Israelis create artificial sperm
men are no longer needed to produce biological offspring

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you ever wonder if this is the aliens plan and they are almost done with humanity? why would you even come up with something like this.


we're getting real waifus and artifical wombs soon so who cares

>makes everyone's children half-Jewish robot mongoloids

This was their end game all along

Jews hate everything manly or masculine. They despise absolutely everything about men because woman laid their god first

Smack that nuke the world button!

>Aliens plan.


And nuclear power will be too cheap to meter...

The government will stomp this technology into the ground with regulations. They don't need anyone uplifting the shitskin masses.

>women no longer need men
>muh feminist stronk
Sweet, but who are they gonna divorce, sue for alimony and child support?

then what the fuck is the wall for?

Good hopefully this will make women fuck about sexbots.

Nigrum sol resurget

why would you do this? why in the fucking world would you do this.it literally allows the sexes to segregate.

They'll just enslave men, since obviously according to Star wars, hunger games, and every movie since the 90's, women are just as capeable at literally everything

Obviously. Jews are the aliens.

Anon5 was right again.

>why would you do this?
Human nature. We will destroy ourselves.

Don't you see they're the same thing? Answer me this, where does the genetic material for the artificial womb/sperm come from.
You don't make that, it isn't under your supervision. It's shipped to you (artificial womb) or done in a clinic (artificial sperm).

>tfw the scriptures were right; the red haired, space giants just wanted our women...

also if it comes down to it men will just take women to procreate by force with.

>XX + XX = XX
>shortage of dildos


Starting to think that the greys being humans from the future that have lost all genetic diversity and come back to the past to harvest DNA they need is right, and this is the start of that fuck up. Somehow really not surprised that the reptillian fucks are the ones to do it.

>(((Israelis))) create artificial sperm
Totally trustworthy goy.



We should've stayed in the middle-ages...

GG Goyim

sperm is a living and conscious organism, you cant just substitute it with some DNA thrown into an egg and have a fucking living conscious being arise from it, this is ludicrous, im sick of hearing retarded pop science bullshit that makes no sense

Because men are valued primarily for their ability to produce sperm, not for their ability to do shit that matters.


Holy fuck, this changes everything...

How did that child swallow the metal bracelet?

It honestly seems like everyday, we come closer to a world like the MGE world. Where men are nothing but meat-dildoes to be used and mistreated by capricious and horny beasts who don't even know the first thing about an *actual*, loving relationship.

Do the artificial wombs include artificial eggs?

This show was fantastic. I really liked the bear Grylls version of it. The women were SOO incompetent and unable to get food that the crew had to plant pigs in their camp for the women to eat. But instead of eating them, they named them and kept them as pets, and they continued to starve even more. The crew then had to pay fishermen to just "happen" across the island and give them fish. They planted fucking bottles of soda on the beach too. Then at the end, Bear checks out both camps. The men had a functioning camp, with a house water filtration, and plenty of food. The women on the last day, just swept the fucking ground. They BARELY had a shelter, it was basically just sticks leaning on each other. No water, no food, no shelter, it really said everything you need to know about society

Nice Jewish trick. It's just some rabbi jacking off and telling the goyim it's artificial. Either that or it's nigger sperm, and they're trying to dumb down gullible goys.

>mistreated by capricious and horny beasts who don't even know the first thing about an *actual*, loving relationship.

Soooo, women?


that's funny, that's what I came up with. Explains why they wouldn't want to be seen as to not interfere with the future. Figured they're looking for some genetic kink they believe occurred some time between 1920-1990.

Then again, I'm legally retarded and unironically the product of inbreeding, so I know they're not looking for me.

Yes. Luckily, most women don't possess aura's of raw demonic-power that literally mind-rape men into "loving" them. At least, I hope they don't.

They've been using artificial sperm on porn sets for decades. This is old news.


Old news:

>Scientists have created viable mouse sperm in a laboratory dish using the technique. The sperm cells were used to fertilise IVF mouse eggs to produce healthy, fertile offspring, which went on to have their own offspring by natural conception.


Daily reminder that men built EVERYTHING in this civilization, women are worthless and dispensable, literally only useful for reproduction

China was first.