Opnly 5 episodes left of Re:Zero

>opnly 5 episodes left of Re:Zero

How am i supposed to continue watching anime after this?

Nothing will ever top it

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Rewatch OreImo

just don't watch anime for 5 years till season 2

Watch SAO, it's the same trash and you will eat it pretending it's good, kinda what you're doing right now with re:zero.

go back to your containment board

can someone explain to me how in episode 2 Emilia doesnt make it to the loot house but in episode 3 she does?
to be specific, in suburu's second death he gets to the loot house without emilia and meets with else and felt only to die. THEN the next time he gets to the loot house, again without emilia, she gets there even before elsa was supposed to meet with felt.
Am i to assume that Reinhardt met with emilia without the characters ever conveying that to suburu or the audience? Seems like the writing there is a little too loose.
What changed between suburu's second and fourth life to have emilia make it to the loot house THAT early if it at, because on the 2nd life she apparently never makes it there..

>> I'm lost and my friends hate me for pointing this shit out and not seeing past it.

subaru even said that he was a hindrance to her.

i know he said that but how then did she not make it in the 2nd life.

Orelmo is fucking fantastic.

>Try to make an MC deep and emotional
>Make him look like a sniffling baby that's was dropped on his head instead
I can't wait for Re:Zero to leave this board.

this has to be fucking b8 right?

Good, never come back to Sup Forums as well while you're at it.

>It's bait because I don't like it!

I can't wait till Summer ends.

their fight slowed her down, Subaru and felt and rom fought elsa a bit before emilia showed up in the second life, most likely she literally got there a few minutes afterwards.

but both of those are mediocre trash at best
can't handle your moeshit being criticized?

he has no interaction with her that relate to loot house. but in ep3 he did told Reinhard to relay his massge that relate to loot house.

I hate Emilia so much but I don't know why. Probably because she did nothing good other than the first few episode. But I usually don't hate a vase character in anime.

I understand that the show is mediocre, but calling my post bait because you don't like it is autistic.

>tfw you won't get tricked into watching this.

Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion and contribute to the waifu war.

>is autistic
from which underage youtuber did you learn that word?
because that's not what autism is

you dont see emilia in the second life.
and the fight you are referring? the one in the street where he grabs her for a minute? not buying that as the excuse to be that late to the party when we know that small changes dont change the paths people take. because in the 1st life when they lose track of felt and shown int he 4th life that she helps the girl to get the flower that she pins to her shirt. the timing of the fight doesnt appear to change the timing of the other events. and still doesnt explain much as to how she made it so so so early to the loot house in the 4th life

Here is one problem: Why did they stop Emilia from fighting the witchfiend? Why she and Ram had to stay back in the mansion? If there are 4 of them witchfiend should be easily obliterated. To protect the mansion? Then why all of them came out of the mansion when Subaru was injured by the witchfiends? That is the only part of the anime I can't make sense of.

have you seen mine yet? i cant wrap my head around it

think about that conversation though
"there is a boy looking for you miss, in the slums at the loot house and he wants to give you something. but he also stress' not to go to the loot house" and she goes anyways

it is never explicitly stated by neither reinhardt or emilia that they have spoken to each other.

Winter will have good shows.

Why do the troops in episode 20 even know that they lost people? Otto, Ram and Emilia didn't remember shit about Rem because her existence never happened. Please explain.

this show is a lot of fucking nothing

The problem was unknown at the time so they keep Emilia iin the mansion because if whatever their fighting is dangerous enough Betty can keep Emilia safe.
When they realized the dogs would stay in the forest once the boundary was fixed, it was okay for her to come out.

they are organized in platoons

Lets say there are 20 soldiers in a standard platoon. If for some reason they find out that they have only 8 units in their platoon but they have no idea why, then they know they lost 12 men.

They've clearly lost a lot more than how many they counted probably because there is no one left to report for their squad at all.

my confusion after the first arc was why did the shop keeper recognize him as the guy that found his daughter in his third life? Did I miss something?

He says a penniless kid like Subaru referring to Emilia.

How about watching Nisekoi? I dropped it right before Marika's debut, might be a good idea to pick it up.

I don't know what this post is but I haven't watched nisekoi.

ah fuck your right. just rewatched it that makes a lot more sense now

>If for some reason they find out that they have only 8 units in their platoon
But they wouldn't because the removal of their existences would change all that, like Rem's room not having any of her stuff in it. Events/things connected to the missing person(s) are changed and fit smoothly, resulting in no one realizing what the fuck happened, unless you're the audience or Subaru.

I fail to see this is getting so much praise. Marathoned it last week and it's ok. A decent watch overall but I honestly don't the hype.

It's the Isekai thing isn't it? Even SAO being terrible as it is it still managed to spread like wildfire.

How much anime have you watched again?

Naruto, Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan

>Nothing will ever top it
I know this is bait, but it still triggers me somehow.

>Nothing will ever top it
try watching something actually good user

Maybe because you're a sperg.

>nothing will ever top it
babbys first anime?
This isn't THAT good. It's probably the best this season, but I wouldn't call it THAT good. The characters' actions don't even make sense, esepcailly Subaru's and Rem's.
The latest episode was forced drama with the death of that swordsman. It was blatant that he was going to die and they forced a bunch of backstory into one episode of a completely irrelevant side character to trigger your feels.
Also hate how Rem just continues to cuck herself. As much as I love her, it's really dumb and unrealistic how someone can "love" someone, confess there feelings, get rejected, and continue to support him even after he SAYS he's in love with someone else, who IS HER FRIEND. That shit doesn't work in real life.

People say this a lot and it's annoying to see people be consistently wrong, the premise didn't make it popular and it's playing with tropes from ZnT not SAO.
Threads were comfy until episode 7, no one thought it was anything special before that aside from the few who read the manga/wn.
It caught shitposting because of rem vs emilia and pic related.

In the loop where Subaru gets killed along with Felt and Rom, Elsa arrived before Emilia and we never see Emilia getting to the loot house even when they spent some time with Elsa.
In the last loop, Emilia arrived before Elsa and Elsa arrived shortly after.

Subaru never met Emilia yet in those loops, so you can't say that Subaru slowed her down.

The best explanation is that in the last loop Reinhardt found Emilia and told her about Subaru, which is why she managed to get before Elsa to the loot house. If that's the case then not sure why they made it so ambiguous. Could any LN fags confirm this?

Another explanation is that Subaru's encounter with Elsa in the last loop delayed somehow.

>that's not what autism is
yes it is in 4chin, go back to plebddit now

Sword master killing the whale was the most utterly ridiculous shit I've ever seen. Not sure how they managed to make it look so comical.

because QUALITY

Whitefox mentioned which episodes they spent the most money on and ep 20 wasn't one of them


though i find teh assumption that reinhardt told emilia suburu's message a little weak and i aint biting

>literally can reset the timeline any time he wants
>stresses about anything ever

why is subaru so retarded?

Try to get yourself killed and tell us if you enjoyed it

killing yourself actually doesn't hurt that much
adrenaline prevents you from feeling pain

>killing yourself actually doesn't hurt that much
Is this nigga serious?

show us how it's done

They throw LN shit every season.

Just chose one

eh, if you work yourself up enough yeah, shit doesn't really hurt. just don't be stupid with how you do it

If you've ever sustained any kind of serious injury you would know this
but don't take my word for it, ask someone who has

All he has to do is jump off a fucking cliff like he did the first time.

Are all zerofags just as retarded as this chump right here?
You should've payed more attention to biology classes retard

>calls others retarded
Oh the irony

seeing how much attention and praise this anime gets here really tells a lot about the average age of an Sup Forumsnon

>It was blatant that he was going to die and they forced a bunch of backstory into one episode of a completely irrelevant side character

woah, it's almost as if you should watch the next episode before saying this

go back at eating your big mac amerifat

One thing is to sustain a serious injury without knowing and another completely different thing is to autoinjure yourself in order to kill yourself. Your brain and your survival instincts will kick in.

And for the next time you already saw the state of your body when you died the previous time and that makes your desire to live even stronger. Try to watch some footage of people getting beheaded or some crazy shit that can be found on the next and try not to look away

You should've """""payed""""" more attention to your A1 English classes retard

Having to go through the pain of death for every failure aside he was originally pleased he had a problem to fix and was pretty happy go lucky till this arc.
Betelgeuse is a dick and the whale is bullshit, the two guy who carried the team are seemingly out of the fight now and there are two more whales.

This anime blew it.

>literally One Meme Man but with psychic powers


>there are two more whales.
How is Subaru supposed to overcome this ordeal?

>Try to watch some footage of people getting beheaded or some crazy shit that can be found on the next and try not to look away
so this is your first day on Sup Forums?

It has nothing to do with One punch man
There is no meme in mob psycho 100 shitposter. With the animation alone, it blew the fuck up every fuking series that aired this year.

If the 12 people of the platoon lost their existence completely then wouldn't the platoon have recruited 12 different people in the past and so still have 20 people altogether?

Go into Cryogenic suspension until season 2.

While the whale can erase someone's existence/fate, it does not mean it has the power to change another persons fate.

Otherwise you could argue that when the master swordsman was sent to fight the whale, when she failed another master swordsman took her place and fought. Then you get into some paradoxical loop of swordman fighting and failing until there is nobody left in the world who can fight.

Reinhardt didn't meet Emilia and give her the message. Right before Reinhardt takes Felt away, he and Emilia is talking about Subaru, asking if she knew him. He then tells her then and there about how Subaru was looking for her and the message. So they didn't meet beforehand.

You have a piece of lined paper. On it, one line each, fifteen lines, you write down a person's name. Then you draw a box around all of it.
A whale with an eraser comes along and erases some names, but you can still see the boundary of the box -- it was very smart of you to think to put a box there.

>>Nothing will ever top it
Are you sure about that?

If ReZero is the best thing you've seen how many shows have you actually finished.

The only thing worth mentioning in this show is the godly episode that is episode 15 and was true brilliance from start to finish.

Is episode 17 the best episode of our generation?

Episode 05 of Mob psycho 100 is outstanding.

I really hope you are fucking trolling. This show is normie garbage.

Anime is normalfag garbage if you haven't been keeping up.

I like Mob Psycho since 2012 but it isn't even the best psychic comedy show of the season, let alone top a masterpiece like Re:Zero


look I don't want to repeat myself so post something more amazing.

Saiki is a low budget so it loose by defaut.

Now that it's nearly over can we all agree Re:Zero was a mistake?

In 5 episodes they have to kill 2 bosses, meet Emilia and some refrain things. It will be rushed as fuck

Lower budget and lesser screentime but still a better anime than Meme Psycho.


>nothing will ever top it
Is this your first anime user?

You're trying so hard with the "meme" thing.

But Mob is only partly comedy, user.


The finale would be a good time to kill yourself then, OP.

not the same person, but can you recommend me other good animes? i'm into this kind of stuff, so i've read steins;gate and loved it but that's the only thing that's really similar to it. (mirai nikki kinda is?)

what animes in general do people find more enjoyable than re:zero? (seeing how re:zero is my fav anime atm)

Just get deported back to the Sup Forums, /r9k/, and Sup Forums circlejerk of shitposting already.

I swear it's just one person trying to spread this shitty meme.

>complaining about summer

It's explained clearly in the episode, retard-kun.

>horribly unfunny "humour"
>blurry flashing lights as an excuse to not animate fights
>generally shoddy animation all around
>so original it has an own Mr.Satan

Thankfully it's flopping, it's what it deserves.