Why are female jap writers so much better at writing believable human interaction?

Why are female jap writers so much better at writing believable human interaction?
Does the entire country's male population suffer from some kind of autism?

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>believable human interaction
nice b8 m8

it's slightly rose colored
if you're going to post your retarded meme arrows at least explain your thought process

Women are, in general, much better at writing human relationships. Men are better at stuff like technical worldbuilding. That's why they tend to write for different genres.

I just wish we could get the best of both worlds.
It's been done for western media many times, whereas there's only a handful of anime that does it well.

But orange you glad this show isnt called banana.

Because all Japanese males are perverts who don't care about human interaction just braindead hentai and action.

Maybe a male-female duo would be able to make something like that work.

Because female writers know how to write female characters.

Honestly though the MC in Orange is pretty frustrating in the beginning with how stupid she was. The last couple episodes have been pretty cathartic though.

Kill yourself.

I thought it was well done in how she's hesitant about following the letter's instructions since she's very shy.
Pretty sure it's what was intended.
As she says a few letters can't change someone's character

Most of my favorite authors are female, they include some of my most loved series.
But men write the philosophies, classics, and challenge ideas.
Women make good stories. Men lack structure in favor of pushing concept.

You should be gassed.

Get rapped by a nigger.

I don't know, it may be that they are more interested in romance so the best of them will write believable romance.

That being said, anime has shit writing and is nothing compared to literature, and in Japan I prefer male authors over female.

Even ugly girls are bound to get laid at some point in their lives, thus they can write romance based on their actual experience.

The male authors who write romance LN/manga these days are the forever alone DT types who only know how to write the shitty generic harem pandering that they grew up reading.

>Does the entire country's male population suffer from some kind of autism?

>2 orange threads in one day

Why is this manga so fucking overrated? It's can't be just one idiot.

Finally the anime for me

it's not the greatest but it's good
it doesn't have the problem that so many other anime have where I just want to turn it off and never watch it again

You're basically wrong about believable human interaction. Which isn't a surprise because you're a nerd on the internet all day who lives in a society where the idea of human interaction comes from a toxic blend of therapeutic reductionism and postmodern social studies. Both fields are of course dominated by women.

Most male written anime is romantic. Which to your castrated materialist brain means unbelievable characters.


>Believable human interactions

The characters in this show are waaaay too fucking friendly to each other. Like, even among friends interactions aren't this fucking rose colored with everyone laughing 24/7. It feels like some fucking plastic friendship.


Whole lot of projection in this post.

>just finished episode 7
>fucking in tears

God damn glad we are starting to get some climax moments here, so fucking good

>The characters in this show are waaaay too fucking friendly to each other.
Did you not watch the last 2 episodes?

They're friendly because they're trying to save Kakeru.

You're retarded


>only reads G. R. R. Martin

>replying seriously to derp_commander

>G. R. R. Martin
>Good technical worldbuilding

Of the two, it's the individual human interaction he's good at.

Wouldn't they inversely not be able to write male characters? Is there something about women that make them be able to understand both sexes, men can't understand women?

The mother instinc or some shit?

women have a better power of empathy
they're better at judging other people's feelings and motivations
however there are some male abstractions like honor or pride they can't really understand very well

Takagi-san's creator is male. That's believable.

>Is there something about women that make them be able to understand both sexes, men can't understand women?

You'd have to ask a woman for an actual answer though, not me.

I'd rather not. Regardless of any real answer, the woman I ask would be encouraged to agree. It's impossible for her to know just what is going inside my head, just the same as in hers. It gives women power to keep up the image of mystery and natural empathy.

The notion that men can't understand women is tiresome. The only thing there is to figure out is that women are irrational sometimes, because chemicals, and that is obviously inherently unpredictable. There is literally nothing else about them that can't be understood.

It's not that men don't understand women when it comes to writing anime, it's just that they purposefully ignore realistic traits in order to pander to otaku virgins in order to create wish fulfillment waifu bait.

>why are women so good with coming up ideal men they want to breed with?

Yeah, the joke you see in movies, tv, etc. always seems to be that women are some mysterious, incomprehensible creatures that men will never figure out and men are incredibly simple-minded and easy to understand.

But I feel like it's almost the complete opposite in reality.

Maybe it's because we have all this feminism nowadays that forces men to take women into consideration at all times, but we don't really have anything that forces women to take men into consideration ever.

Women tend to be more empathetic since they're raised to prioritize other people/have a mothering urge. Men are usually raised to think more about themselves, which is why they're usually the ones in the industry who say "fuck it" and throw realism to the wind in favor of what makes their dick hard. Both have their charms.


>all this feminism nowadays that forces men to take women into consideration at all times

?? ?? ?

Found the guys who never read any literature. I generally find male writers to be able to depict both sexes rather well, while female writers often miss the mark when writing about men.

if we're talking about literature in general yes
for anime it seems to be different though

I would actually believe you if you posted pic related instead of Orange

I don't get the Orange meme
it's pretty mediocre

>replying to a tripfag

Did you notice this is an anime thread on an anime board?

it's just the latest one I watched
the list goes on forever

Die you cancer.

that would be cool if such a duo every existed i would definitely read their manga

>Women are more capable of feeling empathy.

t. women

The notion that women are particularly emotional and irrational is just as tired and stereotypical. Men are statistically more likely to engage in emotionally driven behaviour (crimes of passion, substance abuse, reckless driving, risk taking stunts, actually going through with suicide, getting into fights, etc). The main difference is that women are forgiven for being open with their emotions and always have more of a support system than men, so they can let it all out without worrying while men can't afford to do so.

Honey and Clover is shit, though.

its actually in their nature tho. Why is the mother always portrayed as the emotional support of the family? Because it is in their nature to be one. It is actually understandable. Observe why 3rd wave feminist writers are shit. Its because they want to go away from the actual nature of themselves; to be caring


it's only shit because the story fails to really tie together a coherent story
the writing is actually ok

Itt: people base their opinion of women off their mother

Don't almost everyone do precisely that thought?

The only thing I hated about it was Hagu's love resolution. It was out of nowhere t b h. There were even no hints of it from the earlier chapters. Other than that, its really great

>K-On! anime
>Shirokuma Cafe
>Natsume Yuujinchou
>Kiniro Mosaic
Seems just about right

yeah that's what I was implying
personally don't have much of a problem with it
the MC's character development made it okay

Is this a thing that pops up in every Orange thread?

It should be.

the japanese are basically not humans compared to western society

Fuck off Sup Forums.

t. reddit

I was going to say you are just bullshitting, but some of my favorite interactions in anime, especially in rom coms, are written by women. Kimi Ni Todoke, toradora, tonari kaibutsu kun. I'd say it's mostly coincidence, but I'm sure there is some reason buts it's not "jap men are sheltered autists"

Not for lack of trying. GoT has a functioning central bank with inflationary policies, run by Venetian Jews.

Considering that women are not better at writing characters,they are just pandering to people like you instead.

He's right you know

Shut up Freud.

No he's not. Now put your trip back on loser so my filter can pick it up.

>The notion that women are particularly emotional and irrational is just as tired and stereotypical. Men are statistically more likely to engage in emotionally driven behaviour (crimes of passion, substance abuse, reckless driving, risk taking stunts, actually going through with suicide, getting into fights, etc).

Sup Forums will probably deny this, but it is actually correct. In fact, that's generally the reason that men have shorter lifespans than women on average. Rather than disease or other natural factors, they're just more likely to do something emotionally driven that results in lethal harm to themselves.

Actually, all the angry responses to the notion that women are generally more empathetic is a pretty good indicator of this. Because males are socialized to be proud, even objectively true statements such as these get taken like personal attacks.

I don't think its emotional so much as its lack of emotion.
>Reckless driving etc
All caused by men who just stopped giving a shit.

The phrase "bottling up" applies here.

Actually, research says that "letting out your rage" basically just leads to more rage.

But they aren't particularly caring, or at least not any more than men. They are more nurturing towards their family, true enough, but that doesn't make you any better at understanding others, especially if their mode of thinking is very different from yours. got it right, plus they are wired to be more social in general. However, being social doesn't automatically prevent you from being a self-centered asshole; it just means you're better at manipulation.

That's why the right approach is to solve and address your issues instead of just raging.

>this thread
Name one female author that has produced writing of literary merit.
I'm sure you'll come up with an entertaining and worthwhile answer

Ah, the "All shit lol" game. Bujold.

Any Brontë

Men are creatures of passion.
Women are creatures of compassion.

There, i spelled it out for you.

I'll give you this one, but they are extreme outliers and even at best Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are famous only because of the gender of the authors and can only be described as women's lit

Four hugos.

Orange in a nutshell: youtu.be/yTwYwoENH9A?t=21m49s

You should seriously consider reading something other than science fiction, user.

Ah, so in your great big quest for "all shit lol" you have just dismissed an entire genre. Well done, /lit/.



>Keit-ai reference
Kill yourself.


I dropped the manga after a few chapters but does the main girl still only read one line of her letter per chapter instead of reading it entirely?
Does the letter also describe perfectly like weather or what Xfriend or Yfriend ate on a day precisely in the anime? even though the letter was written 10 years later.

Dropped it because of these retarded writings.

>Keit愛 OST

OP: youtube.com/watch?v=ycfdfinG_P8
ED1: youtube.com/watch?v=hXDNGS9V4Us
ED2: youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo

OP Full: youtube.com/watch?v=4NShEKYoPXw
ED 1 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=IIX9aoN7g4o
ED 2 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=woiMYzVTl9c

>Keit愛 TVアニメ

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=JcVGDV67L-g
EP 1: youtube.com/watch?v=o_rz1bluG_k
EP 13: youtube.com/watch?v=JLUjMWRCzic

>Keit愛: 君の名は。

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=RBBrZ3d2sJE
Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=k4xGqY5IDBE

Mods please delete this gender debate.


>the characters take forever just to touch hands

>The characters in this show are waaaay too fucking friendly to each other.
>They're friendly because they're trying to save Kakeru.
They know little about the boy and yet already fully sacrifice for him. This is not believable friendship, this is plot convenience.