No one will ever know
Trump is a pedophile
Ephebephilia is not pedophilia, but incest is hawt as FUCK!
you obviously know...the zombies will find out soon enough. hopefully there isn't complete societal breakdown and chaos. it will be hilarious when they do
makes me wonder why he never went after tiffiney, Way hotter
because Tiffany didnt want it like Ivanka did.
Land development lawsuits. But go on, shill.
Trump is not a pedophile.
>No one will every know
>OP knows
what a faggot. I bet OP is hiding a leaf behind that buttsex flag
Keep projecting faggots. I'm sure after a year of campaigning plus a year of being President this time it'll definitely work. You people have got to be the dumbest group of people ever.
I hereby accuse you of being a faggot.
Did you know Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990
everyone is a pedophile
Did you know Obama raped 50 women and murdered a child after raping him?
It's an accusation so it's true
You hate trump for being a pedophile? Do you also hate mohamed the shitskin prophet? he was a pedophaggot. Mohamed raped Aisha when she was 8 years old.
If over thirty people accuse me of it... then its probably true...
lmao its like hes a muslim or something.
Even if you were talking about harrassment cases, it's objectively better for your image and ambition to settle out of court than to let the MSM tar and feather you for ad rev, then publish a page 4 story about how you were proven innocent 6 months later.
Lol noone will ever know. Wrong
Trump has a very long history and he has admitted most of it openly. He is a sick old man.
you can watch Trump say this shit on youtube dumbass.
He's just an ivankaphile. Like everyone that isn't a faggot, don't judge him.
And it was quite obviously consensual, only jealous fags will complain.
OP is a fatherless unloved fag.
We already know through many many examples is that the left always accuses Trump of noting exactly what they're currently doing. This is no different.
sounds like you listen to Glenn Beck you dumb faggot
It terrifies and confounds liberals when they see a man and his daughter being affectionate.
This is because they have been trying for 50 years to destroy the family unit, and a father and daughter being close and happy together means they failed in this case.
No, but Mr. Tom at Zenith is.
Ivanka, get off the internet. We know you get off on this, but stop.
wtf i love pedophilia now
kids are still ugly as sin tho
Trump is a pedo
You love baby dick.
The CEO of Home Depot is also a pedophile.
He's just acting Muslim dude. Are you an Islamaphobe?
Accusations and settlements do not mean guilty. Go to bed you got school in the morning.
It's a photoshoot.
every father wants to fuck his hot daughter.
t. father
And? The word joke is literally in the title. Are we going to start arresting every comedian for their routine?
he's an incestuous pedophile rapist
>tfw no doting sexy daughter who still calls me daddy in her 30s
People like (You) are the reason I'm terrified of smiling when I see a happy child.
ITT: Idiots that don't have daughters, or single mothers that have no idea what it's like to love/appreciate a strong father figure.
In other words, jealous cunts.
>Idiots that don't have daughters, or single mothers
>or somebody else I don't like
this one is true. he was a drunk with a bad cocaine habit back then.
loving, spoiled daughter kisses rich, doting father. MUST BE A PEDOPHILE!
seriously neck yourself you insecure retarded NEET faggot
shut up you pedophile trump supporter
That girl is pretty cute I would do the same desu