I'm pretty sure it was bullshit to begin with, probably some attempt by a Swedcuck to Islam-ize history.
'Allah' not inscribed on Viking gear
Other urls found in this thread:
The only reason most vikangs didnt convert to islam was because they liked a drink, actually, thats why the russians didnt either, alcohol is the defender of western civilization
so is bacon
Remember islam has only existed for 1400 years. So the term allah is a recent addition to history. The viking stuff predates that.
So of course there was never a connection. Only an idiot or virtue signaller with an agenda would pretend otherwise.
Allah was even a word for Arab Christians (which all of Israel's wars have been killing) - it's funny if you look at every place where Jews operate and destroy society, it's to kill and exterminate Christians.
Wow, The Independent is actually correcting their propaganda from the other week about how multicultural vikings were. Turns out the claims were totally baseless.
>Medieval Islamic art and archaeology professor Stephennie Mulder disputes the findings, saying the inscription has 'no Arabic at all
>Stephennie Mulder, a professor from the University of Texas in Austin
>claims Kufic script did not occur until 500 years after the Viking age.
>even if Kufic script did exist, the inscription embroidered into the textile still does not mean anything in Arabic.
>Instead the drawing says للله ‘lllah’, which basically makes no sense in Arabic.
> Prof Mulder claims the evidence of Islamic influence presented by Ms Larsson is based on "conjecture" and "supposition" rather than "proof".
Read the whole article, the Expert totally BTFO's the historical revisionists on this one boys.
All christians believe in Allah : ^)
>the viking stuff predates that
what, no it doesn't. the viking age started around 800ad while muhammad died in 632ad
but still, that original claim was bullshit. the lady had to add shit to a pattern AND look at its reflection in a mirror before it looked like it said "allah". not only that, but it was done in a style that wasn't used for something like 500 years after the garment was made
for comparison, that'd be like if we found some scribblings in north america from 1000ad that looked like they could have possibly been part of a word written in fraktur
the damage has already been done in public perception
Only to the retards who believed it. "oh look a viking who raped, pillaged, stole has a muslim ring!!! All Vikings are muslim!!!"
Lol at all the coward academics who stand behind an islamic art professor to confirm the truth for them without racism hysteria
In Viking times, lying like this would mean beheading.
So....televised when?
I remember they claimed every dissenting opinion regarding this was "exclusively from xenophobes".
Fucking Swedes shitting on our collective history.
fuck off you nigger
the poster says "all christians believe in allah, just how all muslims believe in god"
why are you trying to stirr up hate between humans and muslims
"Allah" is just Arabic for "God" and is used by Arabic speaking Christians so yes
Of course it wasn't, their heaven is called, VALHALLA
And some idiot v ALHA lla
And because they were so stupid they spread it and because people are so stupid they continued to spread it.
but millions will keep the meme alive as planned.
>Following a recent surge in excavations aimed at construction that are occurring all over Sweden, the museum excavators are instructed to recycle unearthed iron elements into scrap metal following the pretext that “it would take too much resources to process, identify and store them.” The findings are usually quickly disposed of in order to make way for construction machines and building workers.
>This was kept secret until this week’s declarations by Johan Runer, archaeologist at the said museum. He tried to raise the alarm before but only met indifference from the Liberal Swedish Media. According to Runer, this has been going on since at least 2016 as he recalls the example of an entire human settlement from the Bronze and Iron Age that discretely got levelled to allow road works for Sweden’s E6 motorway to progress. We do not know so far if this practice only incriminates this museum or is part of a greater scale.
>Following a recent surge in excavations aimed at construction that are occurring all over Sweden, the museum excavators are instructed to recycle unearthed iron elements into scrap metal following the pretext that “it would take too much resources to process, identify and store them.”
are you fucking kidding me. Every western nation is cucked, but Sweden sometimes is a level above the rest.
so, bacon flavored / infused vodka is the answer? cool! I'll start making molotovs with bacon grease and vodka then! thanks for the suggestion. ;)
No shit
People went viking long before the viking age, mainly to the east. The viking age was when they became a major power in europe.
I just imagined some muzzie proselytizing to a group of vikings
>praise god all day every day
ok that's cool I like that
>male dominated society
yeah I like that
>usury is bad
agreed, this guy's making alot of sense
>alcohol is forbidden
GTFO CAMELNIGGER TAKE YOUR FAGGOT GOD WITH YOU *sips mead from skull of fallen enemy*
Post yfw you discover the truth is no more relevant.
Welcome to the perfect world.
It wastes less vodka
are swedish men getting pissed or do they really not care about any of this? wtf is happening over there? im not even trying to troll or be a dick but i never see any pissed off swedes posting.
Yeah swedes are always trying to claim it's not really all that bad there or outright defending it. You never get the vitriol you get from other countries when this shit happens.
Finland is kind of the same way turning everything into a joke, but it's not as bad there.
wow, its almost like leftist will drag historical shit out of their ass just so they can justify their insanity in the present day.
What a surprise.
they wouldn't be listening in the first place, they would have seen arabs as sand rats. There's no way vikings would respect people who were physically puny in comparison to them
The Smithsonian has been doing the same thing for ages.
>you can't eat pork
>splits skull with skeggox
seriously man. even leafs and aussies get pissed sometimes for fuck's sake
It actually wouldn't be weird for them to have something like that. The vikings sailed pretty far down some rivers. They had contact with people in central asia. Could have simply bought something from them, or stolen it, since they're vikings.
>the lady had to add shit to a pattern AND look at its reflection in a mirror before it looked like it said "allah"
was she ((( )))
I dont have the sause but i read a thing about viking/mudman interaction and the only negative thing i could find was a first hand account from a viking speaking to a trader about how disgusted he was that muslims buried their dead instead of burning them
It's almost harvesting season, user. Have patience.
Center-right people who support trump view him as a civic nationalist who's going to bring back jobs, and ensure that we look after our workers etc. Far left people think he's the second coming of hitler. They can't both be right, but they ARE both talking about the same person. Same thing applies to Christians and Muslims, except obviously both groups view God as being good.
Imagine what it must have been like for people who depended on pork for some significant portion of their sustenance when some guy came along said "lol just stop eating that bro its haram just eat grape leaves instead", meanwhile they're not even sure they have enough food preserved to make it through another winter
Even if Allah WAS written on the viking's clothing (it wasn't), how does that make them a muslim?
Maybe it's just spoils of war.
If this is true it sounds like the swedish researchers did not even try to verify that the cloth said Allah, they just wanted to tie Vikings to Islam.
this is a very plebbit post
(((They))) have literally inserted themselves to subvert history a la Ministry of Truth.
Christianity had to ditch a lot of the rules around pork before they got anywhere in northern Europe. Seeing how autistic islam is about pork i don't think it would have gotten very far here back then.
But there would obviously have been traders that learned a little bit of everything and then adopted some of the local customs wherever he conducted his business. But that doesn't automatically make some one a muslim, or anything else for that matter.
annika larsson was the person i think, and no, shes even worse
Yeah even the split made between the Muslim kings in Spain versus their counterparts in North Africa was Haram enough to get them slaughtered upon learning of their degeneracy. I can't imagine the difference in practices if the religion got so far North.
>was she ((( )))
All Jews are traitors but not all traitors are Jews.
Even if it had said Allah, who cares. The norsemen traded with the Muslims, killed Muslims, and fought with everyone. Of course they would have relics.
but he writted it in sand
>I'm pretty sure it was bullshit to begin with
And speaking of liberal bullshit...
Still a fake news site
Remember when they published this?
Its really easy for modern people to be selective in their diet and choose to be vegan or halal or whatever but ancient people had to eat what was available. I don't think they had the luxury of choosing not to utilize any given food source. A vegan who hasn't eaten for 7 days is going to happily eat a boiled rat garnished with fried roaches. Instinct will take over at some point and trump any silly ideological diet.
Most of East St Louis niggerville is built on top of ancient Cahokia Mound sites. They still build in the area but they now allow archeologists in ahead of the bulldozers. Sometimes.
If you just watch old Time Team episodes you become aware that Vikings got around and did trade with the middle east and everywhere else so finding Vikings with artifacts from all over the world isn't special even to layman let alone archaeologists. Antiquarians always made up all sorts of shit and now its progressive antiquarians making up shit. Its a field where there aren't going to be shocking mysteries and what is found will probably reinforce stereotypes and they just hate it.
This is some SJW with a bag o weed and an Islam fetish trying to rewrite history again. Its the same type of people who 20 years ago tried to paint Vikings as cosmopolitan people with progressive principles and midget warriors and super advanced social culture purely off of maybe 5 total unproven implications and ignoring the vast amount of historical havoc and barbarism they dig up every day. Nope, to modern archaeologists we are one viking dig away from Queen Red Sonya and her army of Islamic BBCs conquering Europe like some shitty Heavy Metal comic from the 70s. All to be different and special dirt digging snowflakes.
His name was literally Hussain
So he was probably from Stockholm
>mfw Swedish Minister of Culture
Except that's not true; Arabs used to worship a pantheon of gods, and Allah was the moon god. Muhammed chose him for his new religion he heavily plagiarized from Christianity and Judaism because he was the most widely worshipped god amongst the people he was recruiting.
Yep, vegan today can eat special snowflake food from all over the world. If 90% of what you ate had to come from a 50 mile radius of yourself it would be very hard to be a vegan, at least if you live even a little bit north.
I guess you could eat mutton, fish and wild game if you wanted to be halal though. But i doubt any one would want to ditch pork for that, pork is fat and delicious and its exactly what you want to eat in the winter. It would also be the food at social gathering, which would be the high point of the coldest and darkest part of the year.
>to allow road works for Sweden’s E6 motorway to progress
This is why they keep pushing degenerate agendas, not because they believe in them, but because they don't want the public to pay attention to what REALLY matters. They only care about profit, and white people aren't stupid enough to fall for their schemes, this is why they are pushing immigration so hard.
My favorite was the account of an Arab merchant on Viking music
>It is the ugliest noise I have ever heard. Like the howling of wolves, only less tame.
Think of the purpose alcohol serves. It's the catharsis for the dreariness of basic life. We in the West live, by historical standards, obscenely cushy lives. It's just everyone around us also lives that way so we don't recognize it.
Back in the day you worked from sunrise to sunset. At sunset you released that frustration in drink, allowing the cycle to start anew. Is it any fucking wonder that the teetotaling mudslimes have "sexual emergencies"? Their culture is trash and maladjusted.
The West is the best. Or at least it was, 100 years ago.
Wish me good luck anons. Contacting major finnish medias about this. Since here that swedish allah viking news was spammed quite hard. If they refuse to report about this its last nail to the coffin and we are official cucked.
>they liked a drink
What did they drink anyway? Probably won't taste good but I'll give it a try.
They didn't drink for taste, you fucking numale faggot.
So has the (((vatican)))
Checked. It's sickening. They do this type of shit then turn around and tell all the goyim "YOU HAVE NO CULTURE".
Did you know that archeologists found real Viking leader's remains, and she happened to be a female?
I just read it, in Jewish voice.
>taste good
They drank to get shit faced and fuck, you dirty faggot.
Also this kinda shit is what people should fight against. Problem is that real historical experts dont have guts to come out public and refute claims made in mass media by these revionist who have this multi-culti globalist agenda. Rather they refute and crush these claims in academic circles where public never will see it. But it does not matter when mass media reports this revisionist shit. Then it will be one that will live in public memory and be used by politicians and media for .
Mead and ale, mead was for rich people and special occasions.
The ale was nothing like the ale we drink today though. They didn't use hops for example.
Join House Blackfyre on PW
Arab christians were killed by muslims for 1000 years before Israel existed.
There were actually some Viking settlers in Spain that converted to Islam and according to the accounts of Islamic historians they were constantly complaining about not getting to drink or eat pork
If that were true you would have posted a link.
Even if it were all it would say is that some trade happened between Vikings and some arabs perhaps.
If it might be gibberish just means it's probably just random design patterns that look vaguely arabic, like dumb fonts that are meant to look like chinese or some shit.
They claim it's from a Muslim geographer called Amin Razi, why would I post a link as a matter of course? It was just an amusing anecdote
It's just fashion. In Spain they use Islamic design and imitate Arabic calligraphy as a design element even to this day.
This goes back to the days were Muslims weren't flooding Europe in the millions. Using the fact that some Europeans thought Islamic calligraphy was aesthetic to justify Islamic migration is just beyond retarded.
Back then the only ways to make water safe to drink were either boil it or make alcoholic drinks. The Vikings chose the latter.
That is a beautiful word.
>Instead the drawing says للله ‘lllah’, which basically makes no sense in Arabic.
So he/they drew a viking longboat with it's oars up, then?
Sounds exactly like the sort of thing you'd expect from a viking burial ceremony. Bit obvious really (oars up...boat will stop/not going anywhere any more...just like the dead person).
I'm not even a viking expert, and I can see this. What the fuck is wrong with these so-called scientific experts?
shilling that muh nordics waz goatfuckers crap in the first place is the same sensationalistic bullshit as Germanics/Vikings drinking semen of dead warriors hurr durr.
fucking semitic bullshit .
Migrants are not only destroying Swden's future. They're destroying their past too.
just wait for an american to ruin everything
That's what they always do. Historical revisionism is written into the Islamic operating system. Some of them even claim Islam is older than christianity, and I actually heard one muzzie claim it was older than the bible.
That's why I get exttttttttttttttttremely pissed when muslims complain about westerners coming to "Islamic countries" and messing with them.
WTF, you cheeky cunts! That's exactly what you did, Those countries were originally not Islamic at all, and had their culture wiped out by muzzie scum. So what's sauce for the goose...
The cultural appropriation I can handle. Evidence is evidence, and the truth will eventually out.
The archeological destruction, however, is completely unforgivable, and is one of the reasons I want every muslim to be put in one giant prison camp in Saudi Arabia, where they can't do any more cultural harm.
The ones who participated in the destruction of historical evidence won't go in the camps, though. They get to be blasted in the face from close range with shotgun rocksalt dipped in pigshit. Every day until they die.
>sjw btfo'd by muz cleric
knew it was bullshit from the start. Knut, Knut, Knut
its just called Satan but yeah
Be sceptical of anything you hear in the news.
There was an item a few months back about a female warrior in Scandinavia or something like that, and it turned out to be bunk, though the debunking article of course was a lot less publicised than the original.
Like we said in the previous threads, it's a just a pseudo swastika pattern. There are even swastikas in the same pattern -- I guess that triggered the Swedish PC researchers too much they needed to come up with a solution.
>female warrior in Scandinavia or something like that, and it turned out to be bunk
Yep. We had a similar case here with one sword that was found near a woman's body. Turns out the tractor that discovered the remains had moved the sword from a man's body over to a woman's body (wife or slave?), so right away they labeled it as the female warrior's grave.
There was no need for Islam when chr*stianity could actually defend your country back then.
Wait wait, North American natives were sedentary? I always read that they only lived in tipis and shit and that Mesoamericans were the only ones to settle in one place.
Muslims wrote all kinds of Muslim sayings on their trade goods. Many Renaissance paintings of Marry have "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet" inscribed on her hood. No one could read arab scribbles and the models would pose with arab silk without knowing what the scribbles said.
That's a nice looking sword though. I wonder if anyone made a replica of it.
>Annika Larsson is a contemporary artist. She received a Master of Fine Arts from the Royal University College of Fine Arts, Stockholm
Why would anyone believe a female fine arts graduate? Are swedes really that stupid?