This is Richard Spencer photographed with Laura Bush. I didn't believe that Richard Spencer was ''controlled opposition" until someone told me to just google "Richard Spencer Laura Bush". I'm not sure the context behind this photo, anyone know? Is Richard Spencer actually an Alinsky-esque operative? If so, that's scary because they could derail this entire movement if they haven't already
This is Richard Spencer with Laura Bush
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So fucking new it hurts.
>Summer never ends.
Spencer is a shill for Dugin, google it
He was always a plant.
Who is the women on the left?
Look israeli.
Spencer is old money you idiot, you can run into random elites at pricey country clubs all the time, I'm a poorfag but one of my cousins married into an oil family and I ran into Donald rumsfeld at a country club once in like 2010.
Richard Spencer is a faggot and you should feel ashamed for even trying to defend him.
Spencer's all right, BASED magapede mestizos like you should fuck off back to /r/the Donald
Old money? Who in his family had money? From what?
He's alright, he is one of the k my presentable people out there doing anything. I do get a bit tired of him sometimes since he seems to have an inflated ego. He also gets a bit contrarian and starts shitting on anyone not perfect, e.g. Trump, Le Pen, etc