I'm on Welfare. I can't find a job anywhere else. Jobs today require complex skills that most people can't have. In the 1950s you had to be literate and willing to do factory work, today you need a STEM degree, ivy league law degree, or nepotism to get you anywhere. In my opinion if you can't get one of those welfare is a good and moral option.
Tell Me Why Welfare is Wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you don't have a job, you fucked up somewhere along the line. I'm not paying taxes to cover for your fuck ups.
>did everything right
>on welfare
If you are able bodied, welfare is never a "good and moral plan".
You should think about your talents and make your own luck/success.
My younger son, who has a number of disabilities and is very disadvantaged, started his first business at
age 8. He went door to door to the new homes under construction and painted the house numbers in reflective road paint on the curbs so they could be seen at night by EMS. He hasn't looked back since.
I was left as a single mom with three children under 5. Wasn't part of my plan. But I did an inventory and found ways to turn my skills into a way to support myself and my children.
Not all jobs require "complex skills". Our neighbors son makes very good money pulling cable and then hired others because he had more work than he could handle. He bought his first house at age 21 with no help from mom & dad.
There's also the military/national guard option to get paid to acquire marketable skills without having to go full time active duty.
I can go on, but I think I've made my point.
>did everything right
>unemployable welfare leech
pick one, nigger
You need to be wealthy to get into the military, and I can't think of a business idea
>You need to be wealthy to get into the military
Jimmy Carter had to bribe the medical examiner to pass him on the physical.
Yeah you might be too retarded for the military. Better just keep leaching the gibs
You just think you are too good to do a job "beneath " you. But you're wrong, because you are a welfare cuck.
We don't like people who don't live a responsible and self sufficient life that promotes a healthy society.
What are you contributing to society laying out on the dole, when there's work to do?
just go join the military you faggot
You sound like a leech to me
>I'm on Welfare. I can't find a job anywhere else.
Nigger, where you live? Cameroon?
I can't get home from work everyday without passing 5 ads for help not to mention stores, restaurants, convenience stores.
Sounds like you have no skills and expect zuckerberg to make you his v.p.
Get a job, any job.
You're not doing something right.
What does it have to do with intelligence?
Only the wealthy even have a chance of that. Besides you have to shower in front of other guys.
>boomer posting
Don't you have a concert to shoot up?
Nigger tier ambition and soft faggots hands aren't going to get you anything good in life. If you don't get a job and start working your way to a successful life you deserve to life a small and unhappy life. Work for yourself or for someone else. Make something or do something, but fuck off with the pity party. We all get by. Not that many people get the help you imagine they do. That's just your narrow small minded view of reality
>only the wealthy even have a chance for that
What? All you have to do to join the military is :
1. be a citizen
2. be in good health
3. be 17-40 years old
4. have a high school diploma
5. pass a test
>tfw making 6 figures
sucks to be you, OP. hope you can live with being mediocre
What, exactly, did you do "right" ?
Because right now you're coming across as a lazy whiny douche trying to justify being lazy and a leech.
The military has long been a path of opportunity for skills and to escape poverty for many disadvantaged people. However, it involves following rules and actually having to work.
You can't be sucessful unless you're rich already
>take medical test
Yeaaaaah so easy.
Small dick, soft mind, AND a weak back? Dude , just kill yourself
Welfare is supposed to be a temporary solution, to help people who lost their jobs due to circumstances outside their sphere of influences (for example engineers and labors in the petroleum industry who lost their jobs when the oil price plummeted).
Welfare helps lessen the burden of standing with nothing left when you lose your job and you're trying to get a new job or acquire new skills needed for a one.
It's not meant to be a permanent solution. Welfare is supposed to be a tool to help you get a job, not so you can become a NEET for the rest of your life.
The problem is that the welfare governments haven't been paying attention and immigrants from other cultures exploit the system for their own gain.
What? The medical test isn't that hard - you just have to be at a basic level of fitness and health.
Not a boomer.
Boomers screwed everything up for my gen
> cant find a job
then you arent looking for one.
> jobs all require degrees and bar exams and med school etc...
sorry, all our openings for billionaire fighter pilot formula-one racer international gigolo who fucks supermodels are filled. perhaps you might be interested in opportunities involving waste disposal or food service?
>be sweden
>make 6 figures at 100,001 USD
>taxed 56% of all earnings
>only have 50k USD leftover
Sure thing bitch tits.
I knew this was a troll after your first response. You are worse than a welfare cuck, you are a shitty troll. You really can't do anything right.
That's grim. You can't be funny or interesting, and you do a shitty job of trolling as well. What CAN you do? Seriously dude. Admit a skill for anything - even just making a PB&J .
>muh boomers
Just stop. Yes, boomers did ruin a lot of things, but ultimately the burden of stopping the degeneracy and defending the homeland falls on you. Running from responsibility will get you nothing but more trouble. Hard work built this country and by G-d, hard work will save it.
It encourages people to sit on their ass and smoke weed all day on the tax money of people who actually work. What more of a reason do you need to realize it's fucked up?
Outside of STEM, you don't need a degree to get a job. All a degree is, is a certificate that you're not retarded. You can show that in so many different ways than wasting four years of your life at a university doing highschool all over again.
Write a book. Code a program. Start a business or charity. Invent something. Go abroad and make a difference. All of these achieve the same end as a $40,000 degree : showing employers you're not retarded. Except they're far less expensive, far more fulfilling, and set you apart from the horde of mindless zombies who fell for the college meme.
>six figs
Literal definition of mediocre, haha
I was born into a wealthy family, studied, never drank alcohol before, never did any drug, never got any tattoo, never did any degenerate behaviour, pornography, never been to a party, I studied a lot and followed all the rules. Maybe you should stop whining about people being on welfare and vote if you don't like it.
>Don't do the internships no one told me to do
>I'm the one who fucked up and should have to live without welfare
I'm not sure why (((you're))) blaming the ones who were lied to about getting jobs. Please enlighten me.
And be a genetically predetermined mesomorph who's naturally strong and flexible
You're a really bad troll. I know you're trolling, and you're being banned for it, not for trolling, but for failing
lemme translate for you.
OP is a 400lb lardass landwhale neckbeard with low testosterone and non-fuctional un-descended testicles
This senpai
>make 100k
>taxed 18% last year after deductions
>only paid like 3k in medical last year after being injured a bunch
>write a book
I'm not officially literate. I can barely write beyond a Sup Forums post
Don't know how
>invest something
Cant, not a 170IQ genius
Also uni is not a meme. My dad is really really stupid but his Yale degree got him into some of the highest offices of corporations.
kill all the niggers and white trash problem solved
No, you retard. You just need to be in decent shape - not even good shape, just decent- and they'll take you. "Muh genetics" are just a weak excuse for weak people to feel better about themselves.
You don't need a STEM, go to a trade school, doesn't have to be big and expensive.
I don't know where you live, but there are three rules you need to follow to not fuck up. 1) complete highschool 2) don't have a kid before you're married 3) get a job
>six figs are mediocre
are you trolling or just mentally retarded
>im unable to generate my own value
>t. reeeeee
so long as youre a fucking NEET, you should read pic.related
Op is nothing but excuses.
What a fucking failure.
every suggestion is met with, yea but.
A Nigger with a silly hat has 10 times the charisma a Kekistani does.
A Chinese dog penis chef has better taste than a Kekistani
A Jew at a Payday Loan has more empathy than a Kekistani
The Kekistani has small bruised heart like a rotten apple. Worms would eat around his corpse. The only meaningful relationship a Kekistani has is with his athletes foot
I’m fine with welfare existing for temporary assistance to get people though a bind, but fuck the welfare dependency our society has.
We have too much fucking chaff and it’s holding society back.
Oh i didn't know that being in descend shape will magically reshape my bone structures!!!!
I was thinking law school but don't you need to get into a descent one to make it count?
Nice meme, but MUH EXERCISE won't change bone structure.
destroys families brotha. Woman wont marry you if she can marry the state, resulting in your state turning into dog shitistan.
>Diet Coke.
You only have to be flexible if you want Submarine Pay.
I will ignore the easy bait of just shitting on you relentlessly and ask what you think of skilled trades? I work in construction management and our trades (union, which is its own snake pit that I won't dive into unless you'd like to hear more) start at about $25 and hour and get up to $60 with some experience, and that number skyrockets with OT and weekend work. Sometimes when work gets really hectic and I'm stressed after hours I envy them. Clock in, clock out, honest days work that invigorates the body, and no stress to take home. Ever think of it?
OP cant fit through the doors of a trade school and gets winded just thinking about walking to his own toilet.
join a union, i was making 21/h plus health benefits as a laborer. no degree required
im currently doing factory work too, still no degree. just keep looking, welfare is a trap
>bone structure meme
How do you think you know ANYTHING about biology when you can't even write more than two or three sentences at a time you fucking autist? Now go back to and whine about how Stacy won't fuck you.
To all you cucks saying "join the military" - thats actually what a lot of welfare leeches do.
Niggers, sluts and malingerers of all sorts join under some POG mos like cook, get injured or complain about mental health problems, then get medically discharged and live VA disability compensation for life, and we are talking thousands of dollars a month tax free in most cases plus free medical. Hundreds of thousands of people do this, including non-citizens.
The military is the biggest welfare scam there is.
Because my doctor told me due to my clubbed feet which he said was a bone structure thing I will never be accepted in the army. Why do YOU think you know more about biology than a doctor?
Cant do that though
>skilled trades
Alright, shit trolling
You have to be able to touch your toes for basic training.
Why is it someone else's job to tell you to do internships? It's your job to make every choice in your life. Time to grow up son.
Also, why is it my problem that you're a sucker that fell for the jobs meme.
Go get a job doing construction. It's busy as fuck right now. Contractors will train and hire you they need good men.
at least it would get OP off his morbidly obese NEET ass
I will save your lardass before you even get an idea of telling how you cannot fucking gym. So fucking do pic rel for 3-4 months. Maintain healthy diet and if you are morbidly overweight, eat at a deficit
>inb4 what is a caloric deficit
Fucking less than now if you can already tell you wouldn't pass the test. Start at 2000kcal/day and then cut 100 a day up until the point you get to 1500kcal/day. And it will take you more than 5 days, because I cannot imagine you going into strict diet just like that. Keep the proteins and fats in your diet, throw out the carbs, so no crisps, sodas, candies, chocolate for you.
>can't touch his toes
Can't see them either, huh?
I've been working at creating my own media business for a few years now. Some things take time and patience and endurance. I wanted some extra holiday cash last year so I applied for a temporary warehouse/retail job, went in the next day I bperson to follow up and immediately got the job. You need to go get stuff and not expect it to fall into your lap. I'm still a broke joke but feeling sorry for yourself and accepting mediocrity will get you nowhere.
I honestly can't believe you are an actual human man. This is a trite and lazy caricature of a cuck you are pretending to be as a ruse.
A real man who feels and thinks like you would castrate themselves and jump from a rooftop if they ever found the thoughts you pretend to have in their head. They would curse the heavens and their father, and smash their testicles with a hammer. Setting a sofa on fire and laying down on it is the only answer.
to what mysterious debilitating "bone structure" are you referring?
osteo imperfecta? (google it faggot)
being a lardass isnt a birth defect, it is a direct result of your inability to put down the fucking spoon.
unless you have actual physical handicaps or crippling sports injuries the military will take you in and sweat that blubber off your "bone structure"
i would have given my left nut to join up, but i actually am crippled thanks to football.
they wont take a 20 year old with an artificial knee, so unless your problem is a real diagnosable condition, youre just making excuses and you disgust me
>welfare is a trap
It literally is.
The amount of red tape and hoops you have to jump through to get it is amazing.
Welfare recipients aren't lazy if they're that determined to go through it.
But too lazy to work 8 hours a day.
And once you're in the "system" the powers that be want it that way. It justifies their huge salaries and job status.
>Give a millionaire 600 dollars more every month...
>and you wont change their spending habits.
>Give a nigger 600 dollars a month
>and they'll spend 700$ at Walmart or on the CIA's black market cocaine
Welfare isn't meant to help anyone... Its a round about way for the very, very rich to extract money from the somewhat rich.
Ever wonder why the economy always goes up when liberals are in power? It's because of their welfare engines. The problem is that, though the GDP increases, the average citizens lifestyle gets worse.
So you want me, someone who is underweight, to stop eating? Yeah sure
You're a very very bad troll. I know you don't really believe what you're saying
My doc said I can't join, and besides I would never, you have to shower in front of other guys and sometimes poop in front of others apparently. I can't even change in the public changerooms or pee in the urinal how will i shower in front of others?
It's for emergencies not a lifelong dependency.
Nibba Food stamps/snap isn't that bad. My main part time job closed so I was on food stamps for 3 months until I had a regular income again.
> You need to be wealthy to get into the military, and I can't think of a business idea
Wow, you really are a retard. I guess you qualify for disability then.
Well i only use it for things i need to survive
>I can't even change in the public changerooms or pee in the urinal
seek help for your obvious mental disorder
>started his first bussiness at age 8
wow,this is so brave and deep.
you sure are the best mom ever,you go girl. love ya
you're thinking of unemployment insuracne
>lazy as fuck
Sounds like you need trade school. Learn how to be an LVN licenced vocational nurse. They pay $25 hr.
ive never heard of unemployment insurance, but you can draw unemployment normally when your between jobs and it eventually runs out
So not wanting to get naked in front of men is a mental disorder? LOL
You're a fucking idiot stop making excuses anybody can join the military the only way they'll deny you is if you're mentally retarded or a tranny so yeah I guess you can't join the military then.
>Why is it someone else's job to tell you to do internships? It's your job to make every choice in your life. Time to grow up son.
Teenagers are very impressionable. If you tell them that STEM degree = success but don't mention internships, then you shouldn't be surprised when you have young adults with STEM degrees and no internships. At the end of the day you're right about those young adults being responsible for getting an education that is useless for getting a job. We agree on that.
However, that young adult now becomes jaded. Society has lied to him. Employment itself becomes something to be avoided as all past experiences via applying ave been shitty. You now have a tremendous portion of the workforce opting out of working altogether, the labor nonparticipation rate.
As for me, I got a job as a Python developer after living at home with my parents for 5 years without an income. I still haven't forgiven American society for lying to me about getting a job with my degree, which is probably why I have a Thai wife and shit all over Christianity at every single opportunity.
>hardest worker ever
>being nurse
ITT: society is collapsing and all the rats bite each other's ears.
The Military Leach - Born a fatherless nigger, raised by grandparents, failed out of school, raised by the justice system, develops into an adult on a stateside base , retired into civilian life on disability, hired into a Post Office, retired from there, and after blasting yellow chunky loads in a casino parking lot prostitute, the cycle begins again.
Unfortunately OP can't even aspire to that level of elevated existence.
He is probably the product of a watery load that ran down the crack of a 42 year old waitresses ass crack after she couldn't afford to stay on the pill.
You try joining, you would be rejected
I knew a kid like you. His name was Robbie, born with a silver fucking spoon, he seemed to have trouble like you with basic as shit, parents are rich and got fired from petsmart. They are disappointed in him and basically, you might have a mental disorder...
It is wrong in heterogeneous societies and when society encourages it encourages laziness.
You dumb motherfucker have to move around your body. I have seen amputees doing pull-ups with one hand. Focus on training or else you will be a liability until the end of your sorry life. First to your parents, then to the state and believe me, boy, state doesn't give a fuck about you, so they will probably let you die. Do this for yourself and fucking fight. Geeez and I thought estrogen from plastic bottles was a meme...
>muh welfare IS a job
>i can't find a job
You're not looking hard enough. Mancan, faggot. mancan.com
You're trolling, it's the definition of "upper middle class"
hear that fellas, you have to have marketable skills to get a job. That's so like unfair I want to make money for showing up and putting in minim effort hitting on the girls because im special. don't blame companies, not their fault the market is flooded with potential
I do though. The only reason people like you live is because better people don't want to throw away their life to bring you justice. If there were no consequences, your own family would kill you I'm shame.
I do have autism and a few learning disabilities but im not retarded like down syndrome
It's a bone structure issue
LOL i don't talk to girls
Pick a subject that interests you. find out how other people are making money from said subject, use the internet connection we both know you have to learn the skills required to compete with these people. APPLY DEDICATION. BE BETTER.
Or you can sulk about not being able to get free money anymore because holy shit what a life that will give you.
Why not be funny? Or at least just lurk in an amusing thread? Good threads die so self indulgent cucks like you can larp being worth talking to or about
In a first world country, if someone is on welfare, chances are that when they were in high school, they didn't:
>pay attention
>do homework
>study for tests
>play sports
>do after school activities (chess or math club)
>play an instrument
>stay out of trouble
Of course, as adults, they want us to think it's someone else's fault (white males), but when they look in the mirror, they know who to really blame.
I do get free money though. Stop sulking that you pay taxes
Unless you will provide me with your diagnosis written in paper. I won't accept your silly nagging. My bet is that somehow life broke you and now you think you are just useless piece of shit, that won't amount to anything. If you will keep thinking like this it will become self-fulfilling prophecy. So give me your fucking diagnosis or else I will dedicate my life to find you and fix you, even if it means breaking you few more times. Man up.
My parents didn't allow me to leave the house so everyday I
>paid attention in class because i actually enjoyed it
>Read science books for fun
>read keynes for fun
>was on a sports team, although icould have done more
>never got in trouble once
I still don't get how i could have done anything differently to succeed.
Because you know you could be doing more and making money for things like a car, your own place, or a cute girl.
>I can't find a job anywhere else. Jobs today require complex skills that most people can't have.
Jobs tomorrow require that, and that's a bridge we'll have to cross when we come to it.
For now? The service industry still exists. Being able to pass a piss test puts you ahead of the Walmart employment game. Your biggest obstacle is that some places have nepotistic retards who want to shelter employees who come in blazed from actual workers, while others have a certain "aesthetic" they're looking for (I've never seen anyone but hipsters working at Target for instance).
I only get paid $13,000 in my college job and somehow the US federal government believes I have obligation to pay quitters like you a living. This is why I hate welfare.
>being this insecure about his sexuality
how many homosex fantasies do you have daily user? be honest
>hardest worker ever
>doesn't even know how to write after a full education at some rich-kid school
>this entire fucking post