/ptg/ President Trump General - Politicians Don't Know How To Solve Problems Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (fuck poo in the loos too)
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump speech @Heritage Foundation President's club 10/17/17
>FLotUS Melania - Hurricane Relief PSA 10/17/17
>Pres Trump&Cabinet talking to radio ppl 10/17/17
>Pres Trump on WIBC radio w/katz 10/17/17
>Pres Trump on Fox News Radio w/Kilmeade 10/17/17
>Pres Trump/PM Tsipras Press Conf 10/17/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Greek PM Tsipras 10/17/17
>Pres Trump has lunch w/Greek PM Tsipras 10/17/17
>VP Pence on WIBC radio w/katz 10/17/17
>VP Pence Tax Reform speech in Buffalo NY 10/17/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/17/17
>DoD Video: ICBMs 10/17/17
>DoD Video: Ballsitic Missile Defense 10/17/17
>DoD Video: Strategic Deterrence 10/17/17

>The Renewal of the American Spirit
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:





I'm a monster

I'm a racist

That awoo has a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongcat index finger

McCain follows previous comments against nationalism with statement supporting Obamacare and another saying he worked much better with Obama.

Does the budget still need 60 votes? I was reading something that said it may only need 50, but I'm not sure if that's true.



Better than being a neutered rabbit

everyday is Halloween

I love Kellyanne.

Reconciliation means simple majority.

>worked much better with Obama.
It's almost as if he's a globalist leftist cuck that is a Democrat who happens to have an R next to him name.

pre awoo hours awoo

does the coupon code for the Halloween hats still work?

White House fires back on comments.

>the absolute state of the sanctuary state

>coming out as a democrat
It's clear that's what he is.

Trump threatens that response to McCain and establishment won't be pretty.



It shouldn't be that outrageously difficult to get the wall funding then.

I see the cancer has killed off the part of his brain that allowed to to fake being a republican. Now his warped marxist mind is on full display.


Pepe and Kekistan are the Nickelbacks of memes.

sup kike

do any good subverting today?

Rand reiterates support of new budget bill.

Beaners blaze liberal fag wineries, LMAO. Make sure to put in the paper that they are welcome in California for life.

Don't shoot yourselves in the foot McCain

Can someone explain this "he knew what he signed up for" thing?

i wish these wolf girls were real

Based Rand

qt-est President

What did she say?

Howdy y'all!

42 people were killed in the cali wild fires so far.
fucking illegals.

>Hah! We'll set up this (((bipartisan))) bill to keep subsidies rolling! W-we can just override your veto if you refuse! (bluffing)
>Alright, I'll sign it, but only if you add language to phase out Obamacare by the end of my term.
>N-nanda? A Deal?!
This is Trump's chance to shine (every more than he already is).

what is it?

Out of context quote. We have no idea what the context or the tone it was said in was. It's just damage control trying to cover up the fact that Hillary and Obama are literal traitors and Russian puppets.


Basically a green barret was killed in Niger and (((supposedly))) trump called the mom and told her that he
> knew what he signed up for

It'll never pass the House, anyways.

There's a new budget?

Does it have a chance?

illegal immigrant starts massive forest fires

wouldn't have happened if California didn't harbor them

Apparently he said it to the widow of one of the SpecOps soldiers who was killed in Niger

That's an indicator that Trump is doing well and the right things.

How do they catch them?
They always seem to catch the people who start fires

Inb4 the state of California protects him and shields him from ICE. Trump needs to invoke the Insurrection Act right the fuck now. Not only are they subverting Federal law, it's getting people killed.

>not just making fire illegal and declaring forests a fire free zone

What will Trump do about the Crime epidemic?

Old Hag fires back:

>McCain (R-Ariz.), who was awarded the National Constitution Center’s Liberty Medal, used his acceptance speech to warn against the “half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems.” The remarks seemed to many to be directed clearly at Trump’s particular brand of politics, although Conway disputed that assessment in a Tuesday morning interview.

>“Well, I just don't see that in the president's agenda or in his philosophy. His moorings are conservative, and he is governing as a center-right president who believes that we pay too much in taxes, that we're overregulated, that we have not taken terrorists seriously,” Conway said on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” “We’ve not even been willing to call them terrorists for the last however many years. This country is safer and more prosperous under President Donald Trump.”

>“We hope we can rely upon Sen. McCain's vote on any number of issues that Sen. McCain has promised the people of Arizona he would do,” Conway said. “Lowering taxes, getting stronger against terrorism, obviously, again, being for free markets and being for prosperity and security around the globe.”

will this be the rising fire that gets cali conservatives woken up?



It already passed to be debated on. As long as McCain doesn't cuck, we'll be good (we're screwed).

Wow. Fuck Trump if true

During Hannity radio show he was really outspoken, I commend him for what he did and said.

neocons, jews and establishment RINOs are doing a full court press against any sort of populism (nationalism) and any jewish or establish criticism. It's picked up steam here of late -even with Bannon broadcasting he's a cryto-jew himself.

They truly seem scared. I fear things are gonna get much worse. They will preach about the evils of white identity politics while at the same time promote ant-white identity politics.

>cali conservatives
top kek
There is only one truly conservative part of California (Orange county)

just run as a democrat you old cunt.

>tfw too intelligent to oxidize hydrocarbon based molecules in an uncontrolled manner.

keep talking like that and NO ONE will go to your school's sports festival!

That's how I am as well. Nice to see that in my President.

Ah. I missed her appearance on F&F. Achingly beautiful as always.



What's wrong with y'all, city slicker?

That fucking tumor can do it's job any minute now

>If you kill my wife, and they find several $10K checks from me in your house, a jury will easily convict me of conspiracy murder.
Don't be stupid. You would HAVE TO show that those checks were given to me for the purpose of you killing your wife. That's the problem. Without some evidence that the Russian mining company gave the Clinton Foundation money for the purpose of making the deal go through there is nothing there. I completely agree that they did but you need to be able to prove it.

Arizona needs to get it's shit together

>Trump MAY have said something offensive
>wtf I hate Trump now
>Even though he ended the rules of engagement that got hundreds of our boys killed
Funny how the "news" never gave a shit about dead soldiers when Obama was in office.

They said people from the cartels started the fires, like in Portugal there were arsonists who made the 500+ fires.

Been a good day lads

>No Australian commenting

any links to this interview?

>invite girl i have a crush on over
>she ends up finding the only thing i did not want her to find


struth m8

shrimp on the barbie

>It's a "they still believe in the polls" episode again
It gets tiring after three re-runs

>They will preach about the evils of white identity politics while at the same time promote ant-white identity politics.
That's not going to help them, it's going to hurt them. They're screwed and have to pick from two bad options. Either support Trump and watch their party establishment continue to die, or oppose Trump and watch their party establishment continue to die.

What would that be?

Your dildo?

NFL says they will not make players stand for anthem, Goodell says he wants to help fight for social justice:

>The NFL did not seek commitments from its players to stop kneeling during pregame renditions of the U.S. national anthem but rather focused on helping them in their political activism.

>“We spent today talking about the issues that our players have been trying to bring attention to. About issues in our communities to make our communities better,” NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told reporters.

>Goodell appeared less interested in stifling the silent protests, despite Trump’s wishes, and instead praised players’ character, saying he wanted to help their political activism.

>“Today’s discussion with our players was very productive and very important. It reflected our commitment to work together with our players on issues of social justice,” said Goodell.

>“Our players are men of great character. They have a very deep understanding and tremendous knowledge of the issues that are going on in all of our communities, and their commitment to addressing these issues is really admirable.”

>“We all have mutual interests. ... We want to make sure that the quality of product that we put out on the field is great, but at the same time we have a responsibility to the communities that we live in and the communities that we come from,” Jenkins said.

Let it happen

I just turned 25. None of my friends remembered, even those that probably got a facebook notification on it.

Anyways, what's /ptg/ drinking tonight? The highest beer my town sells is Goose IPA. ~6% is pretty nice, I guess. Shame the taste is terrible though.

Will search for it now, hold a sec.


Well, what was it?

she found your virginity?

>no wall
>no budget
>obamacare not repealed
>no repeal of gun laws
>deportations barely up
>wants to put DACA into law
>tax plan written by gary cohn, will raise taxes on working and middle class in swing states
>warmongering against iran
>kim constantly crossing red lines while trump does nothing but talk
>bannon gone
>gorka gone
>price gone
>miller gone soon
>ivanka still in
>jared still in
>cohn still in even after calling trump a racist
>hillary not locked up
>manufacturing not coming back
>no infrastructure
>approval in 30s
>support among republicans down significantly
>no kates law
>swamp undrained
>gay marriage still law of the land
>US even more of an israel puppet state
>american prestige abroad tanking
>only popular in israel and russia
>trannies still in the military
>sold weapons to saudi arabia, who trump said funded 9/11
>still silent on california wildfires
>women not punished for getting abortions
>no term limits for congress
>feuding with republican senators when he barely has any margin of error in the senate
>still bragging about his election win 11 months later
>nfl ratings up
>sancuary cities still getting federal funding, california now a sanctuary state
>feuding with puerto rico mayor during a hurricane
>jobs lost in september, first monthly job loss since 2010
>backed wrong guy in alabama
>polls show blue wave coming in 2018
>base dwindling
>advisers are all globalist manhattan democrats
>republicans hemorrhaging seats in special state senate elections
>mueller investigation expanding
>relations with russia worsening
>own cabinet hates him
>got out bantered by old manlet corker
>ginsburg refuses to die under trump
>kennedy refuses to retire under trump
>crime rate up
>more troops in afghanistan
>can't stop golfing
>china not labeled a currency manipulator
>NAFTA getting even worse
>colbert ratings up
>debt way up
>republican governor candidate in VA getting btfo, won't even acknowledge trump
>impeachment/25th amendment imminent

Fuck you

>Anyways, what's /ptg/ drinking tonight?

Water. I don't drink alcohol.

Happy birthday.

my virginity

Oooh, that judge has got me ticked off.

>this is what shills actually believe


Reminder its not anger but disgust that normies experience when they watch this shit

You burn things youre disgusted with

>Still celebrating birthdays
>not turning the facebook birthday notification

normie here
normie there

sheriff has already refuted this, you credulous faggots. sacramento.cbslocal.com/2017/10/17/breitbart-refuted-california-wildfires/

Kobayashi will because he's a good father.