Has an F-35 already been destroyed by a 50 year old Soviet missile system?

Despite this, the Syrian Defense Ministry said in its statement that government forces responded to the violation of the airspace and “directly hit one of the jets, forcing [Israeli aircraft] to retreat.” This statement contradicts to the Israeli claim that “no hit” was confirmed.

Few hours after the missile incident with Syria, the Israeli media reported that the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 stealth multirole fighter went unserviceable as a result of an alleged bird collision during a training flight.

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It's only an article raising the question, but a good question..


No, it's vatnik propaganda. The plane was down from a bird strike. There's a /k/ thread covering it.

>muh russian conspiracy
Why are American shitlibs so predictable? Christ, 20 years in development only to get shot down by missiles 60 years old. Sad!

It had all the RAM covered in silly kike desert camo, pilons, and probably their big dopey targetting/rangefinder thing. May as well have turned on ADS-B.

It was 30 years of development and a 70 year old missile.

jews don't make good pilots because the have trouble looking down.

When every jet is a 'gift' from the US taxpayer, all the optional extras kthx!



They don't make good pilots for the same reason that Vietcons were out flying US pilots in Vietnam.

Israelis are incredibly racist. They believe they're superior to all other people, and that their technology (US technology) gives them an insurmountable advantage. They don't train as hard as the enemy because they grossly overestimate their own ability while simultaneously underestimating their enemy.

Israel lives by the motto: If you can't make it, fake it. And faking it doesn't cut it in a real conflict.


You already know the story is a lie.

b-b-but muh air superiority.

Which one, about a bird flying at 45,000 feet? Or that the F-35 is an overhyped piece of junk flown by inept wellfare junkies?

Because lots of birds fly at 45,000 feet.

big if true.

Kurds ran, which is cardio, thus lost all their gains.

Now they'll lose their sponsorship.

Gotta protect those gains!

>1 happens
>4 happens
>4 must be because of 1!

Whilst it's definitely possible for an SA-5 to fire down a bearing and detonate at command of the operator, so there's no need for the radar (assuming said radar can't pickup the F-35), that's going to need some pretty hardcore skill and communications and the F-35 flying along a predictable path for some time.

Let's hope so. If you're White the US military is your enemy full stop and they've all got to die.

>cardio removes gains

From what I understand, immediately following Trumps cruise missile strike, Russia incorperated all Syrian and Russian radar and missiles into the one system.

Syrians can now use information from Russian radar to target their missiles.

>Israeli Air Force’s F-35 stealth multirole fighter went unserviceable as a result of an alleged bird collision during a training flight.

This would never, ever, EVER happen to a modern fighter, even if the bird got sucked directly into the jet turbine.

too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.

Or more precisely, immediately following the strike, Russia announced that it had incorporated all Syrian systems into a shared command with Russian systems.

Although it read like it just magically happened following that event, the reality is that such a change would take a very long time to implement, and was probably already the case.

this explains why I could never get big, yet could outlast the most biggest.

Then they're doing a poor job at it.

Israel has been striking with impunity for all intents, even under the S-300 umbrella.

Of course, we don't know what Israel has been shooting. If they were low flying cruise missiles with stealth, I don't think anything could stop them if the planned of approach was done well.

god i hate women

Two weeks prior to Trump's strike, Netanyhu flew to Russia to scream about two Israel jets that Syria shot down, and when Putin said 'Don't violate Syrian airspace', he flew to the US, and cried in Trump's ear.

Then you have the false flag chemical attack, and Trump's strike to appease Israel.

I wouldn't say they're striking Syria with impunity. Illegally yes..

Israel has lost quite a number of jets committing acts of aggression in Syria.


It must get very tedious having to spin the Syrian Defense Ministry's lies.

Fucking kikes can't even keep the planes we give them properly functioning.

The cost to Israel is merely in reputation, since all the Jets are gifts of the US taxpayer.

But that reputation of impunity is what Israel always tries to project. A reputation that translates to rogue state behavior.

When is everyone going to learn that this is just a giant money black hole for other super secret government project?

Not really hard. Very easy to just report when Syria is winning.

Big wins yesterday, when Israeli backed Kurds ran away from one of Iraq's biggest oil fields, that was supplying Israel with 60% of its domestic demand--basically free.

Now Israel has to actually pay for oil, with US taxpayer money.

But you know, Israel showed footage of Islamic State training on their border to reaffirm their commitment to overthrowing Assad. How's that going? The Assad curse will get Netanyahu too.

>forced to retreat

pick one faggot kekicuck

Anonymous (ID: 98r7hCut) 10/18/17(Wed)16:12:43 No.145716920▶
It must get very tedious having to spin the US lies.

So angry. Temper temper little jewish lamb.

The missile damaged the jet. It seems the jet was still capable of landing, but Israel (since it doesn't actually have the technology to build jets) can't fix it. Since everything Israel has is given by the US taxpayer's unlimited funds, they just scrap metal it and ask for a new one.

>Temper temper little jewish lamb.

lol what a complete faggot. i can tell you're quite overweight. did you wag your finger and make the "tsk tsk tsk" noise before you typed that out? do you have literally nothing better to do with your sad life than shitpost about f35 jets? going to get my dick sucked later nerd virgin. temper temper LOL

Also important to note, currently Israel has put on hold the gifting of any more F-35s, while they 'meticulously' consider other free jet options.

This announcement was made the day after the alledged strike.


Sounds fake and not even sure Israels F 35s are combat ready yet. If true why cover it up. Wouldn't the ebil kikes use it as an excuse to bomb they Syrians? If they're shooting at planes flying outside of Syrian airspace you can be sure more bombings are incoming.

>Israel has lost quite a number of jets committing acts of aggression in Syria.

There's zero evidence that they've lost a single manned plane. Drone? Sure.

When Israel sees a shipment from Iran come in, they blow it up without hassle 24/7. That's impunity.

Next step is to get turks and murricans to get lost from Syrian aerospace.

There's a huge difference between no evidence, and self-inflicted blindness.

Israel will always claim to perfect victory in every conflict ever, but that's not the truth.

Take a look at Lebanon 2006. They got their ass handed to them by Hezbollah, but claim victory. Despite all the videos online of IDF literally pissing their pants with fear as they fled the battlefield.

Israel is a tiny little country that thinks having the most expensive weapons will bridge the numerical superiority the region they're tryign to forcefully occupy enjoys over them. It doesn't. Hezbollah schooled Israel by using a strategy called 'target denial'. They didn't give Israel anything significant to use their stupidly overpriced weapons on, and instead lured Israel ground forces into a slaughter.

According to Israel, great victory, not even one shot fired by the enemy. Every objective acheived. Don't look at those videos or photos, it's anti-semitic to do so.
