Femanon here. I've been told online I look cute (pic related) but the only people who approached me are white dudes.
Should I reject them and wait to breed with an Asian male or are you guys ok with Asian females with with boyfriends?
Femanon here. I've been told online I look cute (pic related) but the only people who approached me are white dudes.
Should I reject them and wait to breed with an Asian male or are you guys ok with Asian females with with boyfriends?
Other urls found in this thread:
Race mixing is always wrong.
I.e. low quality
tits or gtfo
You must show your tits sorry
Femanon here, prepare to get no serious responses and plenty of "tits or gtfo" posts
I'm okay with you taking your blog somewhere else.
Also, I can't fap to this.
Really? I assumed since the place was a saucage fest they would be a bit more welcoming. Or interested at least...
Have you been here for a while? I usually only hang on /soc/ but I consider myself 'redpilled' if it means anything.
Respect for being "redpilled" I guess, depending on which redpill you are claiming to have ingested. Aren't you asians supposed to be smart though?
You look like a jihadi to me
Birds of a feather should flock together.
>black mask
Holy shit, an actual NINJA on Sup Forums!
Jokes aside, this Find a good asian dude, altough i suspect you might be a man yourself, lokking by that flat chest
Yeah, guys here get really pissed most of the time. I get it though because a lot of girls come on here and try to use it as a tool to be noticed when their gender has nothing to do with the conversation.
I've been here for a lot longer than I'd like to admit, like 10 years. I just keep coming back because it's one of the few places you can really be yourself and talk about shit nobody else wants to touch.
> depending on which redpill you are claiming to have ingested
I'm very woke on the state of the world.
Also I couldn't vote back then but if I could I would have voted Trump
breed with whatever your ethnic group is. serve your people.
>Should I reject them and wait to breed with an Asian male or are you guys ok with Asian females with with boyfriends?
no, those men don't want you for you, or even your actual looks, hell they might not know if you're actually cute (they know no difference)
they just want you because you're Asian, you could be fat and ugly and they'd still go after you because you're Asian
Yes it is fine to date a white person. Interracial relationships can work, but there are problems that come with it. I just do not like interracial relationships when they become a sweeping societal trend with hidden or not so hidden agendas.
Fuck I need a girlfriend. Got to start scouting for a match.
Why the mask?
You all look the same. No one on here will know who the fuck you are.
If i can pontificate a bit, for your edification, one of the rules of the Internet is "there are no girls on the internet". This rule does not mean what you think it means.
In real life, people like you for being a girl. They want to fuck you, so they pay attention to you and they pretend what you have to say is interesting, or that you are smart or clever. On the internet, we don't have the chance to fuck you. This means the advantage of being a "girl" does not exist. You don't get a bonus to conversation just because i'd like to put my cock in you.
When you make a post like, "hurr, durr, I'm a girl" you are begging for attention. The only reason to post it is because you want your girl-advantage back, because you are too vapid and too stupid to do or say anything interesting without it. You are forgetting the rules, there are no girls on the internet.
The one exception to this rule, the one way you can get your "girlness" back on the internet, is to post your tits. This is, and should be, degrading for you, an admission that the only interesting thing about you is your naked body.
tl;dr: tits or GET THE FUCK OUT.
Why do you look like a guy?
This user gets it.
Come on mods where is the ban chop chop
I'm not getting any real attention in real life user. You sound bitter but you're probably having it easier than me believe me.
What do you get at /soc/ other than tits/GTFO's?
Do you consider yourself attractive? I feel like I ended up here because of my low sense of self worth somehow. Not sure exactly how to explain it but it definitively played a part in me starting to post on Sup Forums in the first place.
>you sound bitter
Just fuck off back to /soc/ PLEASE, (((redpilled))) retard.
This girl is woke af.
>the only people who approached me are white dudes
>I'm not getting any real attention in real life user
pick one
also tit/GTFO
send bobs and timstomp
>femanon here
Chatting and webcam convos. No one really tells me to show my tits.
I think they all figure I don't have much to show in the first place (mosquito bites)
Fuck of chink.
And to answer your question stay away from white people and move back to China.
I-ill give you attention
Well, if I'm honest I used to be a fatty and had terrible self esteem. I lost around 100 pounds, started taking better care of myself and I turn heads regularly now - I've even done a bit of professional modeling. My self confidence is much higher than when I was younger, and I have a loving, attractive redpilled boyfriend. You have to remember though, looks really aren't everything despite what some lonely neckbeards might tell you. You are cute and you seem intelligent, keep doing you and you'll find someone you click with.
user I have spoken with a woman who was complaining about ''feeling invisible'' because the one guy she liked ignored her. Never mind the fact she had 50 people tryharding to date her.
Where's the tits?
Tits or gtfo
Tits or gtfo.
Ching chon ring Wong for you non asians that means tits or gtfo
Post your tits or gtfo fucking roasties
I went there for a while, found out I’m a 5-7/10, my eyes are nice, and I can become a solid 8 if I get really in shape. How can you enjoy it for longer than a week though? Do you just like the attention?
Also to get you to stop considering going interracial, imagine going to his family gatherings and being surrounded by white people, imagine having to introduce him to your family. Imagine getting married and looking down and seeing his family and having to pretend they are your family too. That’s what always keeps me from becoming a race traitor.
rice mixing is pretty good tho
You can be my friend if you want. Do you have a discord?
Thanks. Glad I could find someone else in a somewhat similar situation.
playing the victim is in their nature
Show lady penis
How do you mean? I mean, white rice is good, and Spanish rice is good, but I can’t imagine you’d gain anything from mixing them. I’d say rice mixing is pointless, race mixing is as well.
Why the low self worth? What gives?
>Do you just like the attention?
Not getting much attention there. I haven't been here for a while and before that I was lurking on Sup Forums.
I'm ugly and I have no BF
I believe it
You get in the habit of talking badly about yourself and holding yourself to a high standard as a kid, and it never goes away.
Maybe you were the smart kid, and your family praised you, so when you grew up a bit and didn’t meet your own expectations, you resented yourself for it.
Maybe your step parent always treated you like shit, so you learned to treat yourself like shit so when they do it it doesn’t feel that bad, because you’d already said worse.
It’s just a habit you get into and is very hard to break.
>Defining self worth based on looks and current relationship status
Only go for Asian guys if you're already a racemix then feel free to go with your other half
subhuman gook
Understood. Still though you might have a skewed view of your looks. What do you want out of life? What are your values?
Having no BF is infinitely better than having someone who isn't right for you. Don't force it - get out once in a while, do things you enjoy and maybe you'll meet someone with similar interests/goals. As for being ugly, let's be honest most Asians are hella cute and confidence goes a long way.
I am with the FBI, Federal Boobie Inspector, I need tits or gtfo.
OP needs to fuck off straight to /soc/
>not getting much attention there
Try posting your pic in several rare threads, then being skipped by the rest of the thread. I’ve had my picture in the middle of a 300+ reply thread without a single (you). That’s how boring I am.
At least you’re cute. Do you speak Ching Chong? Would you considering going back?
God damn I love Asians ,look at them cutie eyes .
Makes me cock rock hard
Understood. Been there as well! What makes you happy?
She's lying to you you're just another ugly girl who will never be in a real relationship
I am a white boy who's got yellow fever bad. I think Asian women are the most attractive of the rainbow.
Used to think I was happy when I made others laugh, but for years now that hasn’t worked. I suppose I’m looking for something new to make me happy.
Nice bait but nah friendo
>Fuck I need a girlfriend
Connect the fucking dots, faggot.
fuck off to /soc/
find gookfriend. thx for coming to us though
Its true your both sad hags
wtf? why do you look to a racist image board for approval?
Also, reported. Not current events, politics, or anything politically incorrect.
op is u a ninja?
your vagenie has no power here, begone harlot, every Sup Forums user is a master of bringing satisfaction to a woman , we are oversexed over loved, and only accept the highest quality vadge anyway, who flung dungs need not apply
Well for whatever it's worth, fuck whoever you want, and if that's all you want from them don't be surprised if they end up fucking you.
Now either publicly name the jew, jailbait some journalist, or give me some good habbening LARP, or GTFO and leave your mozzie bites on the way.
P.S welcome to Sup Forums.
WHERE ARE YOUR TITS? You can have no opinion on the internet once you state that you are a female. You have basically told all of pol that you are special because you have a pussy and tits. And the ONLY way to make yourself useful in this world is to post your tits in this thread.
until then, tits or gtfo
I feel like I'm at the bottom of the genetic ladder. How is this not a big deal?
I want a long term relationship with a nice boyfriend that takes care of me. And maybe a family altho I hate kids.
I want to make my parents proud too (conservative Asian couple)
I'm really starting to crave for intimacy. I'm increasingly depressed and it sometimes keeps me up at night. My biggest fear is that I eventually settle for an ugly dork and pretty much go nowhere in life.
>fuck whoever you want
Surprise surprise.
>"hurr durrr we're girlllz - notice us, pay attention to us b/c we're GIRLLLLZ!!!"
tits or get the fuck out
damn leafs, is there any white people left in Canada anymore
I get it. All I can say is don't expect a lot of serious or kind responses here. To be fair, it's politics board.
Why do you give a fuck what we think? If you want to fuck white boys like me go right ahead
>I want to make my parents proud
How do old chinks feel about race mixing. I understand this sentiment, but I don’t think dating a white guy will make them proud, unless it’s like seen as an achievement to bag a whitey like it is in black society.
Asian male here. Your eyes are cute, but your haircut make you look like a boy desu.
Vancouver is very Asian indeed.
Why are you hiding your face? Is your mouth fucked up or something. Also what the fuck is with your bowl cut? Post your face so we can recommend you a better haircut and tell you to get your boyish asian ass to the gym.
I come here specifically so I don't have to sound like a verbose Reddit douche. Cut me some slack you hairy more twat. Yes I am connecting them just commiserating. Geez.
These bitches need to GTFO my male safe-space.
Then go back to China, you'll be a 10 there. Sage.
In all seriousness, I've banged a lot of Asian chicks. You all have some weird mental defect that gives you low self worth which usually results in you turning into nymphos and fucking any white guy who says hello to you. But what's funny is on the economic ladder, you as an Asian chick have the most worth on the sexual economics ladder. Every white guy wants to tap an Asian chick more than any other.
>said the faggot who will never spread his genes anyway.
Holy shit Canada is like fucking catnip for ah nips.
I'm gonna to Canada to get my cock sucked be mighty Asians
Please fuck off back to /soc/. Your whimperings aren't of a political nature. The rest of you faggots help keep this board clean. Sage and report nonsense like this.
You'll only get bottom of the barrel white dudes. If you're fine with that then go ahead.
Well you sound level headed and perfectly capable of making your family proud. I think the stuff your feeling is universal, you just have an (from what I can gather) an eccentric way of doing things! That is awesome. Hey what are your beliefs? What kind of stuff you like to do?
>I feel like I'm at the bottom of the genetic ladder. How is this not a big deal?
Because we don't care about fucking feelings in here. The only ones who (pretend to) do are equally fucked up as you and I reckon you don't -really- want their advice. See a therapist or lurk here until you wake the fuck up and stop getting obsessed over bullshit like bfs or muh looks.
almost everything between the cities desu
>Cut me some slack you hairy more twat