been active for months and it's not enraging because people have virtually stopped using those words.

MPC-HC here.

Seems like it desu

Suiseiseki please.

Too lazy to figure out how to make MPC-HC my default player, though. Piece of shit won't show up under my programs.

>this thread


>Piece of shit won't show up under my programs.
No problems here.

>60fps with anime
that is like eating a snickers-bar with a knife and fork, what is the point?

Explain this

MPC-HC doesn't show subs for me on screenshots


Looks like trash.


I don't know what's giving me more cancer, the FPS or the bad singing.

>or the bad singing
Fuck off, Sup Forumsermin.

The human eye cant see more than 23 FPS

Nice assumptions you dumb shitposter. If you don't think that singing is atrocious you should kill yourself.

explain what? It looks like shit
the low framerate of the animation and the high framerate of the background or moving of the character model doesn't work together.

no it's like putting a snickers bar on two pieces of bread and calling it a sandwich


Wakaba-girl took a lot of risks with its characters.

Why is Mao so shit? she ruined the whole episode.

Dumb Pinpon

Because they were popular on Tumblr and so when Sup Forums imported spicy memes from tumblr we imported their speech as well. Sup Forums hasnt made a hot new meme in decades, we simply import all our funny pics and screenshots from tumblr and/or Twitter.

Can the otaku handle a SoL main girl who regularly dates a guy?

I don't remember how Love Lab was received by the japanese otaku.

That's interpolated video, man. Can't you see how shitty it looks? They just took the normal 24/30 fps vid and had a computer make pretendsies frames.

Haven't watched it yet but looks like they date guys in the manga, not in the anime.

But they are very interested in the dick which is the same.

Not the same as dating a guy, in haremshit anime the girls are always after a dick and still the otaku eat it like fresh bread.


>7-minute episodes
What were they thinking?

How was called the "anime" version of mpv?

That it was the appropriate length for the episodes of this series.
And considering the short material, it seems they were right.
Wakaba was a good comedy series.

Better than 3 minute anime with 1.5min OPs

Try googling SVP, free version works w/ MPC

Wanted to do anal with the blue one

Christ they randomly speed up insanely fast. It's more distracting than anything else.

But what stopped you?

Years ago I thought fujos where the worst.


the want's still there


Fujos want their characters sexually active

I used to have the same problem but managed to fix it. Do you use xysubfilter by any chance?


baka mplayer

It's all because I asked Hiro to get rid of nigger twitterspeech and he did. The absolute madman.

I want to impregnate Chino

That's what you get for downloading meme subs

>someone was so in denial



wow having those buttons in the middle sure revolutionizes the anime watching experience

>using internal subtitle filter

So new Sup Forums and leddit right? How can I find one those vermins physically and kill him?

Bumping because it's important.





this is pissing me off for some reason

I actually like this better than the normal version of that ED.

You can still tell it's interpolated though.

Yurifag is mad the girl is talking about marrying a guy

Wakaba is a pure maiden, Mao was the slutty one

Yurishitters BTFO

How do you call that thing that looks like a vagina bone, but it is on the back?

Sacral dimple

No, Mao is moe

Does it have a pixiv tag?

I don't know what it is in Japanese but on boorus it's dimples_of_venus