What is the equivalent of Sup Forums...for blacks?

What is the equivalent of Sup Forums...for blacks?



"Comments will only be displayed by verified emails. No Spamming or Racism."

white boy please.

It isn't racism if niggers do it

There some blacks-only forum with a bunch of redpilled negros that somebody linked a while ago. They don't like us.

The rest of the Internet. There's nothing a nigger can say that's politically incorrect.

This. Dysfunctional nogs meet with other dysfunctional nogs and there's always at least one nog that can read above a 3rd-grade level. This nog probably read a Tariq Nasheed book and so "enlightens" the other jail nogs and thus the virus spreads.

A Chuck D thread on Twitter

this is what I would love to lurk.


Squatting in a crack house sharing a stem.
Not much different from here.

except blacker.


This and also nothing. Niggers are retarded and have no capacity to abstractly deal with anything.

Hotep twitter

You say that now. The experience is at least enlightening.

Always loved this image


Feelings. Sexual Engagement. Violence.

They don't need a reason for anything they do, just excuses when they are found.

Thecoli is like nigger MPC.

Yep this is it

>>Sup Forums ?

this pic jof cosby looks like he's trying to be the negro version of George Burns. wtf?
also: my captcha is "newport area" in a black planet /thread. LOL.