Lain and serial experiments lain. The show. The one with Lain. The show with Lain

Lain and serial experiments lain. The show. The one with Lain. The show with Lain.

The show with Lain had lain it in. The Lain with show the show to lain had the Lain in the show in the title.

The title with Lain, Serial experiments Lain, had lain's title in the title. The show, the title, Lain's serial experiment, showed Lain titled Lain.

That which we call a Lain, would by any other title, still be a Lain. That title, the one for Lain, the specific title of Serial Experiments Lain's Lain, the character Lain, is titled to be lain.

Lain, the character, titles to be lain, quite an anpt of lain, but does Lain to have become Lain, the sensored expletive line. Lain Iwakura, serial experiments Lain Iwakura, is a Lain, the lained that which she Lains would by any other lain still be an L a in.

Spesua the Lain, before anaeaae the LAen, Seriela EXERPEMINTES LANE serial experiments Lain that which Iwakura we call a Lain would that by any other BEAR SUIT still BEAR a SUITE and that which by any other LAIN.

Serial Experiments Lain is a show, starring Iraqi Lain Star of Iraq and the State of Iraq. Iraqi Lain takes palce in a world where Anime is real life starring Ivanka Lain. Starring Evangelion. Starring Evanga Lain.

Serial Anische alen , the show of Alen the Alein takes Place in the Outer Reaches of Space, Space Place Lain starring Alen the aLeni. Lein stars as The Key figure in Serial Stars. It's full of stars my god it's full of stars. With Lead Singer Inakura Bain.

Serial Bain experiments Lane Stars Serial Bane All STars Smash MOuth BANE? Such a Movie t ostar Bruce Wayne, star of Serial Experiments Lain, whose lead character Serial Iwakura Lain stars in the hit new flick, Evangelion starring Serial Experi

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Yeah, that's about right

I understand completely

A post by Gertrude Stein

>This shit again

It will never end.



Holy shit shut the fuck up with this ayy lmao autistic lain shit. You've been doing this for like 3 fucking weeks get a fucking life you fucking autist.

Holy shit shut the fuck up with this ayy lmao autistic lain shit. You've been doing this for like 3 fucking weeks get a fucking life you fucking autist.

Good memes solid memes

Truly Anischeral, OP.

>Serial Bain experiments Lane Stars Serial Bane All STars Smash MOuth BANE? Such a Movie t ostar Bruce Wayne, star of Serial Experiments Lain, whose lead character Serial Iwakura Lain stars in the hit new flick, Evangelion starring Serial Experi
What did he mean by this?

Holy shit shut the fuck up with this ayy lmao autistic lain shit. You’ve been doing this for like 3 fucking weeks get a fucking life you fucking autist.

What's the name of the jazzy song from episode 11 and which soundtrack is it on?

I'm assuming this is the track you're referring to?

So what bot is actually doing the posting? I've been seeing posts in other boards from what seems to be a cleverbot kind of bot.

I only go to Sup Forums, but I doubt this has anything to do with what you've been seeing in other boards. This guy's been at it for over eighteen months (over two years with the "I just watched this and is Lain autistic" spam, actually, but he wasn't doing this weird nonsense shit for the first half-year or so). I thought it was a Markov chain generator or something at first, but then it stopped being a progressive thing (these recent posts don't seem built off of the previous ones in any obvious formulaic way) and started being more creative, and I think there has to be significant manual input involved here. I mean the last one had a bunch of Lain-and-pizza-related puns and stuff about ordering pizza from Sup Forums and stuff like that. That doesn't seem like the kind of thing you could easily get a bot to do, although I'm not a CS guy.

Yeah, thanks.

Does anyone know of an archive of all of these?

Holy shit shut the fuck up with this ayy lmao autistic lain shit. You’ve been doing this for like 3 fucking weeks get a fucking life you fucking autist.

Just search autistic.jpg