CIA Is Begging Trump Not To Release JFK Files
I had a feeling it would be 3000 documents of
But this gives me hope.
this is never going to happen, isn't it?
I thought the CIAniggers didn’t operate in the US?
Whats up CIA nigger.
>doland about to release JFK files anways
>get assassinated
>wait another 50 or 100 years to know who did it
Does history really repeat itself, Sup Forums?
IM NOT GLOW IN THE DARK YOU CHEEKY CUNT. REEEEEEEEEE. And just to clarify: I was saying that this "JFK files will be released" is never going to happen.
It's the CIA they operate everywhere(especially in the US.)
>one of the few places on the innernet that has a lower IQ than (((pol)))
Lmao k
Fuck the CIA pieces of shit. Can't wait to blow them up with RPGs and destroy their operations. Fuck them so much fucking pieces of shit who all deserve life in prison. Fucking maniac assholes and psychopaths.
Technically, if they're released, they might be redacted. I believe it's up to them to decide WHAT to release. I'm not sure it's an outright disclosure.
But it's all up to Trump. This makes shit interesting. Especially now that it's making airwaves.
Hopefully that tips his hand to make him do it. $5 says there's proof that Ted Cruz's Dad was in on it,
Yes you are CIA nigger.
Brilliant move there. Probably the best way to get him to release them.
I honestly think there is one hundred per cent bipartisan agreement waiting to be exploited, that the CIA needs to end. I know of nobody who thinks it does a good or a necessary job. Lefties hate it and we hate it.
JFK was killed by a CIA agent (his limo driver)
They probably want to hide the fact that they murdered him because he wanted to start printing silver backed money and told cia to stop selling drugs to pay for their black projects
What? Did the really right down on paper that they killed JFK?
No wonder the CIA fucking suck these days. They have niggers on this board that glow in the dark so bright there's no way they could fit in unnoticed.
>that the CIA needs to end.
Except Trump gave them the power to kill anyone at any time since becoming president
So I guess Trump's also part of the deep state.
How does this make you feel?
CIA Is Begging SHIT.
They CONTROL Trump, you obvious kike schill.
Get lost.
Hey, it's your CIA, burger, not mine.
The CIA has always had that authority fuckface they don't answer to any branches of the government and is not bound by the constitution
That's kinda what I keep wondering: this declassification date has been coming for a long time, right? How is it possible they haven't already cleaned the files of anything they didn't want getting out, and inserted whatever narrative they wanted to replace it with?
>The CIA has always had that authority fuckface they don't answer to any branches of the government and is not bound by the constitution
Yes but Trump codified it. It means he's their bitch.
How does this make you feel?
>They CONTROL Trump, you obvious kike schill.
This user knows what up
Anyone shilling the deep state hates Trump/Trump isn't a kike shill need to fuck off.
Kek. Digits reveal all.
Rip JFK, he was a hero.
They are going to have to pic wether to give us LV shooter deets or kennedy. They can't keep both Let's make a deal!
Secrets don't stay secret forever. A way will be found.
A little bit thirsty? No, wait, I think it's just a fart.
CIA operates everywhere. Especially in the US.
He'll cave. Why wouldn't he. Incompetence and assholery don't mix well. Where THE FUCK are his tax returns
>2nd shot was from a SS agent nding an ar15 into kennedys skull
why protect the ss from embarrassment? Sure protect drunk ass Jackie but shes gone now and so are all the other family.
well..FUCK! There is your fucking problem RIGHT THERE!! They are not bound by the constitution, no wonder they went totalitarian asshole on us.
The light of truth will destroy Israel and the jewish control over planet earth for good.
>not shill
exposed gtfo kike whore commie
>Where THE FUCK are his tax returns
Sitting in the Kermlin, waiting to be dumped at any time.
Trump still hasn't enacted Congress' sanctions on Russia.
He's German you retard. Tell us wtf trump has succeeded at. Cuz it's fuck all. He's the bumblefuck in chief
>I thought the CIAniggers didn’t operate in the US?
They certainly do fucking tell us that enough on these boards don't they user?
es ist deutschland hier, du sohn einer räudigen hure.
Why would he do that? His own daughter is israeli
>According to Roger Stone
And a real human bean
Releasing the JFK files is the best form of life insurance for Trump.
CIA here, it is true. We never operate in the US.
Release them all unredacted.
Witnessed, include me in the cap
Want proof that "conspiracy theories" are true?
President Eisenhower told us exactly what was going to happen. Do you think he was full of it, or being honest and sincere? Now that the "deep state" is discussed in the main stream media, why would we doubt that his words of caution shouldn't be taken seriously?
Why did President Kennedy warn about the dangers of secrecy? Why did President Truman write "There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it." after Kennedy was assassinated? When Kennedy died the deep state won and completed it's takeover in earnest. The grip that the deep state has over our nation's affairs has increased since then with the increase of secrets that are too big for the public to know about. The presidents that saw it coming warned us directly and in no uncertain terms. The presidents after Kennedy have used increased secrecy against us, and we have been a divided nation because of it.
Just because we don't know the truth doesn't mean that we can't admit that we are being lied to. The hallowed leaders of this nation told us that it was going to happen and they were right. Why can't we admit that the warnings were real? What proof do we have the the warnings our presidents gave us weren't meant to be taken seriously?
When you are told it is all lies lies lies are you on JFK's side of history or LBJs?
Alright, so I'm just going to shoot it straight with you guys; yes, I'm from the_donald. I discovered Sup Forums a couple weeks ago through that aforementioned subreddit, so I feel as though I've spent enough time browsing to be making my first post. I just don't understand the animosity between us; why do you guys rag on us all the time? We both want the same thing, our god-emperor (Trump for those not "in the know") to have the greatest possible reign in presidential history. I've made memes, I've defended the alt-right online, and if I've done those things than why is it that I'm not accepted amongst you guys, people who I guess I consider the "cool crowd." Why can't we just MAGA together, and BTFO liberals once and for all?
Read deuteronomy
Prepare for the storm.
You know damn well who they answer to.
>fart joke
kike confirmed
Fuck words. Abloo bloo 2020.
>you will get my tax returns and this is a promise
>doesnt do it
>"fee fees"
Woah hey now.
bye bye CIA niggers
Senior's days are numbered.
Check'd and Kek'd
ok, what now?
Glow in the dark CIA kikes?
No he's right. They legally can't spy on US citizens.
So we have agreements with other nations to spy on them for us, and we do the same in return for them.
Even if they are released, they’re still gonna be redacted as fuck.
You don’t really think the CIAniggers are gonna let any info that puts them in worse light than they already are, out into the public sphere, do you?
Especially if it’s shit showing that they were complicit in any form of coverup, or shows that they fucked up by dropping the ball when it came to Lee “the edgy cockgobbler” Harvey Oswald.
A CIA agent said there was this big conspiracy to kill him, there were two shooters and he's thankfull that It worked, it was also all because the next president wanted to be the one sooner so he organizated it all
Not sure if true, though
Lurk more. Trump/hillary is the same coin. Landing in the richest hand.
If he does try, Trump's days may be numbered.
the first G. so uh, this means he knew of killing?
>being this fucking naive
Hahahahaha, fucken kids these days. Let me guess, next you’ll be telling us you’ve never heard of Operation Northwoods.
>he's one of the CIA niggers that stalks Terry
YOU need to FUCK OFF
>Tell us wtf trump has succeeded
You mean aside from being worth 12 billion in assets? Oh yea, a yuge fucking list of shit literally no other president has accomplished in their first 6 months as commander. Have a gander you mentally ill fruitcup.
You are a faggot and ruined the flow of this thread by posting this gay shit. Go kill yourself.
>Opinion discarded
Apparently the Company was actually that stupid. Plausible deniability and infosec, faggots.
>YOU need to FUCK OFF
The liberals are irrelevant - It's their masters that we're after .
>The liberals are irrelevant - It's their masters that we're after
Great Bluegrass song in the making
People who browse Reddit are normies. And normies are the reason the world is in this state. You might think you were progressive by voting for dolan trump. To top it off you still probably think sand diggers managed to fly an airplane into the Twin Towers.
We can't get to them yet.
The white leftists (traitors) should be our top priority.
You've got to go back