ITT: Deaths you shed a tear to

ITT: Deaths you shed a tear to

>Implying Lelouch wasn't driving the cart

That's why I stopped crying after I looked more into it.

still not over it

I have a soft spot for characters who plan their own death

Part of the theory is that he had to die in order to activate the code. Charles was shot in the chest and CC was found laying in a pool of her own blood before confirmed as being immortal

So yes, he did die.


If only Kircheis was here.

Lelouch's got me as well.

I didn't feel bad for Lelouch. I felt bad for his sister though.

He may have been a friendzoned fag, but he was our friendzoned fag dammit

That entire arc in Kaiji with the electrified bridge was fucked up.

His and Kakyoin's death, man. They fucked me up real good.

The ending of Gundam 0080 got me pretty hard.


Meruem in Hxh was a tough one



What did they mean by this?

TTGL reference?

Am I a faggot for crying on angel beats

At that moment I thought he was gone for good

Sleep tight, speedster.


[Spoiler]fucking paparazzi [/spoiler]

> trying this hard

Stop user. You're only making yourself look worse




Every time I re-read it, volume 6 makes me a bitch.

No, it was literally designed to make everyone cry. That's why it was bad.

My Own.


>crying to absolute bait tearjerker shit
Some slow moment where everyone is crying and some sad music is playing just makes me roll my fucking eyes

Especially when the characters were such caricatures like in Geass. The only reason it was so entertaining is because everyone lives so long doing their ridiculous theatrical stage acts

At least that makes one person.



Ending to chrono crusade. The only time I cried bitch tears

Even as a joke, kill yourself

Tears of rage


I knew it was going to happen but fucking hell he was a brilliant character all the way through, he didn't deserve to fall under the Zeppelli curse.

>Super secret underground hacker paramilitary specialist unit
>Uses iPhones

I couldn't finish the series after this.
I stumbled along for another few episodes and then lost the will to continue.

You proud son of a bitch.

He was the bad guy too, I don't know why I found it so sad.


Every single death in the series so fucking frustrating. They come out of nowhere and they hit like a truck. I even cried when that autistic Oberstein died and he didn't deserve my tears. Fuck.

The character was alright, not something super special, but he literally had the saddest death I've ever seen in an anime or read in a manga. Made me sob like a bitch.

You didn't miss much, it was already in decline. The ending was incredibly cheesy and lack-luster.

I always advise people to stop watching after Reinhart and Yang meet in person and the Empire triumphs. At least then you don't have to stand the horrible Earth cultist plot, or Reinhart/Reuental/Obertsein acting out of character for the sake of a ridiculous failed coupe.

Gods, this got me harder than the magician. The Bromance between Mittermeyer and him was one of my favorite parts of this show.

Also, Poplan's Konev bro, suddenly having died offscreen in some battle really drove home what it felt like, to have friends die in war.


I never cried so hard to fuckin anime

If drawings are the source of your crying, you're a weak autist pussy.

t.edgelord redditor

You're gonna carry that weight



The Earth Cult sub-plot was interesting, there were always cults that used religious fanatism to achieve control over nations. Just look at ISIS.

Also Reinhart and Reuental didn't act out of character. They were too proud to even talk to eachother. When Reuental was accused of treason he already lost the trust he carried for Reinhart. Then it happened again and said "fuck it, they don't trust me anymore and the only thing I want to do in life is to fight and the Alliance is gone so I won't get another chance to fight the greatest foe that I can get" so he rolled with it. He didn't have a proper family to go home to or any goals in his life. He died doing what he was good at.



That was one gayass sword

is he ok?

>shedding a tear for a faggot who did everything wrong

Only tears I shed was for what a pile of shit season 2 was.


Came here to post this

Such a great manga

In the midst of all the goofiness, this one actually made me sad.

this and claudia's too

This guy was the best. He didn't deserve it. Fuck Griffith.

Characters can be very much larger than life and still create attachment, if they're good enough. So you can say all that, yet many people did cry during that scene in Code Geass and it was just as planned. Best of both worlds with that was to enjoy the over-the-top theatrics and still be emotionally invested to a certain degree. It's fine if you can't, but it's there.

fucking Fate/Zero

Which one?

When it happened, I didn't feel much. Maybe it didn't really sink in.

The subsequent episodes I fucking WEPT. Especially at this scene in particular. Shit, I got misty-eyed just from taking this screenshot.

This anime was latterly shit but I liked the ost in the end


Also the death of everyone at the end of SO and that "fate is sleeping slave" moment after Bruno die again


rest in peace, your sacrifice will not be forgotten

If you believe in me, There is nothing I cannot do

Still fill my heart with pain...

all of it




What an ugly art style


> death

As if any FT "death" scene has any weight. I mean...the execution isn't really bad. But I think everyone has to know by now that every fucking death gets retconned somehow


Rip bubble buddy

Really? He got beat to death? And they let the match go on? I know he HAD TO WIN being a protagonist like that, but you end shit, come on.

There are refs for a reason. Part of that reason is so people don't get beat to death in the ring.

I don't think you fully understand. Being beat half to death and still ggetting up every time was Joe's thing. Hell, in that fight even, he got up after EVERYONE thought he was out cold. He always did. He did against Rikiishi, twice. He did against Wolf, he did against Rivera, but he always got up. He also knew he was going to burn out eventually because of boxing, so he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.








Are you me?
I don't even care anymore about how it ended.

Didnt care for the Akira during the first half of Exodus. but his death happened

I was crying and drinking myself senseless as I watched his stream till like 6 am.

Dropped the series for half a year after that.
