Why do liberals hate the police so much?
Why do liberals hate the police so much?
Because the police tend to be racist right-wingers.
Because niggers hate the police and liberals love nignogs
They're poser rap niggers who are gay Jew slaves in real life
violent enforcement of the status quo of inequity and fair justice and forcible suppression of dissent.
these arguments stem from marxian critiques of the bourgeois state, and of course being liberals, they start turning it into something solely about women and blacks rather than confronting their fears about the deeper, underlying dynamics of classes
Because most people that identify as liberal are niggers and niggers enjoy committing crimes
Funny how exposure to illegal aliens, niggers and the poor does that to a man, huh?
No, it's because the police tend to be racist white trash from the military. They even keep the stupid haircuts.
The police give preference during hiring to people who have served in the military in the past. That's why there's so much police brutality. People who go to foreign countries and commit gross human rights violations come back and are expected to act like Boy Scouts back home? LOOOOL.
that's an issue with confirmation bias. It's the same underlying reason behind why people think Roman engineering is so awesome - because that's all we ever get to see.
>?see the dregs everyday tearing down order and decency
>confirmation bias
>violent enforcement of the status quo of inequity and fair justice and forcible suppression of dissent
Said the soy-addled bugman that would be mercilessly raped by blacks if every policeman alive disappeared into thin air tomorrow.
It's cute how delusional you lot are regarding exactly how much of your safety is due to the police coercion, and not "the better angels of human nature" (or whatever gay bullshit you learned in Sociology 101)
Because they are always doing something illegal. Also they are fucking retarded cult members.
>dude why do we even need the police, why can't we just smoke a fat bowl and get blazed man, property is, like, for bourgies anyway, man
>Why do libtards love big government but hat the police?
Because they're under the impression that every time a black kid gets shot it was just because the police wanted to, when in reality only a very small amount are actually unjust, and in most cases the dindu shot first.
But of course all the liberals hear is "police killed a black kid".
Because the police oppress people who commit crime, and the ones who commit crime tend to be people are poor.
They conflate it with oppressing the poor.
because the police currently are an obstacle. when police start imprisoning conservatives and giving free passes to their voters for street crimes theyll love em and want them to have more power.
If you don't hate the cops you haven't been paying attention.
>every single cop is a race traitor who would bash you head in for a shekel from their jewish masters.
Because liberals hate having to face consequences for their actions.
they want to use laws to improve society. But they are in denial that every law requires the use of force in order to enforce the law. they project this evil onto those to whom they outsource this requirement, the police.
^ this, this is exactly what they want. It's why so many liberals have been looking into law enforcement and criminal law... they want to take it over and turn it into an even more corrupt shit system.
I've been arrested twice in my life, both for things I shouldn't have been doing.
I didn't get abusive nor did I say anything bad to the cops. Guess what? I didn't get shot or even berated. Funny how that works.
And anytime I've needed to call the police, they've been helpful. They even got my shit back after it was stolen.
Because racist cops must be why Blacks are arrested and shot so often, and not actually violent, criminal Blacks because we're all equal and Blacks just never got a fair chance. Systemic racism and all that shit.
Because police treat blacks differently, even the innocent ones. To say otherwise is just blatant disregard for what the reality is.
lol, liberals will not survive in law enforcement. They have to deal with the shittiest parts of society constantly, and then be shit on by over entitled white liberals.
Best way to turn someone conservative: be a cop.
rap music
Maybe that’s because blacks treat the cops badly too?
> Best way to turn someone conservative: be a cop.
Not true at all, especially in those rich white areas where crime is low.
Most of the police in those areas are liberals and never have to deal with the inner city mess. It's just a playschool game to them.
Because they're retards.
They believe that the disproportionate black incarceration rate/prison population is due to institutionalized racism. The fact that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime is irrelevant to them. As far as they're concerned, every race commits the same amount of crime, but the police go after blacks more because they're racists. Every time an "unarmed" negroid gets put down by the law, they think that it's because the officer is a member of the KKK. According to them, black people couldn't possibly provoke the police or do anything wrong to warrant deadly force. As far as liberals are concerned, black people are just retarded children and they are their caretakers.
LOOOOOL to reddit returneth now good sir xD
Perhaps they don't deal with the scum as often as their city counterparts do, but they do get to deal with the negativity thrown at them constantly.
There are very few liberal cops. Most are either center or right leaning.
> There are very few liberal cops.
No, their are quite a few, they just don't act like flamboyant gay parade attention seekers.
Most liberals keep a very low profile being upper class while exploiting the lower class liberals as the face of the movement.
How do I upvote this?
>The majority of the police are ex military
You have ten minutes to provide a source to back your claim, failure to do so will send you back to r*ddit.
It's their inbreeding.
>a bad thing
The very existence of the police causes cognitive dissonance.
> fuck the police
> need the police to beat the nazis that tell me I'm wrong
> police tell me I'm wrong
"so much police brutality" literally millions of police interactions a year and almost always less than 1000 deaths a year. That is a fan fucking tastic statistic, not "so much police brutality"
By going back.
> The police give preference during hiring to people who have served in the military in the past.
Marines maybe, but that's about it. The police have CIA do their hiring in every major city. Each individual is specially selected based solely on psych evaluation.
They choose people specifically for certain jobs based on their personality and less on IQ.
because communist jews/cultural marxists, want to destroy police, to instigate a communistic/social justice revolution via niggers.
Liberals hate any institution that isn't yet fully Marxist.
Because they're hedonists trying to live in a never-ending party and the police are professional party poopers.
I was never liberal but I used to hate cops. But I hated them because they would act like your dad when your a teenager and now in my late 20's I don't give a shit
the biggest mistake the media and everyone else gets about the police is that they are racists. They aren't racists but misanthropes that only care for themselves. Blue is the only color they care about. Everyone else is either a faggot, nigger, degenerate or subhuman. Much like Sup Forums. This is why they kill everyone.
^ this... it's pretty much a cult, a gang of their own.
If you are not part of that; you are seen as lesser.
because they are fucking degenerates
Everyone but me gotta learn
I actually had a kid in my high school law class more or less telling the city's chief of police that to his face. It got so ridiculous that the flaming liberal there just to learn how to get away with protesting ended up defending the police.
Weed in their car
libtards hate police because they have no concept of authority or competence. all they know is race, so if one race is getting arrested more then it must be racist cops
Don't really care why liberals hate police because most of their reasons have to do with 'muh raycism', but there's tons of valid reasons to despise the police like their lack of accountability or eagerness to cover up their own crimes. There's something distinctly anti-American to me about bootlickers.
Because they are self-hating and want disorder and secretly hope to be raped and killed themselves. Why else would they simultaneously be pushing for strict gun control knowing it will leave us at the mercy of criminals who won't give up their guns while at the same time tying the hands of the police behind their backs?
Because they don't serve the people, they serve the bosses.
because the police tend to target criminals
Because who else is going to arrest and extort me for selling water to thirsty people in a hot day?
> police tend to be racist
patrolling a the streets of nigggertown will make anyone a race realist. what do you want them to do, just pretend blacks behave like normal civilized people?
Have the people who love to say bigger ever try to say it in person? Because even I would take your life.
They love the police, that's why they want Americans to be unarmed so the police can take care of us
It is more seeing the broken homes and abused/molested children. Along with not being able to really do, anything about it, getting the children into foster system is a worst damnation.
I can totally understand hating interacting with the police, but I understand the need for their existence. It would be a lot better if
>no women
>no manlets, at least 6'0"
>stricter physical requirements
No, racist people tend to become cops, because as I said, they get trashy cocksuckers from the military to become police officers.
Ever notice a lot of cops have military style haircuts? It's because the faggots WERE in the military.
Law enforcement in America would be better quality if it wasn't full of racist white trash from the military.
Liberals hate police because liberals are niggers and nigger apologists who like to loot footlocker and steal jordans but not workboots
Niggers also want reparations n shiiiieeeeeeetttt
My Highway Patrol was only hiring EASing MPs/Former-Special Operations and laterally transferring LE. when I joined and worked there the first few years. I got an OE as I was EASing out of Active Duty and into ARNG-SF(20th SFG).
Daddy isues.
If you repeat it enough times it becomes true, Antifaggot.
they don't. it's a narrative to generate hate in minorities.
they love the police when it comes to enacting laws that suit their bidding. like anti-second amendment and anti-first amendment shit.
criminals usualy do
>On Sup Forums
Uhh bro... Hitler hated the Polish. In fact, one of the first things he did was attack Poland.
show your flag, CUMMO.
But the black cops are more likely to kill blacks than the whites are. Are they racist? Are the 90% of niggers killed in America that are killed by other niggers victims of racism?
i'm a straight up natsoc and i hate fucking cops. most are fucking scumbags that will shoot you in a heartbeat.
>liberals break the law
>cops enforce the law
because they break the law
The left hate anyone with power or strength. Instead of trying to achieve such a level, they'd rather bring everyone down to their's.
It's a complex issue. On the one hand, I love watching cops because its mostly niggers getting arrested for selling drugs... On the other hand I hate getting hassled by cops when I'm just out on a run. I can honestly see it from both sides - we need strong police but bad, ego-driven cops are truly the scum of the earth.
A Gadsden flag is an American flag, don't be ignorant.
They are usually mentally stunted and immature.
They don't like authority when that authority tells them they have to be punished or that they have to obey rules they don't agree with, or that they have to brush their teeth and eat their veggies.
Lefties pretty much wrap their entire political views on a child's mentality - they support gay marriage because they want their gay friend to be happy. They dislike cops because their friend got busted for weed possession, and they got caught at a house party drinking underage once.
They don't like war because war is bad, and it hurts and pain is evil. Poverty is also evil, and can be solved by other people giving their money to them - that way everyone can be happy. They like science wheelchair guy and John Oliver because they feed them what they want to hear, and call their opposition mean Doo Doo heads with funny snappy jokes. Zing! I'll remember that for when a right winger says anything about XXX to me.
They claim to be individuals, to be rebellious - but they're really the most confirming drones to walk the earth. They get their beliefs from everyone around them. They like IPhones and Starbucks and Chipotle and socialism.
funny because they call all your family and friends and polygraph you to make sure you aren't racist before they hire you
Because they hate being caught.
They enjoy modern art with bright bold colors, and like to wear funny hats and scarves and statement peices. They like cool trendy styles that are different, but also exactly what alot of people are doing too...
One time their friend got pregnant. That was tough! If only she had free healthcare and condoms. They should be free, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a jerk!
Consequences are mean. Government, save me from myself. I'm drowning.
But I'm a racist right-winger, and I don't like the police.
Is everyone enjoying Soros' gigantic contribution to internet shilling this evening?
I'm not a lefty by far, but the US police is unaccountable. What's to like about stupid people with guns that lack any accountability and are unionized. The right is as retarded as the left on the police issue. The left hates the police, but believes they will protect them if they take all the guns away, and the right believes having militarized police force is somehow freedom. I don't get it. You have to be able to sue the police officer and win if he fucks up. There are maybe 10 policemen convicted since God knows when. They are clearly above the law. Fuck them. First they kill niggers, later they will get bold and start killing us too.
>combat medics aren't allowed to defend themselves
>Fuck them. First they kill niggers, later they will get bold and start killing us too.
Exactly. If it were made illegal to have "racist" opinions, your average retarded cop would waste no time in seeing to it you get arrested.
liberal in America=liberal interpretation of Constitution
liberal interpretation of Constitution=authoritarian left
authoritarian left=
>First they kill niggers, later they will get bold and start killing us too.
I'm not sure about this. Maybe they just like killing niggers because it's natural? Black cops are like 2x more likely to blast blacks. I think it just comes with the territory.
Because most all liberals are law breakers.
because theyre the only thing stopping the left from doing stupid shit like burning cars and stores, knocking over trashcans and beating up "nazis"
basically they perform mental gymnastics to legitimize their shit behavior and then get mad at the police for stopping them
I'm not really afraid of them arresting me. I'm more afraid that some cop has some flashback and shoots me at random. I was walking the dog at night, and I saw the cops "arresting" some white guy. They stopped and looked at me while I was passing across the street. There was like 10 cops ganging up on the guy on the ground. It didn't look like he was resisting either. I'm afraid of these people. And the worst part is whatever they do, you can't do anything about it. The judges will rule for them 100% of the time unless some other cop rats them out. They also determine if you are guilty or not, and given their general lack of basic reasoning is scary. I know some cops from when I was a kid, and they are not the brightest or the best people by far. I wouldn't even entrust them with the gun.
I get why they mostly kill niggers. Niggers are less likely to give them shit. I know a guy whose uncle was a big shot at the FD. Some cop decided to retire early, and arrested the guy, and claimed he was attacked, and there were some injuries (don't remember the details, but he was arranging early retirement). The guy was supposed to be a patsy for the cops early retirement. Lucky for the guy his uncle raised an issue and he actually was investigated for real. The cop was demoted to patrol in a good neighborhood. If he didn't have a high ranking firefighter uncle, the guy would rot in jail. With ghetto nigger incidents like these are minimized.
Because police are the tools of the State to crush people.