America was founded by immigrants! How to respond to this?
America was founded by immigrants! How to respond to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
illegal immigrants break america
Colonies were founded by immigrants
U.S.A. was founded by Americans
America was founded by settlers
Google: Pioneer.
America was founded by *pioneers who came to the new land before the existence of any sophisticated culture or the welfare state as we know it. They built that all themselves after.
Today I walked into class as the previous one was wrapping up and I caught a glimpse of the slides they were projecting. Said stupid shit that our civilization here is just a Eurocentric view and haha it's all relative lalalalalalala type garbage
white productive immigrants, not lazy ass shitskins from the 3rd world
So you are pro colonialism?
They were frontiersmen, not immigrants
Fuck off, kike
No, it was founded by COLONISTS, and colonists are no longer needed.
The Indians once welcomed immigrants to their land. How did that work out for them?
This. Basically, fuck off we're full.
America was founded by settlers and build by legal immigrants
>build by legal immigrants
You have to go back.
It was "build" by the sons of settlers.
I was born here... so I'm not an immigrant. If we went by your definition of an "immigrant" everyone except Ethiopians would be immigrants and we would have to give the lands back to the dinosaurs.
Breast milk made you also but it's fucked up to still drink it now.
If you like being an immigrant...keep on immigrating somewhere else. America be good
They viewed the first settlers as useful in their own wars.
non whites are a net loss economically
A lot of the population today is descended from immigrants who arrived here in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Hitler was an immigrant too
Not all immigrants are equal, duh.
What does that have to do with foundation you fucking tard
It was founded by colonists. There's a difference.
Fuck this moral high-ground crap.
We brutally took it from the natives. We were unfair. We did cruel things. Our guys died. Now it's ours and we intend to keep it. Play by our rules and you will be permitted to join us slowly.
america was founded by settlers, not all those welfare leaches
"Stop breaking the law, asshole."
So you're saying immigrants who bring special skills can be valuable.
Simple: There was a time when the United States was a wide expansive land. Yes, there were Native Americans, maybe even 50,000,000 of them. (Probably not 50 million.) And 150,000,000 White men, women and children came to America over the course of 350 years. In just 50 years, approximately 100,000,000 non-White immigrants have come to America, either legally or illegally.
We have enough people now with 330,000,000 citizens. We don't need immigrants to pick cherries, we can do that. We don't need immigrants to build houses, we can do that. What we need to do is start taking care of the people who are already in this country and developing a culture that is uniquely American. If we just continue with our immigration policy and allow safe cities all over the country for illegal immigrants, then we will never have a culture or people. We will perpetually be a nation of immigrants.
White immigrants.
True, damn Irish and Kraut immigrants fucking with the demographics
Well said, Im glad I didnt have to explain it.
Can't. You've been hit by a wall of logic.
Not these ones...
Also we already got a country, why would we need to found it again?
you've read Steve Sailer..
Before 1965, American history was about Settlers. The colonist settlers, the settlers who won the West.
Then Communists and Jews (but I repeat myself) said America is about immigration and deified some obscure poem by a socialist Zionist bitch.
>We will perpetually be a nation of immigrants.
Technically almost every country on Earth was founded by immigrants if you go far back enough so it's a meaningless statement.
That means fuck all. This nation was founded by colonists, and the overwhelming majority of "immigrants" that came later were needed to for manual labor to expand west. We've gone as far west as we can, and we no longer need people for manual labor.
We're FULL and they can all fuck off now unless they're WHITE.
No immigrants starting now
You are one dumb dune coon loving faggot
America was founded by immigrants who abandoned their former cultures, homes, and everything they had ever known to start from scratch in a free country.
A stark contrast to the majority of immigrants since the 1960s who have come here not to integrate, but to take advantage of the welfare system. They have no intention of abandoning their former lives, cultures, religions, etc.
>I know you answered the OP point but why not me when I shift the goalposts hurr durr?
fuck outta here.
by european immigrants
>people responding with anything other than pointing out there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration
You will need to be purged too, you argue on emotion.
how hard is it to understand concepts like
World Human Population Timeline, Limited Resources & Economics
But I guess it's understandable considering the Jews have completely destroyed the education people receive in school these days
I am saying the Indians were not naive children. They had their own agendas.
Shit did Duterte really say that? I wish he would have waited for the kike to visit and then have him killed
Hell even understanding the simplest of concepts like Causality will give you an Idea how to approach OP's topic ffs
America was founded by colonists who came to build a new world.
Immigrants make nothing. They come with hands out to get some.
"Streets paved with gold" far cry from Shining Cities on the Hill" of the Pilgrims!
Our buildings are built by Mexicans, our food is cooked by Mexicans, our lawns are mowed by Mexicans, our crops are picked by Mexicans, and our facilities and homes are cleaned by Mexicans - yet you accuse them, and other immigrants, of being lazy and on welfare?
The jobs they work are the most physically strenuous in the country. They're not lazy, and they didn't move here to get welfare. American welfare isn't even that generous, if they wanted welfare they'd go to Germany.
And the problem isn't immigrants, it's the existence of welfare programs in the first place. Whites comprise the majority of welfare recipients, should we kick them out too? You can't blame people for taking what opportunities they have to be compensated for the prosperity government has robbed them of. They're not to blame.
And you say that immigrants must integrate. Integrate to what? What the fuck is American "culture", American "religion"? We're a multicultural and multireligious nation, and always have been. There's no State religion and no State language, French Catholics, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and German Evangelicals participated side-by-side with the Founding Fathers in the Revolution
America isn't a linguistic or cultural idea, it's a political idea. The idea of live-and-let-live, and respect for each others' rights. I consider an illiterate Chinaman who believes in that philosophy to be infinitely more American than a socialist born and raised in Ohio.
the fact that we as a country are made up of primarily legal law abiding tax paying immigrants or the descendants of immigrants who came to this country for a better life, that seid we have a responsibility to up hold the standard. meaning if you want in you have to do what they did as well as adopt a new way of life, the old life you lived stays back where you came from, new rules new laws new thought process, if your religion is your law well to bad the same shit was tried by puritans and that shit dont fly here no more we dont burn people at the stake or hang them from oak trees we don't subjugate women we dont stand for subversion of our values, if your religion is based on hate there are very few places you can get away with it expect to be ridiculed by a community that does not subscribe to your belief structure
bitch and piss all you want, i got an idea if you want a country where you want to live the way you want fight for your own it can be done, we are all immigrants, it's the illegal ones who piss me off.
undocumented = illegal
does not matter if you been here for 30seconds or 30 years you need to go back home to mexidoh or shittastan and request to have citizenship get registard and get a social security number and a job pay taxes and love your fellow man.
73% of Mexican immigrant families are on some form of welfare.
>And the problem isn't immigrants, it's the existence of welfare programs in the first place.
Hispanics vote 90% Democrat and will ensure that welfare programs can never be removed.
Another retarded lolbertarian who ignores race and voting.
>America isn't a linguistic or cultural idea, it's a political idea.
This is factually untrue, the country was made by Europeans only, for Europeans only.
>"This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character."
There were no Chinese people who signed the Declaration of Independence.
You stumpt him.
White immigrants.
Not shitskin immigrants.
>doesnt see entire thread
Here's a (you) before alakah buttfucks you over a glass of tea
Your post has already been debunked but here is more concrete evidence that Third World Immigration = welfare that will never go away, due to voting demographics.
America was founded by white nationalists many of whom literally owned niggers.
My grandparents fled Mussolini
Brought a trade
Learned English, refused to teach their kids Italian
Never collected a handout
Bought their health insurance
Bought their own food
Never committed a crime
Grandfather and uncles enlisted
Embraced the West
Owned a home
Paid taxes
Did not burn flags, or kneel to our anthem
There is your argument.
White immigrants.
America was founded by LEGAL immigrants.
Yeah, WHITE immigrants.
Say that it was founded on exploiting the vulnerable (The poor, the sick, the needy etc) and the modern USA should be pushing the governments of other nations to resolve the issues that cause problems rather than corrupt corporations exploiting it.
I take it that you can track your lineage back to the pilgrims, huh kid
That sounds pretty racist. You're no better than the bitch that asked "who's gonna scrub those toilets now?"
>How to respond to this?
with memes
>19th and 20th centuries
Yes and we call those immigrants Europeans. Worthless fucks started arriving here afterwards and now everyone just lumps them in as "immigrants" as if they are equal to Europeans per capita, and simply ignore the percentage of welfare they are on and the crime they bring. We already brought a bunch of niggers here a long time ago that fulfill all the welfare and crime needs we could ever want.
They were white supremacists.
settlers not immigrants, also this info
It wasn't founded by immigrants at all. It was founded by Europe colonists who thought 3% tax on tea was way too fucking much. JFC user, learn your nation's history.
immigrating to a country before
>no welfare
>work or starve
>sometimes work and starve anyway
>only the strong/lucky/smart survive
immigrating today
>free food
>free income
>free child payments
>soon free healthcare
yeah totally the same
Welfare isn't going away with the influx of immigrants, the allowance of women to vote, and (((democracy))) period. I started off with "muh constitution" arguments years ago but they make no sense. You will just be trampled by nogs and spics.
Europeans who came here all those centuries ago did not immigrate to the continent.
Big difference.
Hard to settle somewhere that people already live.
Immigration is a legal process which requires laws and a state which enforces those laws. The people that formerly ruled this geographic area had neither and thus the first white people in the Americas were in fact not immigrants. It wasn't until 1779 when the first laws regarding the movement of people had been passed did the term become applicable.
"read an american history book"
Tell that to the jews in Isreal. They seem to have settled just fine
America was founded by people willing to follow basic laws.
"we are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws"
-Bill Clinton (1996)
first pioneers learned to speak English and did not demand free shiet like foodstamps welfare and obummercare. First pilgrims were not drug trafficking MS13 or LA RAZA
Illegal aliens from mexico love foodstamps welfare and obummercare and MS13 and La Raza
There I responded to this. Youre welcome
White immigrants
The first immigrants to come to america were white. (After 1776)
-White Europeans that came for better life, contribute to the country, and partly knew what they were doing.
-Not a sandnigger, or a door holder that came because of slavery/illegal immagration and given right, but makes no significant contributions to the country. (Other than being a slave kek)
America wasn't founded by illegal immigrants
>but we havent bred the white man out of the gene pool yet
kill yourself commie
By white immigrants, yes.
>swamp-germans acting like they know anything
Don't care.. We are running the country now.
all immigrants aren't created equal. white European immigrants made this country great. if you traded the "12" million illegal shitskins with 12 million white immigrants. then you'd have an arguement.
Of immigrants that crossed the Atlantic ocean. Not some that swam across a 30 foot wide river.
White immigrants
"Not white immigrants"
Witnessed. What I hate about claims like OP's pic is you can't call the bet. I just want to say, "OK, you can deprive us of Diversity then. If it's you supporting us, you don't have to anymore. Fly, noble Vibrant One, and leave us to our wretchedness." We'd see real quick who the builders are.
60 years ago, anyone who could fog a mirror could create tons of wealth for an employer by working in manufacturing. To the point where employers were happy to pay them the equivalent of $18/hr with minimal skills. Then the robots came and did everything for a one-time down payment which led to a dramatic reduction in the need for human labor.
Times change. People today cannot contribute as much as they could back then, and protecting your employees costs way more money now than it did back then. In the 1930's if you lost a leg on the job, you got fired too. Now, you get millions of dollars.
"Never confuse immigrants with conquerors."
Fuck, that's perfect.
summary of what I was saying
but where did those immigrants come from? europe