Blue state thread: discuss living in the dumbest part of America, or how a big city is fucking over the rest of your state.
Blue State General
I love my blue state. Not full of rural drumpf retards.
I have faith things will change one day. California will be a Republican utopia while Texas is a festering Demoncrap shithole. If I keep hoping, one day my dream will come true. One day...
What happens in Delaware? I never really hear much about it.
I for one, welcome our new Ohioan overlords.
Oh no! Whores with herpes invading Florida!
>only decent women go to U of D
>smart but not smart or rich enough to go up there
>gf left me when she went there
>stuck in sussex county
>based af but no good women and full of junkies
>im a moron for believing the long distance relationship bs
It will be like nothing changed at all!
bringing any Ohio State chicks?
I would be proud of my blue state except they voted for Shillary instead of Bernie
Nice effort Bernfag.
>how a big city is fucking over the rest of your state
Fuck Minneapolis.
Nah, we heroin junkies now
Such is life in Ohio
Literally my state is a fucking disgrace.
>Gerrymandering to the fucking max
>incompetent and retarded politicians
>3/4 of the fucking counties are red
>regressive elites run the 3 major cities
>Fucking New Mexico
Better start building the wall around us too
The legal weed is cool but because we were the first to do it, it attracted the most degenerate elements of society to the state and they've been here ever since. At least our gun laws are above average.
Anons in the Twin Cities, join the official Twin Cities discord and discuss your hatred of liberals and Somalians
California fag here.
I fucking hate red States
How do I find this? Interested in joining
mfw VA would be strong red if it wasn't for the colored individuals in "NOVA"
I love Nevada, Vegas and Reno can get fucked.
I'm the admin, fuck, I forgot to leave the link
I live in Idaho retards from California are infesting my high school
If we deport all the illegals I think Las Vegas will change a lot. There's so many dirty fucking Mexicans ruining my city.
How's that government-generated wildfire going?
Your stupid fucking lawmakers allowed it.
Will the illegal be released if state officials catch him?
Rhode Island here
Fucking help
Central Illinois here. Chicago is almost 200 miles away and yet fucks our daily lives up on the regular.
Califag here. Looking to move, but I hear other states are sick of California refugees. Might just have to stay and MAGA the fuck out in silence.
Did you find your way in? We need more anons, we're kind of dead.
So long as califags are not commies or from socal it is mostly 6/10 with managing. North Californians are tolerable
Niggers too. I like visiting Vegas because usually, I'm around Summerlin. Plus Red Rocks is a nice place.
Elko, Nevada by the way.
Yeah, that's your only choice. Most people from California are a cancer: they show up, whine about how awful it was back in California, then whine about how wrong our way of life is and start pressuring everyone to do things their way. After watching that shit happen to Austin from afar, I'm ready to run Californians out of my state since the cities tend to be awful already.
I live in NYC and I get why people would hate it but I'm personally a big fan. I met a beautiful girl and we just moved in together, have had an interesting and increasingly well paying career, and get to basically pursue my dreams. And sometimes you meet actors and big musicians just by going to parties.
Can't imagine living in a shithole cornfield surrounded by bitter conservative whites who have the worst fucking lifestyle imaginable (compulsory sports worship, trash taste in everything like food and music, opioids, falling asleep to a blaring television).
Yeah, its full of brain dead man children who cant function without coffee.
I'm seeing the assholes show up in Kansas. 60 day tag Priuses covered in Feel the Bern and Clean Air Vehicle stickers.
Already heard a "But in California..." at a checkout.
NYC checking in, its a struggle
"Stuff like this NEVER happened back in Cali"! Now I hear bullshit like "Well, in Colorado"... The state is producing its own brand of HIV now, I hear.
Soon, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota will lose any and all population centers and the state will change. Unfortunately, that probably means faggots going to Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas.
Is there even a second political ideology, at all, there? Seems like a city-state.
Connecticut IS a city-state.
Not long ago I discovered they had done away with county governments decades ago. I had no idea...
There's 8 republicans out of 121 seats. They all represent the suburban and rural """""retards""""".
I worked in the state house as a kid and they are the nicest people there. I got a shitton of stories of the Dems tho
so you like to take it in the ass, right ?
Got any stories you can retell?
My assumption is the few Rhode Island Republicans represent the old GOP.. big business, rich as fuck, chads. Surely a state of that size does not really have rural areas.
>Blue state thread: discuss living in the dumbest part of America, or how a big city is fucking over the rest of your state.
There is no way Nevada is blue. Someone must be stealing their elections over there.
I'm oringinally from NE Iowa and a bunch of berniebro fags I went to school with moved there, atleast they're out of iowa.
I just moved in a burb of Buffalo from living overseas for 6 years, I work with a bunch of libtards.
>Connecticut IS a city-state.
>and world capital of cia
northern Nevadan here. State is like 98% red. californians moving to vegas have fucked us over
That's step 2 of Make LV Great Again. Deporting the illegals is the easy part. Step 2 is kill all niggers.
Absolutely. Vegas and Reno ruin is, that's where the beaners and colleges are.
The previous speaker of the house was a flaming faggot. Gordon Fox. He got mad at me for getting him a "glass of ice water" with only two ice cubes. He chimped out and was angry the whole day. Two days later the Feds were knocking down his door for corruption charges
Another story is that we have two representatives in the house who speak Spanish only. Not kidding. The English of these people is a second grade level.
Another representative, got caught passing out papers of a bill but the tabs of a porn website was still showing for internet explorer
Can Nevada be won back or are there too many mexicans and niggers now?
And another note. Rhode Island democrats are a split between Conservative Old Liberal dems and Progressive cucks. Old liberals actually are ok with guns and free market. The previous speaker, fagboy fox was a progressive and currently we have a conservative one. He's not too bad since he's giving us a tax cut
What sucks is all of this blue state bullshit is completely Rothschild fake. We can make the whole thing our own shade of red all over again.
Chicago here.
807 homicides last year. Police are on stand down since CPD decided to "partner" with ACLU. All interactions now recorded and sent to ACLU for leftist "approval".
Cook county and City Council spend hundreds of million per year in phony "up lift" schemes aimed at male blacks. All an abject failure.
Politicos won't discuss race, and make every effort to avoid making the connection between black / hispanic crime and fiscal demise of entire state.
Forbes did article on Chicago homicides in 2014 and found that those homicides cost the city of Chicago and County $2.5 billion.
Schools are a joke: $1 billion in debt and CTU and IEA get whatever money they want because faggot politicians constantly kowtow to the POC's and then turn to property owners for more money (which they get).
Politicians can do WHATEVER they want in office with ZERO repercussions (Schakowsky, Durbin and Madigan are reelected every, damn, time).
If Chicago were all white, homicides would drop by 90 percent, armed robberies by 86 percent and rapes by 65 percent.
People are conquered here - no hope and those who do stand up get their heads chopped off.
Corruption is embedded throughout the system.
Fucking hate this city with all my heart.
>Texas is a festering Demoncrap shithole
Will be an independent nation annexing parts of Mexico before this happens desu
Beautiful, just beautiful.
a lot of mexicans. hardly any blacks
I live in sparks and reno is just a hell hole full of fucking libtards and illegals with there anoying accents thank god im moving to daton
Im a western nv fag hate it here want to move up north to elko
Minnesota is a blue state that is trying to pass all kinds of laws that allows me to be armed with all the goodies, so it's difficult to talk shit about it besides the obvious. The shitlibs are concentrated in uptown, the niggers are concentrated in northside, and the Somalis are wedged into their shitholes next to prairie nigger rez land, so they're all easy to avoid.
I hear Sparks is worse off than Reno, any truth to that? I'm usually stopped at the Legends Plaza when I visit.
You're always welcome here.
Its reno and vegas i used to live in reno and in our schools they pushed there left agendas into the kids
Its in the same level of aids schools are even using school funds to help the beaners who dont even try to do there work its a waste of money
I grew up in Vegas. Saw N. Las Vegas go from nigger gangbangers/white trash in the 80's to Mexico Norte in the 90's, 2000's.
Seattle is literally filled with Marxist trash. Still though, the Alt-Right-osphere is actually well established. There are hundreds of right wingers organizing and cooperating together to let the voices of non-liberal Puget Sound to be heard. If it can happen in the belly of the beast in Seattle, it can happen everywhere. The most exciting thing to do in Seattle is to declare yourself a non-liberal in Seattle and see how much the lefties come unglued at you. Fuck user, I feel sorry for them. They are so PR they lost their humor. If you get tired of checking your privileges or get tired of your white guilt you get crucified. Socialism, can you get any unhappier?
You forgot reno
Looks who's calling us retards wow
Did they make infecting someone with aids a misdemeanor in Cali yet?
The counties should start seceding from the states.
I feel ya fellow Chicago brother. The corrupt Democrat Cook County Machine fucks over the whole county and kills us with their high taxes and corrupt school boards. We continue to throw millions at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and it never seems to do anything because they are all too busy filling their own pockets and then have the audacity to ask for more. All the districts are too gerrymandered for anyone outside the Democratic Machine to win. At least there is a small flicker of hope with all the outrage over the soda tax. I honestly felt like it was a true red pill for everyone in Cook County. No more taxes and vote out Toni Preckwinkle, Deborah Sims, and all others who voted for this tax.
>be maryland liberal
>climate change is bad and we need to respect nature and stop giving corporations our money
>but let's also make it illegal to collect rainwater, but tax what rainwater hits your property
I go to a public university in the biggest city in my blue state... I love that every week you can find the same 250 lb whale, in her wheelchair, with her ever-changing hair color at whichever center/center-right event campus groups can manage to put on: she reminds me what I'm fighting against.
Non coastal city in California here
I just want something decent, and can't move out yet (even if I do I feel like I'll be judged by the "collective" instead of me as an individual)
Not the same guy, but I'll stop by.
Oregon here, just outside portland and native to california. Want to turn the whole thing red. And by god, if you think soyboys are a meme i have such sights to show you. Church sermons on white privilege. Fuck Portland but the northwest is fucking beautiful.
Spic user here. I'm in the central valley which is overwhelmingly red, but fucked over by cities like LA and San Fag. Only downside is that we're overrun by spics too.
Hawaii. It's horrid here. The corrupt of the corrupt. It's an incestuous elite made of the politicians and lawyers, their spouses who run the unions and construction contract companies, the unionized public workers like teachers, and the media. There is no work done in the state to improve it. It's all glad handing, back room deals. Politics is the worst. It's pathetic. The Republican Party is a joke- not like in California or Oregon or Washington state where it's just weak. Here, the republicans are fucking non existent. We have a single party system with zero accountability. The taxes are through the roof, the infrastructure is horrid. Industry and small business is taxed to death and scared out of state. We squeak on by but it's truly shit here. The weather is great. The culture is okay if you are from here (if you aren't, you probably shouldn't come because fuck you haole).
Portland would be great if we switched out the people, everyone thinks they're so smart and inclusive when we have one of the worst school systems and whitest populations. Actually is kinda funny
>Spic user here.
>Only downside is that we're overrun by spics too.
Depressing self-hater. Hope you find peace.