Let's fuckin go lads. Calling in all meme war veterans. We've struck a nerve today and can't let up for even a second. A rattled Democrat is a mistake-prone Democrat. It's all here and we need to exploit it to maximum damaging effect:
#ClintonRussia starting to trend. Keep going
Other urls found in this thread:
>Putin shlong
it's hilarious how this Russia shit is still being pushed, only now it dragged in Chilldawg's ass too.
Only the Dawg herself could be dumb enough to actually conspire with Putin and then lose the fucking election
FUCK off CIAnigger
Obvious CIA thread is obvious
No kikes we're not going to war with Russia for you, go yourself faggots
You must have gone to the Clinton Academy of Liberal Projection, eat a fucking McMuffin dick faggot
Have a Bump
#Uranium1 is better
No wonder the jews slammed russia so hard. to disguise the own dealings they had with it
90% of people would flat out ignore it user, there's no hook for ppl not familiar with Clinton Cash
Can we start calling Hillary Putin's dick holster now?
Thanks to any bumpers
Max exposure of this story is the goal
Graphically inclined anons should attempt to create easily digestable infographics or other memeable commodities
I'm a graphics nigger. I'm trying to digest this story because I just got on here but it's kinda confusing. What's the /quick rundown/ on this?
We gotta keep this trending senpai, force the rest of the MSM to cover it
shills in double shifts
bump for justice
Pretty hot desu
Bump for the fate of the west
Sad that Sup Forums can't even subvert the narrative anymore. This board is dying man where are all the people that spammed twitter and shit during the election.
>Pic related is what we knew before today about the Clintons involvement in Uranium One deal
Longform gestalt rather than quick rundown but here's what came out today:
>It has now been revealed that the FBI had done all the investigative work necessary that should have stopped the Uranium One deal from ever going through. Russia was compromising and bribing US nuclear industry related businesses (like trucking firms) to help them pursue and eventually acquire the extra uranium they sought. But rather than act on it, the investigation was intentionally not pursued / left dormant for years while Russia negotiated and was subsequently approved to buy the uranium by Hillary's own State Department and a select few other big-name executive branch people. One such was Robert Mueller, who was FBI director at the time, and was therefore the one who was slow-walking/burying the investigation (meaning that not even Congress let alone the public were aware that it was going on). It was only in 2013 after Obama was re-elected, Clinton was out of her State Dept job, and Mueller had been succeeded at the FBI by Comey that the investigation was closed out, with DOJ bringing charges to just one Russian individual, under the prosecutorial authority of then Maryland US attorney Rod Rosenstein.
>Hillary, Obama and Mueller (along with Eric Holder, then the AG, and, likely, Comey, who was transitioned into the job of Director by Mueller himself, like an apprentice) all knew that this Uranium One deal was bad and that Rosatom was a company with huge red flags in that they were essentially overseeing the nuclear industry compromise campaign, but when it came time to vote on the sale, only they would have known of those facts.
>It's now also supposed that the uranium acquired through the Uranium One sale by Russia has been sold onto Iran and/or North Korea to advance their nuke programs - the timelines certainly match.
So does this mean Rosenstein knows the extent of the damage and can better prosecute people or he's an insider kike undermining Trump?
So let's just get this outta the way
The left is too far gone
It doesn't matter what the evidence is
They've been getting fed disinfo for over a year now with the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA bullshit
It's not gonna matter if they have actual video evidence of Hillary meeting Putin and even name dropping Barry
It's too late for them, they're not gonna see to reason
They're gonna stick their fingers in their ears and go LALALALA TRUMP IS A BIGOT
You'd think if these were real happenings, you guys wouldn't have to bump them so much...
Who's Putins cockholster now bitch??
insider kike
Nigger there were about 10,000 posts here today covering this stuff, it first broke at like 9am
Plus its such a fast moving scandal that we're all over in the Senate Launches Investigation thread
Ok but how would Russia or Iran or North Korea actually get the uranium out of the US? Isn't there restriction on transporting it across the border?
Dont be so naive user. They just get mules like Mueller to bring it over on private planes in suitcases
10 grams... like a sample before a much larger shipment
Yep, literally how it went down, and only Mueller, Hillary, Obama, and Holder likely knew anything about it when it was time to sign off on the Uranium One deal
Why is it a big deal if Russia builds more nukes? They already have thousands.
The U.S. election interference (which is still ongoing, btw, pic related: Russian bots follow a senator that Trump endorses) is a much bigger issue because they intentionally try to widen pre-existing gaps on issues that split Americans apart. For example, playing both sides of Black Lives Matter, spreading fake news infiltrating Pokemon Go, et cetera.
Russia is the problem, folks... not our beleaguered former FBI Director.
>Why is it a big deal if Russia builds more nukes
Its not, in a vacuum., But it is a big deal IF russia just wanted a little extra uranium to share around to their friends.....like Iran.....and North Korea...
Must be investigated, Mueller seems to have been intimately involved in the uranium negotiations for some reason while he was FBI director (principally domestic law enforcement agency)
>The U.S. election interference (which is still ongoing, btw, pic related: Russian bots follow a senator that Trump endorses) is a much bigger issue because they intentionally try to widen pre-existing gaps on issues that split Americans apart
how is this a big deal?
You wanna shut down free speech?
You don't trust your fellow citizens with random information?
I'll actually agree with taking measures to stop Russia's petty manipulation if it means we can remove all jews and israeli influence from the media
Cmon tell me more about how we need to shut down kike opinions as long as we use the word
to describe it
>all these people falling for a CIAnigger thread
Manafort is going to jail.
Flynn is going to jail.
Page is going to jail.
Don Jr. is going to jail.
Kushner is going to jail.
Hillary, will write another book for several million dollars.
Hi shareblue
>trump is the god emperor guys
>lock her up? clinton is evil! Clinton killed people!
>BASED black man in a MAGA hat!
end yourselves
The only thing I was disappointed not to see is the 'based shills' posting that would imply it's actually drumpf shitting up the board in his 1488D chess.
Nice file name ya got there
Did this one today.
Wrong. Clinton years old I am good to the last email I sent you a text but I don't know if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time and I will be there at 10 I would've been a long time since I have to be at work at place to stay for the whole day and I will be there at 10 I would've been a long time since I have to be at work at place to stay for the whole day and I will be there at 10 I would've been a long time since I have to be at work at place to stay for the whole day and I will be there.
some autist should dig up all the video clips where she accusingly screams "Russia!" and make a dank meme video
Here's another for Putin.
>trend it overnight so nobody notices in the morning
And another.
>fire up the fake jewbook accounts boys
Have you done your part today user?
This should ruffle some feathers. It's one of theirs repurposed. Lol.
I have this theory that Russia did actually try to meddle with the election, by false flagging "supporting Trump". I mean they also have defense contractors in their side of the world, wouldn't fear mongering be beneficial to their milt-ind complex too? It was a black swan event that Trump actually won, and now everyone is covering their tracks with lies that's why it's getting this long to reach the truth
not my proudest fap
You must be a god among wankers.
Holy fuck. These swamp rats could actually be brought to justicd. Just maybe.
Im bumping
bumping for clarity.