>he said "well, i guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurts."
>I was going to curse him out
>this is like benghazi
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pol will defend anything this retard says. pathetic
This is like two scoops all over again.
top jej
So, miltary members dispatched to niggerville don't know what they're signing up for?
>Only source is ghetto trash congresswomen.
Dumbass nigger should've known he was going to die for Israel when he signed up.
Im not saying its like benghazi or its the worst shit ever but like damn trump.
How retarded can you be? What semi-intelligent person would ever think thats how you console a grieving family?
Nigs gonna nog.
>No context of the conversation
>Claim he was speaking directly about someone's death with no evidence
Don't you dare slander based Tones again, go back to Melbourne.
Are you going to defend that military members have no idea what theyre signing up for? Are you calling them retarded?
>implying this ever happened
What he said was true, and doesn't sound malice at all to me. Makes the solider seem like a hero.
He knew who could die, he knew what he was signing up for, but despise the risk he signed up to defend his country. This doesn't make the pain any better when something like this happens, but know he died a hero.
that is basically what he said.
Suddenly people there is no risk in the military? What ever happened to "greatest sacrifice"?
Maybe I'm a social autist or something but that's probably exactly what I'd say.
Military gets great life insurance for what you pay into it.
>Sup Forums will defend anything this retard says.
>scrolls through 5 Trump is a Kike Lover, 3 Orange Cheetos, and 2 IMPEACH threads
Nigger stfu and go back to your pansy ass plantation.
You can't impeach on the ground of bad words and hurt feels
>be a nigger
>get killed in Niger
its like poetry
This, I don't see anyone other than dark as night niggers getting confused by it
Just read a news article on this. They took it way out if context. Here is the rest of the sentence:. "but when it happens, it hurts anyway"
God. Trump just keeps fucking killing these kike libs. Too bad my country is cucked beyond belief. The concept of lowering immigration is unheard of by any political candidate here.
I think even trump supporters realize he is a sociopath, and it's a good thing.
>"Well basically what he said was.. Ummm.. Well I guess he knew what he signed up for".
>Well basically what he said was.. Ummm.. Gas the kikes, race war now.
>Basically he wants to genocide the Heebs.
Me too, and I wouldn't even know I was saying something offensive to the other person.
OP, your faggotry knows no end. He is not that pussy Obama and tries to make everyone fell good. Trump tells it as it is as you can not change reality.
post a real source or fuck off
I wonder if I could fit my whole dick down your throat.
Yes im sure this wasnt out of context.
God damn its literally like a country of teenage girls
Got a link? All I've heard about Trump speaking to the family of dead soldiers has been glowing. I had a feeling this was all bullshit
Can't hate a man for tellign the truth
One less nigger.
straight from shareblue everybody....
shills shilling with other shills to shill people into thinking be a shill is ok.
This is like Benghazi, huh?
I know your a shill, but I can't resist. "he knew what he signed up for" fuck yeah he did, and he was such a badass he did it anyway knowing full well he could die. He died a warriors death in battle is what and even signing up for that chance is honorable, that's what's implied in the statement
got a source?
>obviously taken out of context
And this is why CNN is called the very fake news.
Fake news is fake.
>What he said wuz.. .
None of this happened. Classic CNN making shit up
That why i always tell young guys DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY!!!!
these politicians dont give a fuck about you, all you doing is making them rich off your blood
Hurting your feelings is not an impeachable offense. Cunt.
Trump really should just shut up.
Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. The guy just isn't very articulate.
Are you guys really trusting a literal democrat nigger woman on this one? k
Do they like to destroy their credibility? Do they do this on purpose? I don't understand their motivation.
This doesn't do anything. Like, they're not going to win any people over with this. They already claim the right is racist and reporting some black kid died isn't going to swing some voters. It's just a stupid story with a skewed interpretation to make Trump look bad.
Nobody gives a fuck and more people understand than don't.
The left is still playing the "people are too stupid" card and it doesn't work anymore.
it's true though. look at ww1, there's no live through war money back guarantee.
Naw...I'm trusting that the trust fund draft dodging fatass said it.
And the story is now dead. Wow.
>msm has to publish word-of-mouth stories and literally change quotes to make trump look bad
This just makes him look better in the end desu.
are you asserting he did NOT know what he signed up for?
Source? Actual source, not some CNN interpretation.
She probably blamed the military.
And being in the military implies you face death from enemy fire.
Even people at the rear and on bases are subject to equally lethal fire (what do they think Scuds and other SRBM were for? And Dirka rocket and mortar attacks).
Exactly what I was thinking. The Left is trying to make Trump look bad because they are losing at everything.