>"I AM A SLUT, A PUTA...F*CK SOCIETY!" Sexually "Liberated" Females At #SLUTWALKLA (Ep 1)
What went wrong?
I like sluts tho
also i know you're reading this jesse
keep it up man, you're based
Nothing "went wrong", this is what women really are when you take off the Disney-glasses and wake up to reality.
Women are whores. They did not evolve by being competent and strong, they evolved by being manipulative and exploitative, willingly giving their body to a male to dump his seed inside, so that she can extract his resources and protection.
Women are literally the biggest meme on the planet. Unfortunately, even in their worthless state they can still do extreme harm to society through race mixing and open borders and acceptance of globalist multiculturalism.
The fuck is PUTA?
slut in spanish
funny how they go to a literal fucking slutwalk and cant just say "yes" to "are you a slut?"
This is one of the cases in which this statement is true when applied to the whole set (the female gender as a whole), and sometimes true but not necessarily true when applied to individual elements of said set (individual women).
I would impregnate all those whores.
By all the ugly Mexican girls in the video, I'm guessing this is Los Angeles? Or some border city?
are you a slut?
Why are Latino women always so ugly?
A prostitute pretty much, a bitch in heat.
A real filthy version of this . It's not a word you'd want to say in public
he lives in LA
thanks dude
first girl watches your channel bro, you can tell
be a slut like me and sasha grey goyim
>we're dealing with sluts today
>are you a slut, sam?
Why is this so erotic? Do these women just want a hard dick?
but they do seem to be driven by being dumb tho, they don't even know why the fuck they're there and can't answer simple questions
Loose women
I mean, really really really looooooose.
Common theme :
> Do wtf I want as a woman
However, when consequences befall you as such > #metoo
Everyone woman is more than welcome to do whatever the fuck they want and invite whatever dangers they want upon themselves by flaunting potentials they don't intend to service to the wolves of the world.
Just don't cry wolf when you get devoured.
You see, young men are taught this lesson in their youth and learn it via getting their asses kicked as to what the line is between saying/doing wtf you want and what invites danger and consequences. As such, a man's energy is always checked. Women have only up until now not faced the full brunt of such a posture. However, they will and there will be no men to step in and save them for they will be dealt with by a higher power.
The utter state of the world when women have become so emboldened so as to taunt danger and hazard like the most emboldened and unlearned man. Let them fuck themselves all the way to the alpha of this realm...
they talk about the right to be a slut, but as we can see there's nothing preventing them from being hoes
what they actually want os the privilege of making others accept their sluttiness
Poor girl. She was most likely raped when she hopped the border. This is a coping mechanism.
thi s dude is redpilled
God i hate spics
> the privilege of making others accept their sluttiness
And they wont get it which makes this all the more an exhibition of a woman's base nature :
> Taunt and flirt danger
> Demoralize and demean
> Manipulative
> Relativistic
> Attention seekers
and :
> If all else fails, trash bodies and spirit as a way of getting back at men they can't control and/or influence
Only in a man's romanticized youth are the blinded to the ugly and base nature's of a woman. Through traumatic experiences, the light they hold to most of them is lost. My life is best lived treating respectable women w/ respect and w/ love and ignoring roasties. A quick splash isn't worth the self-degradation or idiocy.
There really needs to be a database for sluts.
This is also reflected in the habbenings occuring in hollywood. Anytime you hear one of these #metoo stories ask yourself what the woman did to invite it, what she did against better judgement, and who wasn't present :
> Her loving male partner who she was committed to
When you belong to no man and flirt with many, you are left to the devices and dangers of the pack. When you boldly proclaim you are equal to a man but are without the wherewithal or devices to not only protect yourself but others, you are obviously in no way equal. When you strike out into the world under no one's protection and claim you want to take the world on being unequal to men, you invite hazard and defeat. What form that comes in varies with how far you slip off the protected path and what signals you give. A woman boldly declares that she does wtf she wants and a man declares the same. Guess who wins when opposing outcomes are set upon? A woman.
Intelligent men know this to be the case just upon visual inspection of other men and avoid such conflicts. Only an idiot actively invites defeat... As thus you observe such self-defeated women. I no longer care, in this new timeline man has been freed from guardianship of women who are not loyal or partnered to them. Woman wanted free reign to be in the wild and that's exactly what they're getting. Some will survive and return home.. Some wont. Some will be broken. Some wont. Some will remain free and safe from the devices of the wild for they will not journey into it. The omega has loosened the chains and the alpha of alphas await those who seek him in the wild.
The beast has risen
Shadilay. Shadilay
There already is one and much more.
Thank god for sluts.
I'd still be a virgin if not for sluts
>Liberalism is a mental disorder
>it should be treated accordingly
Found the virgin.
this guy is fucking hilarious. Honorary aryan.
kill yourself
what went right? Gonna get my walking shoes and take a few sluts for drinks
What made you a slut?
lmfao my sides
as if they would ever pass up an opportunity to attention whore
I like to fuck sluts. I do not like the sluts themselves.
he is, watch this now
also why do american spics speak with a fake accent?
this post is too deep for Sup Forums
This made me laugh but feel bad at the same time. How did (((they))) get such a strong hold on us?
And get mad when the guy asks them.
What went wrong
>Gave women the right to vote
>Women's movement
>Affirmative action
We gave them the power to make decisions (something that requires some actual thought) and they are fucking us with it.
Seeing shit like this makes me lose all hope for our country. How long does America have left pol?
Why are they so angry?
>What went wrong
Infinitely Vast access to Men practically at their disposal due to the internet and little to no consequence for promiscuity. You end up with delusion, a heightened Ego, and an Entitlement complex. All completely indistinguishable from her many insecurities that come with such power.
this is basically comparable to that Spider Man Movie where Uncle Ben said "With great power comes great Responsibility". And Peter used it for selfish gambling and sport which resulted in Uncle Ben being shot and murdered.
But to be fair anyone that's attractive and promiscuous is typically going to be a dumb shitty person
They lack the Christian God.
They know deep down this is all wrong.
Degenerate sheep are too stupid to examine their own thoughts long enough.
They need to be told what to do.
It's disgusting.
We all know what has to happen next.
>implying sluttiness isn't already de-stigmatized
>conforms to society by acting like a total normie
really makes me think
Sup Forumstards don't get it. They are "alpha" but don't understand that women can be "alpha" too
no non-broken woman wants to be the alpha
That's called being a bitch and not knowing your place.
"A slut is not what you made it it's what I made it"
Can we just round up all these post modern fucks and euthanize them? God damn.
It means "Please don't rape me Spaniard." in goblin nigger talk.
>Women Go to a Literal Slut Walk in Affiliation, Coalition, and Support of Sluts, the Slut Ideology, and Sexual Liberation for Sluts
>Not one of them wants to admit that they identify as being a Slut, or that they believe in being a Slut
Really makes you think
really does, these cunts piss me off
this, alpha female = whore
Fuck this gay earth
careful leaf, saying this might be illegal in canada
I have noticed the last few weeks that my mother seems to be turning into some out of control feminist.
I asked if she could cook dinner the other night for the first time in at least 6 months. She literally burnt the shit out of it then said eat it you piece of shit. Then she went to her room and turned the TV right up.
My dad is getting real depressed over it and I'm just getting pissed off.
She does nothing at home anymore. She whinges and bitches about everything and watches TV and messes with her phone and tablet all day these days.
WTF do I do??
I'm going for genetics, not for how well her skills are in putting on a mask.
As long as they're not whores, user.
Sure but I'm disgusted at makeup.
It's fake.
Brings down the value of a woman.
>Thousand of women are being raped. Better take my shirt off.
Third wave feminism is a joke.
>do I do??
You know what to do.
I really REALLY like this picture
Can I live on it?
>yes I'm a slut, you are a slut and we are all sluts
Goodbye America.
This pairs well with the legalization of intentionally transferring HIV.
My excuse for not saving the White race is living in San Diego, Cali
call in a napalm strike
True. The vast majority of people who put these shitfests together are outspoken atheists, and the ones who say they believe in God really just believe in some general spirituality and a truth that "every religion points to". This is the kind of fucked up shit that atheism brings to society.
I just hope this shit doesn't spread here. American influence has done notging but fuck us up from the hippies to the present day
I-Is he touching himself starting at 5:15?
Yeah this is big in Portland. I knew some girls in high school who did htis and posted pics of their tits on their tumblr pages.
The single biggest and most awesome black privilege is the armor it gives you against people like this. A white man probably would have been assaulted for this shit. This guy is a fucking legend, an honorary white man clad in negro social armor.
OP's Q: What went wrong?
Answer: Don't know, but pic related.
What's so bad about this?
At least they are honest and don't hide their true nature, at least you won't be fooled into thinking they are worth something, just fuck her if you want and then dump her in the trash or don't, that's what they want so whatever.
Not all women are like this anyway so there is a chance you can find someone that isn't like this
You got some extra years with Trump. And America is still somewhat religious. You should see the women here in Finland. Not one girl over 17 who is a Virgin. Tfw God is dead