Does nobody care about the single biggest problem with out country? Thanks for spreading AIDS you dirty cocksuckers. Thanks! Fucking fairy faggot butt pirate cock gobblers. You are all going to hell where you can have Satan fuck you in the ass with his big red dick for eternity. Maybe then you'll get enough you faggots.
Most of the alt-right ecelebs are homo or fruity though. Milo is completely gay, Gavin Mcinnes made out with Milo and put things up his ass, Richard Spencer is an apologist, Sam fucks trannies and sucks dick.
If you are so against it, why are so many of your Sup Forums heroes so gay?
Why cunt?
t. gay shills
how does it feels having to shill against yourselves?, just to incite "hate"
Those faggots are all controlled OP imo
whoa somebody woke up with the wrong dick in their ass today
Homosexuality has a higher purpose than you degenerate faggots realize, but you don't deserve me telling you what it is. You are worthless, after all.
Naw ... just time for dilation.
Homosexuality is the biggest redpill for white men
You should only ever bother using women for procreation purposes.
>Thanks for spreading AIDS you dirty cocksuckers.
You're welcome!!!
how will you teach them?
Gays and trannies aren't the enemy. The Jew made them this way, the Jew is the only enemy. I never ever had any hatred towards gays or trans for them being the way they are. They don't bother me much and the trannies give me good fap material.
Modern womyn are doing a fine job at utterly, completely destroying themselves in the eyes of men already
>tfw no qt blonde /lgbt/ bf
Yes I've seen this OC before. Sure they are doing marvelously at tearing down, but what, and how, will we build up?
This. Stop blaming your white brothers and sisters for falling into the Jewish machine. In a lot of these cases the brainwashing is several generations deep. These kids literally never had a choice and were hit with a pseudo-reality and false moral structure from the day they could think.
We will never trip up on their division tactics if we remember: JEWS ARE THE ONLY ENEMY. I'm not saying that hard choices will have to be made for whites that actively work against us, but it can't come from hate. The jew made them this way.
>effeminate /lgtb/ shit bf
Into the trash it goes.
Make it a clone of Sup Forums-kun with blonde hair and now we're talking
LMAOING @ OP for imagining how satans dick looked like.
>single biggest problem
Are yoy sure? There are thousands of zombies standing outside mcdonalds right now wanting sauce packets desperately because their 20 minute commercial show told them so.
And that is just only how the jew corporate shenanigans are flavoured this month. Are you REALLY sure there isn't a much bigger cultural disease in america than dick fondling?
White, Femme, Middle Class, Lesbian, Parents are worse than the most flaming male homosexual.
I will tell you why. These Lesbians are covert. They have learned to hide their power level and be so deceptive as to adapt to different situations. In a Hannibal Lecter-like fashion, they blend in an exercise their malformed social and political agenda with sociopathic precision.
They take public tax dollars to raise their children and they have not only disenfranchised all of hetero-normative culture, they have discarded men catagorically. Yey they will still move eagerly to take the tax dollar of the Single White Male.
They are having mixed race children through IVF. They have abandoned natural sexuality for the unnatural. They are both Race Traitors and Gender Traitors.
Beware the White, Femme, Middle Class, Lesbian, Parent. They are true and horrifying enemies of White Men everywhere. They are the Sexual Jew... the Gender Jew if you will.
Their perversion cannot go unanswered. They must acknowledge their natural obligation to men and to the human race. To resist this, is anti-social, against nature, against the teleological, against the rational.... White, Middle Class, Lesbian, Parents cannot go unanswered in the culture war.
Keep them out of public office at all costs. Keep them out of your communities, your churches (flee from sexual immorality), your businesses (fire gay women... without exception), and your neighborhoods (through Home owners association agreements prohibiting rainbow flags)....
It's up to you. It has to be you that contributes in the fight. What will you do?
The fact that there are media outlets like LOGO on cable, Gay Parenting Magazines, and stock photo or B-roll of lesbian and gay parenting is proof that Jewish Media interests have literally constructed a reality of homosexuality that people can choose to never emerge from.
The Media Jew is partially responsible for literally manufacturing an accommodating and channeling influence on gay and lesbian culture. They put blinders on LGBT so they can choose to ignore heteronormative culture all together if they want to. Live in your world, Play in ours gay boy goy or gay girl goy.
In some ways they did not stand a chance. Indoctrination at the school level, I feel, is to blame. The over-sexualization of the internet in general is a close second. Young teen children can find gay porn and masturbate to it and become habituated/ All it takes is curiosity, the natural arousal that occurs in the presence of any sexual stimuli, and repetition to habituate anyone to nearly any sexual stimuli.
The propoganda of the Jew is deep, clever, psychologically relevent, and controlling. It is inplace at many levels within society (gay rights), business(gay dollars), and government(public entitlements and validation of homosexual relationships).
It's got to stop. We have to know about it to do something about it.
But they were all of them deceived, for another coin was made. In the land of Israel in the fires of the temple mount the dark lord Judaism forged a master coin; one shekel to rule them all.
someone post gay porn so i can report this faggot thread