What went wrong?
Tales of Zestiria the X
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Everything went wrong just because you can see how it all goes right.
Artorius did nothing wrong.
Is this yaoi?
No this is Patrick.
Having to go back to the goody-two-shoes adventures of Sorey and Gayboy
>Want to get Berseria for cute /ss/ adventure
>it's a direct sequel of Zestiria
>shit tons of dlc costumes
>direct sequel to Zestiria
Berseria is like 1000 years before Zestiria.
So can anyone explain the anime because I heard the same.
Does this mean that the anime is showing what is happening 1000 years prior and we'll probably get some time traveling bullshit?
No dumbass it showed the beginning of what made Zestirias age of Chaos so shitty. Slay has to deal with the fallout while cumming in his fuccboi angel.
Two worthless episodes of events that have no bearing 1000 years later are a fucking eyesore. It's not even a "Who's Who?", it's a "Who Cares?" They're so terrified Beseria will sell like shit that they felt obligated to waste time promo'ing it in a show that's only tangentially related to it, which only serves to piss off people already invested in Zestiria's characters and display that the game makers have no faith that their next product will perform as well as Zestiria did. And given we've just endured two episodes of being introduced with characters so lackluster that their names have to be repeated over and over again in order for them to even register in short-term memory, I'd say they're right to be afraid of their future flop.
>which only serves to piss off people already invested in Zestiria's characters
All 3 of you?
>people already invested in Zestiria's characters
The show was planned even before zestiria bombed
>how to spot a console cuck
There's nothing wrong with zesteria that wasn't already shit in previous games. You just hate zesty because your precious console exclusive became playable by a wider, not shit fanbase.
Why did Velvet tell Oscar to tell her name to Artorius if she is going to reach capital ahead of him?
Played it on PC though.
The game is shit too dw
So how did a cast of 3 manage to actually rekt a dragon, while the entire endgame cast of Zestiria barely managed to do so, with the support of two entire armies ?
Power creep. It's like asking whay Korra can bend all elements when Aang started with just air.
Daemon hand eats everyone and gets super str.
Demonbane, Goku, Uchiha Madara... I'll devour them all!
This. I just want to rest of the episodes to be Berseria.
Artorius happened.
Red days happened
Which actually makes it worse.
Retardation. Too much devouring.
Come to think of it now, people outrunning the party is a thing in Vesperia.
They part with Flynn at Dahngrest and when they arrive in Nordopolica he has already taken over Colosseum.
They chase Cumore out of Heliord and when they arrive in desert he is already settled there.
They escape Yeager's mansion while saving Don and when they are back to Dahngrest Don is already there, prepared for sudoku.
It's like the party are the only ones who can't teleport.
So who's the shepard in Berseria times?
>a direct sequel
Where are the "Spirits"?
Why is everyone equipped to fight demons, to the point of capturing them for amusement?
Why are they not named Hellions?
There is no Sheppard mentioned at all.
At this point I see no relation.
Wiki says The Sheppard must not influence political relations, so pretty much is the wandering janitor with no name
The exorcists can't kill the demons, which were probably renamed in those 1000 years, so they capture them and feed them to Velvet instead, that's why they wanted to recapture her and not kill her. The sheppard is just someone who can kill hellions, he must not have been around yet if they needed Velvet so badly. The exorcists and Seres were spirits, those artes were the magic of the seraphs.
This CG dragon went wrong
At that time period the Shepherds didn't kill hellions, they're around but they don't kill hell ions. In fact Artorius might be fucking shit up for him.
>Tales of Zestiria
Shouldn't be tales of berseria now?
I haven't played a Tales game since Symphonia on the gamecube like 15 years ago or some shit.
Let me get this straight. The last 2 episodes were just to promote the upcoming game, and now every episode moving forward will go back to the boring mary sue squad we had for the first few episodes?
Can an user confirm?
Yeah these two eps was to promote Berseria. Now it's back to the regular cast members of Zestiria.
Do we know if they will come back at some point or is it safe to say that is the last we will see of them? I really don't like the first cast.
Nah I think this is it. I wouldn't be surprised that these two eps was tacked on late into development after the backlash with Zestiria so they can have something to give people hope on buying the new game.
Maybe in the second cour we see them again, but don't count on it.
That begs the question why the fuck they decided to use them as episode 5 and 6.
Episode 1 was a prequel with an entirely different cast to episode 2, 3, and 4, then they changed the cast again (and universe for that matter) for 5 and 6, then change the world and cast back for episode 7.
Whoever's idea this was should be shot. I don't even know any of the characters' names at this point, besides Velvert Crowe because it sounded generic as fuck.
>Where are the "Spirits"?
Where is KFC?
>Why is everyone equipped to fight demons, to the point of capturing them for amusement?
Why is everyone equipped to fight buffalo, to the point of shooting them for amusement?
>Why are they not named Hellions?
Why are people like you called poofs?
Your own country has changed this much in far less then 1000 years and yet you are asking how it could happen in Zestiria setting?
No best girl
>Despite being a distant prequel to Tales of Zestiria, and containing references, the game's story was designed to work on its own. This distant connection was inspired by the developer's wish to emulate the similar distant narrative connection between Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia
>I don't even know any of the characters' names at this point
The name is Mazhigigika Miludin do Din Nolurun Dou.
I'll be sure to remember that, my lady.
My name is Treize Cinqante Khushrenada.
>Where are the "Spirits"?
>Why is everyone equipped to fight demons, to the point of capturing them for amusement?
Because it's not everyone? Just the Exorcists.
>Why are they not named Hellions?
Names can change over a long period of time.
>There is no Sheppard mentioned at all.
The Exorcists are probably the precursors.
>They're so terrified Beseria will sell like shit that they felt obligated to waste time promo'ing it
So like what they did with Zesteria's 40 minute OVA right before its release?
>It's like the party are the only ones who can't teleport.
I'd watch a parody Anime with this premise
>That begs the question why the fuck they decided to use them as episode 5 and 6.
Because the game is out in three days. Perfect timing for advertisement.
Then could they come back in season 2? I hope so. I don't know if I can take 2 seasons of these jokers.
I need more Velvet in my life.
>Velvet Crowe
Which asshole came up with her name? Might as well have called her Raven Knife or Black Dark.
What went right?
>Black Dark
>not Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Now that is a reference.
So a Baldur's Gate 2 anime?
Because she knows she's not?
Oscar is a trusted Praetor who doesn't mind Artorious killing little boys and turning psychologically broken village girls into Hellion Trash Compactors, he obviously doesn't have to deal with security checks or anything
Reminder that Velvet did nothing wrong.
I thought it was an OC from a Hairy Potter fanfiction.
There is something wrong with her face.
What about those jokers - 1? ;_;
the jawline
Yeah, who cares about what happens 1000 year later
Then you'd better buy Velvet's Gameā¢, coming this week!
I hope Berseria isn't going to be complete shit. I have no faith in Bamco to do anything correctly ever. The saving grace is that if the game sucks, we'll hear about it from the japs long before it ever reaches the west.
Even BamCo knows she's a chunni edgelord
I have faith. The demo was fun, a lot of things that were missing like minigames are back, the story I doubt it will be worse than Zestiria and there's no Baba.
Chuunis are fun
Is it enough that it "isn't as bad as Zestiria?"
Baba not being allowed anywhere near it can only be a good thing, but there are so many things wrong with the way Bamco handled Zestiria and its reception. The technical failings can't be directly blamed on Baba, and nor can Bamco's campaign of lies and stupidity, whether about game-breaking bugs or denying three years of marketing.
It's a new director (and I think a new writer?), which means the possibility now exists for the game to be good. I just don't think it's certain.
It is, but it was partly popularized by him doing a dramatic reading of it.
It's the Xillia 2 writer.
>I just don't think it's certain.
Of course it's not certain yet, but for me , Berseria looks like an apology for Zestiria.
We will see in a few days.
The 2 eps of Berseria was more interesting than all of Zestiria
Ufotable should have made this an full series instead
>he technical failings can't be directly blamed on Baba, and nor can Bamco's campaign of lies and stupidity, whether about game-breaking bugs or denying three years of marketing.
Actually they can, because introducing a new character and forcing them to become a main character when the staff when they're finishing up the game doesn't allow for any time for QC or bug fixing because it forces the staff to become focused on including this new character instead of actually finishing the game.
The marketing wasn't misleading either, Rose simply didn't exist, or if she did it wasn't an MC or even party member. The problem was that everyone knew the truth and Baba instead of owning up to it, attempted to lie and point fingers at everyone else.
This is just a classic case of the producer having too much power, and letting it go their head, and Bamco having no system in place to check their producers, this isn't the first time that it has happened with a Bamco property either. Digimon says hi!
>Ufotable should have made this an full series instead
Do nips even like this series? It was not on the top ten popularity on any of the polls I saw for this season. Seems like a huge bomb for the budget they put into it.
>"Please buy the game!"
>It doesn't look anywhere near as high quality as the anime
Videogames fucking sucks.
With the exception of the last two episodes and episode 1 the series usually tends scores at least 80%.
Literally everything
It looks about as good as the CGI dragon in the last episode.
Scores? I'm not talking about scores, they don't matter. I mean ratings.
You wish
There's no way to tell right now, to be honest though even if the game wasn't shitty Tales of Zestiria still wouldn't have made it into the top 10.
I thought they would watch anything as long as it was made by meme studio Ufotable.
That's Westerners user not Nips.
I rewatched the climax a dozen times. Ageless Moon is an awesome song.
>rewatched the climax a dozen times
Do people really do this? Like rewatch certain parts of an episode?
They do, but I guess I chose poor wording. I "relistened" it.
What happened with Digimon?
What's wrong about that? Not that guy but there's nothing wrong with enjoying a specific part of a show instead of rewatching it all.
I sometimes rewatch All Might vs Nomu in episode 12.
Dat track youtu.be
>Is this yaoi?
So what? It will still need to kill.
Why is that such a strange concept to you?
Of course people do.
My nigga
Why is Magilou so perflat?
Velvet is cute too when she is not being an edgelord.
Fuck I think I may actually buy all the DLC costumes
Only a faggot shills on any system, but a even bigger faggot would cry because a game came out for a different one as well. so in summary both of you are faggots.
This happened in Digimon several times.
First with Adventure they tried to make multi-media series with videogame and movie tie-ins a la .hack, but the problem is the producers got the bright idea to not have any of the staff meet up, and had a habit of not sharing information between them nor did they ever put a single person in charge of the project. This fucked them over three times; first was the fact that Kakudou the director for Adventure treated the series like his pet project and went a big crazy with his planning, this how we got the Sora, Yamato and Taichi fiasco. It also later on caused the problem when they forced Konaka to include Ryo in Tamers. With Konaka they also forced him to include more Tamers.
The writers pretty much avoided fucking him over though, by making Ken a character for 02 and giving him his own character arc. However they they finished planning out his character arc (and a good portion of the series), the producer had the bright idea to give Ken a foil, and then told the writers that they couldn't develop the character while giving said character a characterization where character development was needed. This resulted in them altering the script to include said character but then limited them in the types stories they could tell and resolutions they could have (hence why 02 has so many dues ex machina conclusions and also why the team is never truly in danger). Then the producer fucked them over even more by hiring two writers and telling both of them to write in vastly different styles, and then split up the characters between them. Then finally the producer throwing out the entire script for the second half of the show because they didn't like it.
Bandai has a problem with producers having too much power. Namco is not Bamco it's a problem has now spilled over onto the Tales franchise.
Very interested.
Also, tits.
You can't even tell the difference between both time periods, they all have the same tech level and aesthetics.
Berseria's only saving grace is Magilou, who was added because the devs noticed that people got baited into buying an equally mediocre game by their dick's raging lust for Fiore in SO5.