Drop in sperm counts in North American men is 'major public health crisis,' paper argues

We Children of Men now!


Is there an epidemic of infertile men? Or can we still make babies with fewer sperm?


Duh.. Its GMO that is in all of our food.

It's so as well and water contamination as well

Maybe dudes are jerking off too much, eating too much garbage, getting no sleep, and maybe stress reduces sperm count too (I don't have proof of this just postulating)

>when you're in the middle of netflix & chill and he gives you that 32% reduction in sperm count look

So? Women will just abort all the babies anyway.

woah there mr nobel prize! i bet you know all about them gmos and how they work!

fucking idiot

Its pretty simple no conspiracy needed. Most adult males
1. Don't exercise
2. Are overweight
3. Don't sleep enough
4. Jack off too much mainly to porn

Damn beat me to it. 100 percent correct no conspiracy needed. Most adult men give ZERO shits about their health

>men are fat and weak
>no exercise
>sit down all day = hptter balls
gee really?

Thank you xeno-estrogrens

Stop eating processed food already.

nothing to see here goys no environmental factors at all.

>major concern
>1 cum shot can impregnate the entire city of new york.
Looks like humanity will cease to exist user.

>I wonder why this is happening
oh wait

it's the flu vavccine, whites vaccinate especially in US, there was a thread with sources on 8 which is now wiped, case closed

how the fuck does she keep getting pregnant op?!

men are programmed to not care about their health

Lol we been cucked by our ((masters)) boys.

Forgot this

Modern life. Most jobs require no strenuous physical activity. A hundred years ago 85 percent of the population worked in factories or farms hence why people weren't fat slobs


A sedentary lifestyle, poor physical fitness, malnutrition and all the joyous stress that literal everyday existence as a modern American man all combine to do one thing:

Tell your body you have more important things to focus your protein reserves on than making baby batter. It's the precise opposite effect that modern living has on female ovulation. Women weren't meant to ovulate year-round and yet due to the unprecedented level of environmental control and comfort they are afforded by modern society, they do. They are in a permanent 'nesting' phase physiologically where their body perceives the conditions are right to conceive and raise a child.

Meanwhile the modern man has constant dietary deficiencies, shit-poor physical fitness and nonstop "HOLY FUCK SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT GODDAMN FUCK EVERYTHING IS FUCKED SHIT FUCK CHRIST GODDAMN IT I HATE LIFE FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK GODDAMN FUCK" stress levels because life is fucking terrible. Add to that that he probably jerks off 2-6 times a day.

This physiologically tells us conditions are unfavorable for the providing for and defense of children. Our bodies enter a state not unlike starvation in that what resources we do have are put towards preserving survival until a better opportunity to father, provide for and defend children arises.

Monsantos and atrazine, turning the freaking frogs gay, filter your water boys.

I would also take these (((studies))) with a grain of salt. I think (((they))) way overshoot their numbers

something can be a conspiracy without it being a conspiracy. you know what i mean?

I can fix this all by myself...

New White babies coming right up!

I think the overblown numbers are another psyop by (((them))) but its no secret what lowers t

Aerosolized mass bukkake when?

>turboautists will drive themselves insane with nofap before going to a gym and eating properly
>B-but I'm fighting the jews and degenercy! I didn't jerk off for a week and I creamed my pants like a 12yo, but I think I saw a bicep! Take that Soros!
There's your problem, and half of you are it.

Lol good bait but ill bite.
So what your saying is we should just jack off 24/7 eat garbage and don't exercise ? Good one sholomo

t. Fucking fatass

I said the exact opposite. You didn't read the post at all. Nofap is for lazy faggots that are looking for a placebo for exercise and a healthy diet. It's the climate change science of Sup Forums. If nofap logic is true, you could turn into a faggot from having sex too often. It's incredibly stupid and I guarantee some kike shills cooked it up.
Go fucking lift if you want proper testosterone levels, strength, confidence, and fertility. You can jerk off all you fucking want if you're in good health. Or just enjoy your placebo broscience and stay in your seat until you die of obesity.

Seems consistent with obesity, imo desu desu

Top fucking kek

I must be an outlier. I can't even wash my underwear in the same load as my wife's clothes or we are pregnant

Cool! I know how to boost fertility with a special diet. It is high in nutrition and restores the human body's microbiota. Side effect is that it significantly boosts neurogenesis.

Stupid liberal

Someone who does work in this field actually responded to an earlier thread, basically testing perimeters have changed over the years resulting in a lower count of "good" sperm

but i like the taste of tap water