Why is Jojo so boring right now? It doesn't even have a plot anymore...

Why is Jojo so boring right now? It doesn't even have a plot anymore. It's pretty much Start from point A------> Find Stand User-------->repeat. It's been 20 episodes and this shitshow just isn't enjoyable.

Jojo has always been garbage.

Part 1 was good in the beginning and the very end.
Part 2 has so far been my favourite as it was consistently good the whole way through.
Part 3 was good in certain brief moments and amazing at the very end.
Part 4 is above average throughout the whole way. Nothing spectacular so far but we'll see.

part 4 is Araki's take on the SoL genre, and it doesn't get really good until Kira actually gets introduced
the funnier scens are honestly way better in the manga, they just don't have the right comedic timing in the anime, gotta stretch out episodes to 22 minutes i guess

>It doesn't even have a plot anymore
Have you not been paying attention?

It's not a Sol. The characters engage in violent daily conflicts with people that want to kill them and rape their sisters.

well its Araki's take on SoL
first enemy was a serial killer
then a guy shooting people with arrows
but then it was just a guy ripping people offf
an asshole jealous of Josuke's way with girls
a crazy girlfriend
eating Italian food
then it goes back to a guy actually trying to kill them
then back to them fucking around then trying to find a serial killer, while they continue to fuck around with daily stuff

Part 4 is SoL with a touch of murder mystery

Ever since season 3 thats all jojo has been.

How did you make it through Part 3 if you hate random encounters?

It's not SoL. Araki just wanted to try sticking to a single setting since the previous ones were constructed as journeys. He's been experimenting with settings ever since.

That was a build up against Dio. The enemies were getting more and more deadly meaning they were close to Dio, climaxing with the battle against Vanilla Ice. This is just random Stand Users that don't have anything to do with the main villain

I gave up on it. The characters in p4 have managed to make Jotaro look like a well written, complex character.

Main villain was barely introduced and people already say it sucks. Part 4 has one of if not the best villains of JoJo so be patient or gtfo

It was still
>Hey guys lets go to
>oh no something happened!
>this must be the result of a stand user
>wheres the stand user!?
>theres the stand user!
>hey guys lets keep going to
>oh no something happened!

The was the first Jojo series I've seen after previously reading part 1/2/3 like six years ago, and I think I'm glad I stopped reading when I did.

At least complain about the manga after you read the whole part.

Well, it's subtle, but Jotaro goes from a rough teenage delinquent to a guy that doesn't act like a total asshole anymore, at least.

I have to agree, Cinderella arc felt good in manga even though it was a total mood killer. It was barely decent in anime even when it was misplaced. It just proves that anime will never beat the mango.

Still better than the shit show that was part 3

The fuck you talking about? We just got to see the end of Damo Tamaki and find out what we needed to know about Josuke's origins.

Now it's a whole new arc beginning and Joshuu's Scummy Adventure. What's not to like?

>angry because falling for b8.

Not OP but the fact we're back to square one and stuck waiting for a filler Joshuu chapter to finish is frustrating. Wanted to know where the story would go next. Josuke imo is the worst fucking Jojo next to Giorno so far. He is devoid of any likable personality. I am dumbfounded as to why everyone loves him. Not bait.

I really like Josuke personally, as his stand uses less direct methods than PUNCH PUNCH and it's nice to see these abstract conflicts. Personality-wise, I like his cunning. Enjoyed the mystery of identity as well.

Never was crazy about Gio at all.

I don't mind Josuke, but I do mind that retard Okuyasu and his shitty voice.

He's talking about Josuke 8, not 4.

araki said so himself that it's a SoL take

because he's part goofy and part based as fuck

What is Jojo and should I begin watching it?

gay shit is gay shit

Oops.My point stands.

My exact feelings.

You are mixing SoL with episodic, you fucking idiot. If that was the case, Stardust Crusaders would be the K-ON of Evangelion.

Stardust Crusaders is literally monster of the week

no, you're mistaking SoL with episodic.

Stardust Crusaders is the epitome of Stand of the week

That's my fucking point.

The Kira plotline starts this week but like, it's gonna go back to episodic stuff that's just the nature of the series.

No, it's bad and gay and people who watch it and think the characters or stories are any good are actually idiots.
I'm not saying this to push you away because of some kind of weird Sup Forums culture. I truly believe this.

No, your point was that SC was SoL which it isn't.

P4 is SoL because it's kids finding the killer in their town. On their journey they meet an alien, a guy in a radio tower, a kid that likes rock,paper, scissors, a guy that likes to scare people, a yandere, a manga artist, kill some rats and lots of other shit

It becomes like this from Part 3 onwards. It's not for everyone so feel free to hop off the train if it just doesn't turn out to be your thing. I aasure you though, Part 4 is most people's favorite part for a good reason. A lot of anime-onlies are dropping it because of the more SOL-esque feel to it but I highly advise watching it through.

>No, your point was that SC was SoL which it isn't.
My point is that SC is NOT a SoL you dense retard. I'm mocking the idea that DiU was a SoL because like SC, they are both monster of the week.

I didn't know anime onlies actually exist on a board like Sup Forums

>P4 is SoL because it's kids finding the killer in their town.
Also that isn't a SoL either. It's a mystery story with light hearted comedic tone.

is this a prank? where's the camera?

it turns into a mystery in the second part.

I assume that you must want this (You)

you get the main antagonist next episode
like literally the next episode that will air on friday gives you the villain for the main plot; things up till now have been setting up the cast and abilities with minor arc-villains to move the story


Why is your taste so bad?

Fuck you. It's a ton of fun. The battles are ALWAYS interesting and the characters are great.

I still don't know how some can like SC characters and fights more than Part 4.

We got Cinderella early so we could get 5 weeks of straight Kira. Everyone agrees that Kira is the best or second best villain in the whole series and you will see why.

I like the art and animation style, but I'm really really missing the action and purpose of parts 1 and 2.

Part 3 was just kind of meh overall, with one or two small, decent moments.

I had more fun watching Harvest than I have with anime in quite a while

>Everyone agrees that Kira is the best or second best villain in the whole series and you will see why.

no they don't.

this. Fatty > Koichi. Koichi ruins any scene he's in.

best post in the thread. I like part 4 a lot but I find it hard to get exciting about, it's consistently good. But it's still good rather than incredible.

>I aasure you though, Part 4 is most people's favorite part for a good reason.

Why do people feel so confident spouting this rubbish. If you like it great, don't clam you speak for all JoJo fans. There's plenty of people who like it and plenty of people who don't- just like every part it divides opinion.

I like part 3 and all but there's no getting around the fact that there were WAY too many stand users shoved in and only like, half were enjoyable.

You have to sit through all the tarot card characters then when you think it's finally up to Dio, they shove nine more assholes into the plot who drag on for way too long, especially the comedic ones towards the very end, who ruin the building tension of the finale.

You could have cut the last 9 down to Pet shop/Vanilla ice and maybe Terence D'arby.

People always say this but the OVAs were never watched by many people outside of those who were already JoJo fans.

If this is true you can pretty much cut out huge chunks of every JoJo part since all of them have filler.

Right, but dropping it before the best part of the part which is the second half of the part then complaining about the quality of said part even though they've dropped it before the best part of the part even starts is bullshit.

That I can agree is dumb yeah.

Not him,But it in the west Part 4 (with part 7) is generally the best in the fan polls.

I'm not saying they should cut down ALL of the comedic/filler stands, but towards the end it just becomes insufferable. I don't want to see a retarded stand user try to kill a baby Polnareff when Dio's mansion is right around the corner.

The manga is just as bad, stop lyong to yourself.

He's right,You can't say that cinderella or Italian food were better in the anime.

Who decides what gets cut then. This is the fundamental issue with JoJo. Every stand fight builds up the characters little by little.

This is why the OVA didn't work, you can't just have the characters warp from cool fight to cool fight. Each squad member develops in different ways. That's true throughout almost all JoJo parts post 2

It's only because SDC's fights are among the worst in the series and are the worst stand fights.

VA change happened and basically Jojo

Shut up, Aya.

Not really, there are fights which are just pure shit gags or action and no one gets any development. ((See: Anubis, Lovers, Set, Wheel of fortune and Strength))

After the next 5 episodes granted David doesn't fuck it up part 4 is going to become a lot of people's favourites.

Anubis was pretty based

p h e w

>All these faggots who don't want to live a quiet life.

Eh, it was clear how it was going to end from the start, and we didn't really learn anything new about Polnareff, it was already clear that he was 'the sword master' guy even before this ep.

>there are fights which are just comedy or action
wow. what are these magical stand fights in jojo that meet your requirements?
inb4 you don't name any because all JoJo fights are basically just a blend of comedy and action.

Also Anubis is a fantastic multi-stage fight with probably the most famous Polnareff/Jotaro team-up.

But Anubis gave Polnareff development. We found out he can shoot his sword.

Jojo is good, but you should probably stop flogging the dead horse which is this crusty old meme

Oh I'm not saying it moved any of the characters forward, it was just a great fight which is rare for part 3 as it's bland as shit for most of it especially before they get to Egypt.

For all the shit part 5 gets, and aside from translation and scan shit is justified (like the lack break neck pace of the entire part with no down time), characters progress pretty much every fight. Even the enemies develop well. The train fight alone blows the almost the entirety of part 3 out of the water.

No need to get so worked up, all I'm saying is that there were definitely some weaker fights towards the back end of the series that could have been cut to tighten up the pace a little.

I'm not saying my opinion is the expert one, but I imagine the anime could have been tweaked a little so it feels less bloated.

i get you but it wouldn't work.

Jojo's been messed up by people 'tweaking' it before, all it needs it an animated manga. If that drives fans away oh well, it's for the greater good of a proper adaption.

Is it just me or did Jojos get ruthless after Part 4? Not saying they pulled punches before but they start going for the kill.

the villians stop being family, like dio, or kind of weird but charming supermen like the pillar men

the villians become a lot more nasty so the jojos follow suit.

I haven't enjoyed JoJo as much as Part 4.

Part 4 has too much irrelevant crud, it's like the pointless stand of the week episodes in 3, except that those were at least a bit exciting. Friday's episode was completely fucking pointless.

Part 4 is mostly filler up until the main villain is revealed.
Main villain has one of the best stands too imo

Well yeah, part 5 is a huge gang war, part 6 is in a prison, and part 7 is a 'no rules' race in the middle of nowhere for the most part, they didn't really have the time to mess around and 'knock the bad guy out' like in part 3 or befriend them in part 4.

The plot starts on Friday, user.

> Fridays episode was completely fucking pointless.

Except it introduced a very plot important character, even if it was in a silly way.

The introduction could have been compressed into a few minutes. Fuck wasting a whole episode.

This has always been Jojo. Abandon ship, plot junkies.

I bet you'll hate Grateful Dead and Beach Boy.

>Oh hey a new stand user.
>my stand is switching faces
>Okay that's cool bye

Ok so I'm the girl that skipped parts 1,2 and 6. I'm reading 1 now, I like Jonathan he seems like a cool guy but why is dio such a dick to him? He's just trying to be his bro but he won't have any of it.

Do you not understand the concept of pacing? Are you the type that reads plot summaries instead of actually reading/watching something?

Damn this is either strong bait I'm biting on now or you really don't understand Dio's character

I liked it. A bunch of weird shit is happening but it's in the middle of characters' everyday lives.

I get he's a victim of his surroundings but Damn he's such a dick. Poor Jonathan just wants to be his friend, there was like 0 reason for kicking Danny.

Other than being outdated I guess it's ok part 1 I mean.

>there was like 0 reason for kicking Danny.
Dio just really doesn't like dogs.

Also his entire reason for putting Johnathan down is to make himself look better in the eyes of everyone, including George so he can get that sweet sweet inheritance money.

But Dio's always been a natural dick, even if he wasn't in the slums. Even Speedwagon knows that.

So it's pretty drama filled and that's ok I guess but this part is hamon only no stands right? Fuck this is gonna be boring as fuck.

weird bait, no one's gonna get mad

It's always bait with you people. I'm trying to read it bit this is weak stuff I'd rather just reread part 7.

And also tell us what happened to the extreme feelings of yukako.
People may not see this but most of the part 4 episodes serves a purpose somehow