Live on an island

>live on an island
>can't swim

Why is this such a common thing? Are there really that many people who don't know how to swim? It's pretty basic stuff.

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I dunno man, probably.

My grandma learned to swim when she was in her sixties and was already afraid that we'd drown anytime we went to the lake.

Teko is a Tokyolite you fucking retard. Why are the people who harp about shit always so fucking stupid?

How does being from Tokyo justify being in high school and not knowing how to swim?

ask all the black people

Tokyo has a bay and is on the ocean.
You knew that, right, user?

She's probably never seen a beach/coast in her life.


What are pools?

I can swim but I can't float.

what a dumbfuck

Something Teko wouldn't touch since she's never tried anything new by herself before she met Pikari

Quick search tells me that apparently apes and humans don't have the innate ability to swim, you need to teach them first. If you skipped out on swimming classes when you were a kid, and even worse, you havent been to any body of water bigger than a tub, you're gonna have a problem.

Why is sensei a jew?


Bullshit. Jumping into the water is how you learn to swim.

More like, doesn't Japan have mandatory swimming classes?

>literally swimming in the womb for 9 months before birth
>don't have the innate ability to swim

That's floating, stupid.

Not everyone is as lazy as you.

>that's floating
>he didn't move in his mother's womb
I'm sorry for your developmental issues user.

All the schools I see in anime have pools, have I been lied to this whole time?

Twitching is not swimming.

>he only twitched
>he didn't kick his mom's stomach walls
>he didn't punch his mom's internal organs
Guess you're a nicer son than I

Seeing as the one thing Tokyo doesn't have in it's densely populated areas is space to build things on, I wouldn't be surprised that many schools don't have pools.

I want to massage Tekochin's legs.


I don't know how to swim and it's much too late to learn without being an embarrassment to everyone around me.

They can't leave the Principal out forever, right? We're gonna get our mindbreak doujin fuel soon, right?

No one even taught me to swim but I can.

Magical negro would never defile the pure girls.

We actually do have the innate ability to swim, we just forget how to, or overthink it or something.

Pikari grampa would break all his bones.
Someone 3m tall like him should be strong enough, not to mention his swimming speed

>monthly chink scanlations of Amanchu is delayed

"It's extremely important to note that while babies can imitate swimming motions and reflexes, they are not yet physically capable of swimming."

From an evolutionary standpoint it makes perfect sense that infants have the innate ability to alter their physiology to lower the risk of themselves getting hurt or damaged when submerged; if we're talking about actually being able to swim then, no infants can't swim because they are physically incapable of achieving that task with their inadequate body.

If we're talking about humans having an instinctual ability to survive in water, then yeah, it's pretty stupid for any mammal to not have this.

I agree with you but there's no real black and white answer to this.

Interesting thread.

Are they all black?


Did anyone make an sicp edit of that yet?

I need Pikari in my life

There are an estimated 372 000 annual drowning deaths worldwide.

Learning disabilities exist.

That's retarded.
Anyone who doesn't know how to swim is going to panic and sink in a second if thrown into water.

OP you live surrounded by air and still can't fly. Are you retarded or something?

This is bullshit
The most important thing to keep floating while swimming is keeping your lungs full of air, people who just jump in the water(if they never swam before) panic a bit, which causes them gasp in exasperation and lose air, which makes them sink.
Another thing is flexibility, which is required if you dont want to stay at one place and actually swim.
I started learning swimming when I was 19(mainly because someone said I'll see lots of bouncing titties and ass there, amd he was right), and I saw many kids having no problem swimming and even diving, and older people having difficulty moving their hands and legs together.
This is natural because kids are innately flexible and if hence if somebody starts learning swimming at an early age, he/she'll learn faster than if they started late

You cant drown in the womb because thats exactly where you breathe(and eat) from.

i lived on an island too as a kid but was scared shitless of swimming

i even took classes to no avail

probably has to do with myself being coddled as a child


David Lightman: I can't swim.

Jennifer: You can't swim?

David Lightman: No, I can't, okay? Wonder Woman, I can't swim!

Jennifer: Well, what kind of an asshole grows up in Seattle and doesn't even know how to swim?

David Lightman: I never got around to it, okay? I always thought there was gonna be plenty of time!

Jennifer: Sorry.

David Lightman: I wish I didn't know about any of this! I wish I was like everybody else in the world, and tomorrow it would just be over. There wouldn't be any time to be sorry... about anything.

David Lightman: [sits on a large piece of driftwood] Oh, Jesus! I really wanted to learn how to swim! I swear to God I did.

>currents which are stronger than the swimmer
>something is blocking you from reaching a source of air

You realize that you can drown even if you know how to swim, right?

When you hear about people who drown simply because they fell in the pool, they're generally small children.

>372 000

that's a number pulled out of your ass, right? I refuse to believe there are that many retards in the whole world who drown

Nice going, Satan.

Thanks, user.

You can't swim in Tokyo bay.

>Tokyo has a bay and is on the ocean.
Being near Tokyo Bay isn't going to give people a reason to learn to swim. Pollution there has been so bad there was a ban put on beaches for swimming since the 60s.

I barely know how to swim. Living in a land locked area is the greatest thing though.

So thats why they didnt want the whale to stay in that episode in patlabor

I don't know if his number actually has a valid source, but it's not hard to believe that the number is relatively high.

>live in some third world shithole
>flood, hurricane, or some other water-related natural disaster comes along and wrecks your poorly constructed city

There's a bunch of drowning deaths right there.

>live as a fisherman
>meet an unexpected storm that's too much for your boat

There's some more.

>kayak capsizes in the rapids
>occupant gets his shoulder torn up by a rock

There's another.

>swerve to miss something
>car winds up in the water

This is infamous for being a deceptively fatal situation if you don't know how to get out of it, thanks to the water pressure holding the doors shut. You might have two or three deaths right there.

Large amounts of water can be very dangerous.

If someone doesn't consider beach episodes a necessary addition to their life, there isn't much reason and opportunity to learn how to swim, unless there are some mandatory swimming classes in schools. And even with those you probably won't learn much if you don't swim on your own.

I sincerely hope OP is just baiting and that no one would drop a wonderful show like Amanchu for such a mundane observation.

Also, here's something that you don't consider: If you're in the water, and you get a cramp, you might not even be able to call for help, thanks to the fact that you're unable to keep your head above water. When you take scuba diving lessons, keeping a close eye out for people who are struggling and aren't able to speak as a result is one of the things that they instruct you on.

Basically, the point is that you don't need to be a retard in order to find yourself drowning. Anyone who claims otherwise doesn't really respect the kinds of situations that water can put you in.

I live on an island in Greece and not knowing how to swim is the equivalent of not knowing how to breathe, I seriously don't understand Japan.

I live on an island in Hawaii and my inability to swim has zero effect on anything.

People who can't swim are seriously retarded. We have mandatory swimming in the PE classes here in Germany and they'd rightfully laugh you out of elementary school if you couldn't swim. I imagine it's the same in all of western Europe.

It doesn't but you still look retarded

Ποιό νησί? I've met a few people on the mainland who can't swim

If learning to swim wasn't in your compulsory PE, you live in a third world country.

This just in.
Everyone in the world lives in an island!
More at 11 tonight.

Amachu is garbage
Its a shitty man's Aria

Yes, and?

But by what chance when no one will ever see me in a pool or the ocean?

>This is infamous for being a deceptively fatal situation if you don't know how to get out of it, thanks to the water pressure holding the doors shut.

Couldn't you get the doors open by opening or breaking the window and letting the car fill with water to equalize the pressure? Or have I just drowned myself?

Κρήτη. Never met a person in my life who could not swim, must be some sad existence.

When for example a friend of yours eventually asks you

>hey how about we go to the beach since we live in Hawaii and all
>sorry I can't swim
>oh shit goddamn what a fucking retard


It's a double entendre, it means you have no friends because you can't swim

What retard would avoid the beach because they can't swim? That's like avoiding roads because you can't drive.

Swimming is intuitive as fuck. I don't get how people need others to teach them.

This show makes me really happy.

But at the same time I now feel extra shit for not having any friends.

thats how my father teach me how to swim though. Swim or die. I was 3 or 4 back then.

People need to make better crops of those bubbles.

I didn't make it but I have tried making transparent crops before and I just couldn't get it right.
How do you do it right?

Yeah I don't get it. Swimming is literally nothing but pushing water behind you with your hands, kinda fucking basic stuff it seems like.

That's pretty much how you should do it. Either you break an opening to flood your car or simply wait for the car to flood to open the door. People should have a small hammer/hatchet to smash their windows in case in their cars.

The CDC states that there an average of 10 unintentional drownings per year. Unintentional drowning ranks as 5th in causes of unintentional injury related deaths in the US.

The 372,000 comes from the World Heath Organization estimates.

If you don't know how to swim just imitate a dog. It isn't the best way to do it but at least you won't drown.

>implying people so urban they've never been in water themselves have seen a dog swimming

Can you post the capture, user? I'll give it a shot

I swear Asian people just dont bother. Must be cultural or something. Been living in Australia for a while and if you go to the beach you'll see a huge amount of Asians getting hauled out by the lifeguards (Relative to white/blacks/etc)

The problem isn't that she can't swim. The problem is she sinks like a stone. What's the Japanese phrase? She swims like a saw?

They don't live on an island, dude.

What's the difference between an island and a continent?

Hammer, Yuno.

>Japan is an island country in East Asia.

You don't expect all Australians or Bongs to know how to swim, do you?

I expect anyone not severely handicapped over the age of 7 to know how to swim.

Why do I need to know how to swim? I live in a major metropolitan area in no danger of flooding and have no desire to ever enter the ocean or a pool.

>comparing Seawater with swimming pools

Going to the beach should take 2 hours at most. There is no excuse to not learn how to swim.