What did you like about Gargantia the most, Sup Forums?
What did you like about Gargantia the most, Sup Forums?
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Ledo and Chamber's character development.
I feel like you wanted a more sexual answer.
the colors actually, the music second, and the exposing clothes on big breasts third.
The beginning of episode 1. The rest was shit.
Go back to gundam
The setting and the fish-out-of-water story.
Not enough pirate raep
Was Ridget's really too risque?
When I went in I had no idea what to expect. I had never heard of it before my friend showed it to me. If I had known it wasn't a space battle show, I wouldn't have been so disappointed.
hnnng, dat cake
Unexpected from her personality
I found it really weird that they welcomed that pirate lady with open arms after she straight up murdered and enslaved people.
I mean, I'd understand if they actually justified it for a decent reason but they didn't even try.
belly dances and ledo get his first boner off of it
Did nobody actually like the hideauze origin story? I liked it a lot, and the commentary on society was nice.
That whole pirate lady was easily the worst part of the show.
Sometimes the tightly-wound captain just wants to relax.
Ridget because she's completely perfect.
go on...
Is this true?
I'm here for doujins. Check'em.
Anyone know what the artist is up to these days? Hasn't drawn porn in long time.
Second season being cancelled, what a shit show it was
>muh butcher
>much porn artist designs
Pure cancer
Hell yeah
I came here to post Amy's ass, but you beat me to the punch
Annihilation and tits.
>dark skin
>big tits
Is there a better combo?
What do you think Sup Forums?
I just now learned the character designer does porn. That's interesting.
It was interesting, a water world setting with loads of cool shit until it turned into a fucking mech show in space which was generic as fuck.
Way to throw away your element of uniqueness.
i want desutroy her "Gargantia"
Lukkage going from shit tier villain to best girl.
artist Name?.
I hate to do this but can I ask for the source on this one?
It got me into squid girls
Belly Dance.
When Ledo had his first boner.
>Parappa rapper
sauce on that?
sweaty unwashed tits
I just realized that Bellows isn't wearing bottoms in that pic.
Do you agree with this Sup Forums
Stupid show. Nice boot.
Delicious brown girls.
This serie only get out 2 BD, right?
Chamber by a long shot.
I just came here to check that these were posted.
i see you point, user-kun
I thought she's in her early 20's
Enter by your own risk
This user knows his shit
wow. I'm actually pretty amazed.
I prefer a girl with a bit of muffin top over girls who are so skinny they don't have any curves,
but I don't like fat girls.
But then there are some rare fat girls who have the fat accumulate on their bodies in this ideal way that's kind of hot and makes me want to experience having sex with them.
But most fat girls are just unattractive and fat.
At least be subtle about it.
Is that an example?
Chamber best bro.
Ridget best breeding body.
Chocolate tomboy best girl.
Is this?
Who gives a shit about the girls when there's Chamber.
What bullshit is this?
You know. Unless he was castrated before puberty he should have a normal sex drive.
The setting. Post-apocalyptic earth far into the future with only lost artifacts remaining of our current civilization is my absolute favorite trope.
Sora no Woto and Shin Sekai Yori are the only 2 other shows I know of that does it well.
this is true, but makes fat blobs think they are curvy
chubby girls are girls with not tight bellys so a little swimband at most. this means that almost every average female today is now chubby
and what we consider chubby might actually be way below average.
She may not be as obviously hot as Bellows or Ridget but she has a perfect little body in a tight little package and an extremely cute and endearing personality.
the threads on Sup Forums.
>crew about to get raped/murdered by pirates
>pirates vaporized
All I remember after that was belly dancing and chamber saying eat shit, metal head at the end
>tfw worst girl Bellows gets the majority of doujins
Melty doujins never. Even fucking Saya gets a doujin
The fact that you need to ask insults me OP.
What is is referencing?
The main guy had a soldier mindset. Without "why i have use violence?" bullshit.
Non stereotyped dressing style. No school uniforms/swimsuits or something that resembled that. Good characterization not based on pre-packaged archetypes. Overally interesting themes. And most importantly the freaking belly dance.
That belly dancing scene was actually a turn-off for me. Anyone else feel the same?
What a fag.
Yes. It's called being homosexual.
Too much Melty
>t. triggered europoor that can't stand any references to arabic culture
Fuck off.
Swap Saaya and Bellows
Yes but she's not fat.