Any Mormon Posters Willing To Answer My Questions?

I grew up in a "Southern Baptist" home. However I always understood that God The Father and Jesus The Son were two separate entities. It completely contradicted church teachings so I kept it to myself while they taught the trinity.

I also realized that the church was rotten with the catering to unrepentant homosexuals, female leadership, informal "hip" services, etc.

I look at the Church of Latter Day Saints and see a lot of things I agree with in their teachings. However I have a lifetime of conditioning telling me that Mormonism is a cult, a big perverted orgy, etc.

I'm not trying to concern troll. I"ve just been thinking for a long time about joining the church and have a few questions for anyone willing to answer.

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Mormon checking in... I'll post some reading material for you. Stand by

Thanks. I thought this thread was going to die a quick death.

On paper it is pretty cucked but how it really works is way different..

In theology and practice, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints embraces the universal human family. Latter-day Saint scripture and teachings affirm that God loves all of His children and makes salvation available to all. God created the many diverse races and ethnicities and esteems them all equally. As the Book of Mormon puts it, “all are alike unto God.”1

Mormonism teaches that its adherents are either direct descendants of the House of Israel or adopted into it. As such, Mormons regard Jews as a covenant people of God and hold them in high esteem. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest church in Mormonism, is philo-Semitic in its doctrine. Studies have shown that American Jews generally view Mormons more positively than any other religious group, despite often voting on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

For insiders it can be a mild sheltered wholesome existence with values etc. Or it can be a bit of a cult for some of the more radical families.

Converts get the ugly leftover Mormon wives.

Not worth it, OP.

The outside promotes all the obligatory PC nonsense aka race mixing etc. Go to any Mormon community and count the blacks though haha.

Everything you guys stand for is great but you have to admit your church is a fucking cult based of off freemason initiations and rites of passages. No person is going to want to dedicate their time to figure out the sacred temple rituals you can find on the internet.

Book of Mormon is fake.

1. We believe in God the Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost.

2. That men will be punished only for their own sins and not for Adam’s transgression.

3. That through Christ’s Atonement, we can be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.

4. That faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, confirmation, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost are all necessary for salvation.

5. That leaders and teachers in the Church must be chosen and ordained by priesthood power.

6. That Christ’s Church today is organized as it was when He first established it.

7. In modern-day revelation and priesthood healing and blessing.

8. That the Bible and Book of Mormon are both divinely revealed scripture.

9. That God has communicated with and will continue to communicate with humankind.

10. In the literal gathering of Israel and the restoration of the ten tribes, and that Zion will be built on the American continent when Christ reigns on the earth.

11. In worshipping God according to our own dictates and allowing others to do likewise.

12. In sustaining the laws and leaders of the land.

13. In being “honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men.”

This too I have no idea how you people can equate a charlatan such as Joseph Smith with Jesus.

My grandpa grew up with a Mormon family and it took a toll on him. Don't join a cult user.

Just read the bible and follow Jesus.

Mild Mormonism can be a good thing. We're just like any other religion.. I can nit pick all the bull shit in all of them too but I just adhere to core beliefs. i.e. Don't be a dick.

pre rendered response like every fuckin mormon I have ever debated with. It is like you people are trained to wield the perfect arguments against basic christian arguments. You people are steadfast evangelical Christians except you believe in the Book of Mormon nonsense, and keep your church secular and secret so you can treat it as some type of cool kids club.

I also grew up Southern Baptist, my father was an alcoholic police officer: after my mom divorced him he quit drinking alcohol and joined the Mormon church, and I joined too about a year or too later (when I was 16). I am still a card carrying member with the Aaronic Priesthood, but I haven't practiced in years. I will say that that is due to my own moral weakness (I am an alcoholic) and not because the church is lukewarm. The family unit is airtight, the community bond between members is unshakable, and there are almost zero non-whites. The young women are chaste and wait for marriage. If it could turn an abusive alcoholic corrupt cop into a righteous man, then they are doing something right.

as an ex mormon, Joseph Smith is the one thing they really don't have shit to say about. They say mountain meadows was the indians and had nothing to do with Brigham Young.

But the evidence points to Joseph Smith being a treasonous coward with 40 wives, including already married women and a 14 year old.

Here OP

Mormonism and the family:

Our families are where we experience our biggest triumphs and our deepest vulnerabilities—and they are where we have the greatest potential to do good. We believe the family is divine in nature and that God designates it as the fundamental building block of society, both on earth and through eternity. As such, it becomes the foundation for civilization and a sanctuary for the individual. It is where we learn the social graces of loyalty, cooperation, and trust. It is where we learn to love ourselves and each other, to bear one another’s burdens, to find meaning in our life and to give purpose to others’ lives, and to feel the value of being part of something greater than ourselves.

There is a universal desire for oneness among people—we want to belong. It’s why we collaborate, support common causes, cheer for sports teams, feel nationalism; it’s why we build villages, towns, and cities. For the fortunate among us, that desire began with loving parents and siblings in a home that was equal parts refuge and laboratory for experimenting with our potential, our beliefs, and our identity. Those who had less than this ideal situation growing up still have the capacity to forge families of their own making. We can create places where children feel loved and supported, where they’re taught that this life reflects what we previously had in heaven, and that our families will be ours through eternity if we accept Jesus Christ’s Atonement and follow His commandments.

Yup the dude fuckin translated the Golden Plates by shoving his head into a hat with a special rock in it.

Listen to these Arrogant and prideful words of smith. Remember GOD hates pride. Proverbs 16:5 The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.

"Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! for I will come out on top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet...When they can get rid of me, the devil will also go." (History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 408, 409) Joseph Smith

The Bible is all you need

8For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10 (NAS)

What kind of church did you go to where you carried a card as a wielder of the Aaronic priesthood? If you haven't graduated to the Melchizedek priesthood yet, this is either pasta or you have 0 activity in the church.

Temple recommend card

My biggest issue is the cultish stigma. I know any form of Christianity would receive a similar reaction from non-believers though (DUDE A TALKING SNAKE WHAT).

But once you pick up the Holy Bible and start reading it you generally get a sense that it is in fact the word of God and the "cult" feeling goes away.

Will the same be true for the 3 additional books? It might be hard to empathize if you've grown up in the church and the quad has always been your norm.

they are essentially a fertility cult, they believe that the jews sailed to the north america in 700 BC and left some metal plates containing the complete gospel and that jesus christ appeared to the natives in north america that were revealed to joseph smith. As far as I know they are not trinitarian and believe that Christ is not God and that Christ and Satan were both sons of God. They also believe that when you die, you become the God of your own planet with each wife and family, thus they originally practiced polygamy.

Despite all of this, mainline protestantism and catholicism are so corrupted, that I tend to agree more with how mormons behave. Maybe I should convert and have three teenage wives ad twenty white children

People there is no point in joining this cult just because you are looking for "traditional values". The Mormon Church is so secular it it will never matter and show on a grand scale. They send their missionaries to 3rd world countries because they are easier to convert. They also believe anyone who does not believe will go to hell and can only leave once they accept Joseph Smith's teachings. It is a pyramid scheme in which you must literally give to the church (yes in money) to get to a certain degree. Only then will you learn the "secret freemason handshakes" required to enter heaven.

Watch this:

Joining the Mormon Church is not like just joining any Christian church, joining Mormonism is literally indoctrinating your time, self and family to a complex system.

Oh, got u.

Just tell the bishop you don't masturbate and you're good as an aaronic priesthood member!

Want to get married with your Mormon waifu? Well your family cannot show up unless they are Mormon.

>mormons can't see the futu-

It's called a tithing, and it's 10% of your income. One of the bigger reasons I left. Paying your tithe is a commandment, no handshakes.

False. Converts via wedding are smiled upon.

My parents could not show up to my Mormon Temple wedding, no?

Mosiah 15: 2 -3

2 And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son—

3 The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son—

4 And they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth.

I'll be the first to admit that the church has a ton of faults... I agree withsaying that the bible is all you need. It is hit and miss. Some texts make you say "yeah right fuck off". haha.
Fertility cult = good thing!
I live in a quiet safe neighborhood that is 99 percent white. Everyone has several white kids and I myself have 5 siblings. We are taught wholesome family values and to reject satanic hollywoodism etc and the degeneracy of the modern world. Yes there is a bunch of cultish mumbo jumbo but no one takes that too seriously to be honest. The focus on family is the best part.

If you read into it too much we are basically american desert crypto jews lol.

>...jews sailed to the north america in 700 BC and left some metal plates...

yet 1500 years later the native americans were still in the stone age

Seriously. Mormonism is an extension of the occult surrounding Egypt. My best advice, follow your own faith, figure what you believe is right or wrong without other people telling you what is or isn't then the truth will be revealed.

>yet 1500 years later the native americans were still in the stone age
it was a gorup of 10-20 jews and apparently the jews were absorbed by the natives

Mormonism is heresy tier. God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all the same, but all different. Think of it like a coin having two sides, both distinct and different, but both the same coin.

Born catholic(father) raised Mormon(mother) I grew up in both churches every other weekend. parents didn’t separate just had dif beliefs honestly now that I am older I will raise my kids with Mormon values.

>But the evidence points to Joseph Smith being a treasonous coward with 40 wives, including already married women and a 14 year old.

He had all those extra wives but never had offspring with any of them. Was he a cuck or just really good at coitus interruptus?

>Mormonism is heresy tier. God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all the same, but all different. Think of it like a coin having two sides, both distinct and different, but both the same coin.
I don't see how you get around Christ being God.

>faith + works
heresy detected

I'm pretty average looking myself. As long as she isn't a barren degenerate feminist I wouldn't care.

>Just don't be a dick

This is exactly the type of modern liberalism I'm trying to avoid though.

Thanks for your story friend. I drank a few times years ago but quickly realized it would become a problem if I continued.

This is a frequent copypasta. Sometimes it's accompanied by Steven "Jesus loves miscegenation" Anderson. No thanks.

I couldn't convert if I didn't truly believe. You guys talk about joining and pretending to believe but that kind of con job would not be sustainable for long. Mormonism requires far too much commitment and they'd see through it quickly.

I don't masturbate. I also don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or drink hot beverages. These are just things I have never really done.

Not in the temple sealing. There's a reception for the public. I'm glad they don't let non-believers into such a setting.

My brother got "married" in a church by a lesbian pastor to a barren atheist girl who was infertile due to a botched abortion. Most of my family are lukewarm "Christians" at best. I don't hate them but I also wouldn't be shattered by them not being present.

OP honestly pol is not the best place to learn about this. Seek out some Mormons and talk to them. If you really want to see what it is like make friends with them and spend time with them.

incorrect. When the Spanish discovered and named Hispaniola, the Aztec Empire had the worlds largest city and Incas pretty much had the best construction method of the time. Native Americans were in Late Bronze age approximately at the time of European Contact.

how are them being to separate beings heresy. can not to beings have identical goals. wouldnt that make jesus's sacrifice more significant if he in fact was a separate being truly submitting his will to god instead of god submitting to himself to be an example?

>two separate entities
as someone raised Catholic but with lots of Lutheran influence from extended family, this always seemed strange to me. God is the maker of all that is seen and unseen. Jesus being the "Son of God" is in regards to the purity of his soul ie free from original sin or karma as the poos call it. Why are you so hung up on a materialist conception of a SkyDaddy? its fucking primitive as fuck

>I couldn't convert if I didn't truly believe. You guys talk about joining and pretending to believe but that kind of con job would not be sustainable for long. Mormonism requires far too much commitment and they'd see through it quickly.
I know, I am just joking, but I actually do respect the white family aspect of mormonism. the rest of it is just too silly for me to deal with and many mormons are just greedy crypto jews

The kingdom of God is within yins.

If anything it becomes more apparent that they believe things that are just untrue. Book of Mormon teaches that Lehi left Jerusalem and settled in the Americas. They learned to craft swords modeled after the sword of Laban. These were old world MesoAmerican swords that looked like pic related. Mormons claim these weapons as the weapons of the nephites, describing them as swords.

>Alma 44:18 But behold, their naked skins and their bare heads were exposed to the sharp swords of the Nephites; yea, behold they were pierced and smitten, yea, and did fall exceedingly fast before the swords of the Nephites; and they began to be swept down, even as the soldier of Moroni had prophesied.

The pic related sword doesn't match the descriptive text of a steel sword, as is provided in the Book of Mormon.

>Mosiah 8:11: "And again, they have brought swords, the hilts thereof have perished, and the blades thereof were cankered with rust"

It's not so much cultish, as it is just pure fakery. If you live in a Mormon community, it's mandatory if you want to have a social life.

I'm pretty sure my Great Grandmother belonged to the Two by Twos. I never thought that God and Jesus were the same.

God as the king and Jesus as the prince is how I have always known it. Canadian churches really never delve into the nitty gritty of the doctrine so I never realized my church wasn't on the same page as me.

Right. and Jesus was praying to himself to be rescued from crucifixion. The 'trinity' is idiotic and based off of the interpretation of ONE verse in an overly translated book. But you keep hinging ALL of your beliefs on that...

>Native Americans were in Late Bronze age approximately at the time of European Contact.
Ingesting semen makes you stupid. The Aztec and Inca were not late Bronze age. They were barely even in the bronze age. They had bronze working but used it mainly for jewelry and decorations not tools or weapons. The Aztec used stone arrow heads, wooden spears and stone maces

"I know the Church is true, and Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and the Book of Mormon is true"

Please Anons, dont force your children to repeat this to themselves their whole lives and than they end up actually believing it.

Joseph Smith was channeling when he wrote the Book of Mormon. There is no question of that IMO. But WHO or WHAT he was channeling... that, to me, is the question.

I can't call myself a Christian simply because my perception and beliefs don't fit in with the framework of Abrahamic religion though I don't reject their beliefs either. Also the Book of Mormon is a complete fabrication as no evidence even scant has been found to confirm the existence of Semites in North America. Chronologically it makes no sense or reason.

Mormonism is Gods punchline on religion.

>"I know the Church is true, and Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and the Book of Mormon is true"
>Please Anons, dont force your children to repeat this to themselves their whole lives and than they end up actually believing it.
I don't know, isn't having a happy family and multiple white children worth believing in some ridiculous shit?

LOL XD Children "bearing their testimony".. still hurts me to this day that I did that...

Not if you want your kids to be functioning humans outside of the church.

That being said I actually don't have an issue with Polygamy as long as everyone is happy.

NO because it is insane, do not fall for the trad values white family meme they are have been adding niggers and spics like its nothing as of lately. It is not worth your time to believe in such a fabulous lie.

>Not if you want your kids to be functioning humans outside of the church.
Are you joking, Mormons have their own state. They are far higher socially functioning than the average public school graduate. They all have jobs, families and contribute to society

He was channeling by shoving his head in a hat with a rock in it.

this is true, they heavily recruit in the Pacific islands, South America and Asia. If you don't have a Samoan family in your ward, your missionaries suck.

Thinking about starting my own branch of the mormon church.. one that doesn't project guilt and acknowledges that the D&C says that barley beverages are ok to drink... That would be BEER.

It must be said they have done well for themselves considering none of their beliefs make any logical sense for some reason.

Within their own communities, Mormons are extremely active. Get them to do something outside of that besides their job. Hence the outside of the church bit.

Islam better. Only one God and no orgies. Just bad publicity from a few fags and the jews.

>NO because it is insane, do not fall for the trad values white family meme they are have been adding niggers and spics like its nothing as of lately. It is not worth your time to believe in such a fabulous lie.
yeah if they are going to allow miscegenation, you might as well be lutheran or episcopal. it is less of a commitment. seriously, if i could find a trinitarian bible based church that would openly oppose miscegenation, my ass would be in the pew every sunday.

They only contribute to themselves, they could care less if the U.S. is being islamified as long as they have their secular and secret little religion. They could care less if people go to hell as long as they dont. Dont accept Joseph Smith's teachings? go to hell bitch.

they did openly oppose it until the law of the land made it prohibited to do so, they followed suit shortly after.

Blasphemy! Yes it was a rock.. but it was a divine rock XD

>They only contribute to themselves, they could care less if the U.S. is being islamified as long as they have their secular and secret little religion. They could care less if people go to hell as long as they dont. Dont accept Joseph Smith's teachings? go to hell bitch.
why so angry? repressed homo?

Jesus preached Jesus as the way to salvation...any "church" that preaches they are only the way to salvation is a cult. Period. And yes that includes Catholics and Church of Christ..seriously had a Church of Christ member tell me I would go to Hell for my Southern Baptist church using musical instruments..really?

Because people don't want to see their country being destroyed by Islamic tyranny. Mormons wouldn't be spared the sword either for that matter.

No, it's just a list of things that shows why we are different from other churches. Just Google the 13 articles of faith.

The mormon church has been corrupted at high levels just like any other. This was not always the case. Go watch some speeches by church presidents back in the 80's like Ezra Taft Benson. He spoke openly about fighting govt. corruption, coming conspiracies and the constitution being divine in nature. Now, the church is silent on all of these things lest they risk forfeit of tax exempt status.

Good one idiot, cant defend your fucking insane religion? Keep ignoring the facts and holding on to what little truth your church contains.

"Muh we mist all becum perfect like Joesph Smith and God and Jesus! No cafein or else u dint get a planut!

>Because people don't want to see their country being destroyed by Islamic tyranny. Mormons wouldn't be spared the sword either for that matter.
why are you telling me, I'm not mormon. I just said I wish I could find a bible based trinitarian church that would openly oppose miscegenation

Are you familiar with what Jesus said was necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Basically it is.... believe that He is the Son of God, worship no other God and love your neighbor (Golden Rule)...why are you trying to make it complicated?

Born in Utah, lived in Provo and Salt Lake City until I was 6, now I'm in Washington. Currently I'm ex Mormon, parents decided that we should leave the church when I was 9. Explained all the reasons, made sense to me then, still makes sense to me now. I still hold several Mormon values, however, and with that, several advantages that non mormons do not, best example would be the caffeine Jew. Mormons aren't allowed to drink coffee, and so I am the only person at my workplace that is awake and alert in the morning. Everyone else is a zombie until they chug down three cups of shitty free coffee.
Mormon communities are tightly knit and very crime free, they place a strong emphasis on family development. I respect them but I cannot rejoin them, knowing what I know about the Mark of Cain doctrine.
For those who don't know, Mormon teachings explained that the African race was created when Abel was murdered by Cain in the book of Genesis. God then puts a "mark" on Cain to show everyone that he is a murderer and also as a warning that he is cursed, anyone who kills Cain will suffer seven times over, all that dogma. The Mormon teachings proclaimed that this mark was black skin, and that all black people were descendants of Cain, and therefore could not hold any priesthood positions in the church.
UNTIL, that is, in the 1970s, the federal government told the church, "quit yo razist sheeit or we take away your tax exempt status." The church leaders then pulled a very ((white)) move and pretend that blacks have always been allowed to be priests, there has never been racism, nope, no rascim here. They pretend that the teachings were never changed. My mom was reading Brigham Young's memoirs, (the dude who led the church after Joseph smith got lynched) and she read about the rule of no black people, "this will always be so" is the phrase he uses in regards to that rule. This made her too uncomfortable to keep being mormon and she took our names off the church registration.

>Good one idiot, cant defend your fucking insane religion? Keep ignoring the facts and holding on to what little truth your church contains.
>"Muh we mist all becum perfect like Joesph Smith and God and Jesus! No cafein or else u dint get a planut!
I'm not mormon, but you are insanely pissed off at mormons. Why are you so angry? did a mormon touch you in a bad place?

Nice try Muhammad.

>They also believe anyone who does not believe will go to hell and can only leave once they accept Joseph Smith's teachings

Good. That's literally how a religion is supposed to work.

I grew up in slc, totally antiLDS when I was a kid. Now I live elsewhere and I'm revolted by th degeneracy I see all around me. Kind of want to become lds. Elder please convert me.

Ay um Jewseph Smith, I poot rock in hat and creute religun.
check out the diversity in the tabernacle choir.

If you want to join, join. Mormons are the most welcoming community known to man.

>Mormons believe that non believers go to hell.
I'm glad you are so familiar with the LDS church.

He lived the American dream but eventually got hanged for it. Hero.

I agree but Mormons claim to be "Christian" yet it is so much different and they would care less if other Christians went to hell because they did not believe the Mormon nonsense.

actually it is even simpler than that, love the lord thy God with all thy heart even pre-empts everything even do unto others. that is the first and controlling commandment.

The "mark of Cain" is not niggers.. it's sasquatch.

>Spirit Prison

If an individual lived a wicked life, failed to repent for his sins or didn't accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ during his lifetime, then he enters Spirit Prison in the Spirit World, where spirits are educated about Christ and enticed by both good and evil. If he accepts Jesus, he can prepare himself to leave the Spirit Prison, but if he continues to reject the teachings of the church, he will enter Hell, where he will suffer until his resurrection.

He actually got shot out a window

>Openly call people with black skin cursed
>Pretend to retcon history to flip off the IRS

I'm glad you left the church so you can't infect them with your postmodern views on race.

Mormons are cucked now. The downfall was when they let blacks hold the Priesthood. Now they adopt every liberal half baked idea but homosexuality, and that will probably break through eventually.

>check out the diversity in the tabernacle choir.
yeah that sucks ass. I can remember when they were all white, it wasn't even that long ago. how the fuck did this happen to our country?

>If he accepts Jesus
>If he accepts Joseph Smith, Mormons equate them the same

>Mormons are cucked now. The downfall was when they let blacks hold the Priesthood. Now they adopt every liberal half baked idea but homosexuality, and that will probably break through eventually.
I never thought this could happen to our country this fast. The jews and race traitors are going to pay

Yes, but those who don't embrace don't immediately burn. They have redemption opportunity.