3x3 thread?
3x3 thread?
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You guys need to cool it with your general. You had a thread hit bump limit not to long ago.
Destroy yourself.
>Akame ga Crap
>Code Gayass
Double kill yourself.
your 3x3 looks awful
Hello friends. You're probably wondering about pic related. Check the last thread for context.
2/2. I can't recognize any of that siht.
I forgot my chart
I have no idea
The only one I've seen is FLCL, which I thought was okay.
Boring taste, looks bad.
Good taste, looks terrible.
Bad taste, looks bad.
Fix those fucking aspect ratios.
You know my usual 3x3 is still there. It just happens to be on the face of a fat man stroking his nipples today.
You now need to put obviously bad anime to avoid having 'boring taste'. You silly pleb conformists crack me up.
It sucks just like the last hundred times you posted it.
Watch more anime.
I do change them you know. Otherwise I'd be posting a 3x3 with FMA and Samurai Champloo for 2 and a half years.
You should start over from scratch.
>nah man that list is too good to be authentic
That's basically how you pleb sheep are conditioned to respond right now. I've watched more anime that all the 3x3 posters in this thread combined by the way.
Watch more anime.
Oh, really?
What is the point of these threads anymore? We've seen all of our tastes by now. Guess I'll re-post this for the 10th time.
I use them to shill the things I like and to try and provoke some discussion occasionally. But most importantly I simply enjoy making the mosaics.
3/3 that pic is glorious.
7/7 looks great.
Kino's was eh.
Reviving the thread with my newly updated porn artist 3x3.
8/8 funny that i'd pick a different girl from practicaly every show
Me too but I wasn't going for a favorite characters 3x3. Haruka, Isako, Benten, Chiba, Watanabe, Megumi (but Masao was the best really), Minko, Kukuru, Noa.
Mine would all be the same except for Hanasaku which I haven't seen and Patlabor where I'd go with Kanuka.
Noa's the best for sure but I do want Kanuka to praise me for doing a good job in her weird Engrish.
What's below Ryvius and the one that's right of Berserk?
The one below Ryvius is Terra E and the one that's on the right of Berserk is Banner of the stars.
Glad you're actually using this
Impeccable 9/9
You can spice it up by making more than one mosiac, and or you could just shitpost.
Not gay enough/9
9/9 impeccable taste you truly are the king of 3x3s
7/9, trying too hard though watch more shit
3/9, trying too hard as well
Meme/9, if this is honest then go watch more shit
>Trying too hard
Has it ever occured to you that some people genuinely enjoy certain shows? How insecure do you have to be to call others tryhards when it comes to taste in Anime?
If you simply don't like certain shows then I'm perfectly fine with that,but calling people tryhards based on their personal taste is just retarded.
Names? I only recognize ShindoL.
M8, you're in a 3x3 thread. This is literally the entire point. And yes, based on there are actual tryhard tastes that usually look like the creator has never stepped out of the 90s or has only seen the critically acclaimed stuff. A 3x3's goal is not to reflect just what you liked, but it should reflect a general trend or a taste unique to you. If you only liked what everyone else liked, then you really should be watching more shit. People love to avoid criticism by putting up popular and generic shows, but this should not be encouraged, as it shows a lack of depth and experience.
There is no evidence to prove what you're claiming. And not everyone is an obsessive piece of shit that falls into a niche once they watch more stuff.
No evidence? What the fuck do you think people are in this thread for? To get their taste praised? There is a critique element present in all 3x3s, it's the reason they're made. If people didn't want their taste criticized then they wouldn't post here. Why else are we rating them? Look, I gave one of the tryhards a 7/9. That means I've SEEN everything he has in his and I gave him a 7 which means I don't shit on his taste at all. So why are none of his shows on mine? Because everyone has seen those shows and putting them on my 3x3 would not reflect my unique taste. That isn't to say that you can't have popular things that everyone liked on your 3x3, but when that's all you have it comes across as shallow and inexperienced.
I hate to link to Digi but his video really explains what I'm talking about: youtube.com
If everyone just posted what they immediately liked, then everyone's 3x3 would be the same. It's for the sake of uniqueness, diversity and depth that people end up diverging from what everyone liked to what they find reflects their personality and taste. I don't get why this is so hard to understand, newfags are constantly told to lurk more and watch more shit, it's no different here.
>I hate to link to Digi but
Kill yourself
Piss off.
>If people didn't want their taste criticized then they wouldn't post here
>their taste criticized
>their taste
Yeah that's right. Yet you're still harping on about how people artificially design their 3x3s to not include their taste. You think there's satisfaction in getting praised for something that's not actually your favorites?
>Because everyone has seen those shows and putting them on my 3x3 would not reflect my unique taste
It would if those are actually your goddamn favorites. Are you going to tell a literary professor to read more shit because their favorite book is Ulysses?
>I hate to link to Digi but his video really explains what I'm talking about
And now you're confirmed for being a brainless drone.
What is this?
Damn you can really see the quality of this board slip away if you track 3x3 threads.
The quality of the mosaics are just worse and worse and more and more newfags invade. The only respite are people like who post the same shit as always because they're frozen in time and not growing.
What a depressing board this has become.
>who post the same shit as always because they're frozen in time and not growing
It's really hard to have something new pop into your favorites after some time.
That's why sometimes instead of posting that one I make 3x3s like this dedicated to just shorts specifically.
Also there are some other older posters as well.
Seems like the same shot to me.
Haven't been here since pic related, did I miss something?
I didn't really get the drama around what he said.
What he said has been basically said hundreds of times for years, but I guess now that a face was attatched to it, it's different?
He isn't exactly wrong.
I barely recognize any of those. Congrats, I guess?
Is Trigun worth it
People bring it up every thread.
The claim that Digi makes is reasonable, but it is impossible to prove whether or not someone is "lying" or trying to appear cool.
Calling people out for it is fucking pointless and more annoying than making a 3x3 with shows that everyone knows is good.
Middle row ruined it for me
See this motherfucker? His powerlevel might be pretty pathetic but you can clearly see that he's a discerning viewer. Take notes plebs.
It's more infuriating that because of it underage youtubers raided these thread and tried to tell us something we've been aware of for years. Digibro is a sensationalist contrarian poorly groomed basement dweller that's just out looking to start a drama over anything if it gets him views.
Digibro is probably the least contrarian person I've seen on youtube.
He doesn't even believe in shitting on people for their taste.
How come?
>He doesn't even believe in shitting on people for their taste
But his film on 3x3s was exactly that.
He was shitting on people for being fake, not their taste.
this is my 1st 3x3 so be gentle
3/3 good taste
The whole point of the video was for people who just put those anime there to appear smart or to have good taste.
He out right said "if you genuinely like these shows, then I'm not talking abotu you"
>this is my 1st 3x3 so be gentle
Get off of Sup Forums and go watch 100+ shows
>Having a blank space on your 3x3
Try harder fag
5/6 -TTGL
2/3 -Gatchaman
4/5 -TTGL
But he made an assumption that people who have any of those shows were lying, that's shitting on people.
Trigun is most definitely worth it.
And after that he quickly made a video apologizing to everyone.
You keep making new ones and they keep looking bad.
Fuck you I like them
And the day before yesterday.
Please keep it up so mods will finally ban this shit and we can get done with this public embarrassment.
No he didn't, did you even watch the video?
8/8 good taste
>Akame ge Kill
>Fate Zero
End your life.
Even just a few months ago, quality-looking 3x3s like Plebius Maximus were posted.
These threads have gotten so much shittier over such a short period of time.
This one ain't have bad either.
I don't typically enjoy sol anime but this guy was one on the nice guys, personality-wise
Eat shit
then you get mosaics like this one:
Same person even
All of the comfy places for discussing anime online will eventually go to ruin thanks to this new generation of "ayy lmao i trolled u weeb animu xDD".
I don't really blame them. Social media and shitholes like reddit and youtube enforce that kind of behavior since their first access to
those sites.
Hey, at least we lived longer than animesuki.
the world's most average Sup Forumsnon
Pretty much all my favorite 3x3s have used the traditional layout.
You don't have a single one of cuppy's 3x3s in your favorites. How disgusting.
Add this one while you're at it.
I made that before cuppy became active in 3x3 threads. It's just a selection from that era.
It always feels strange looking back on 3x3 threads. Posters come and go in cycles, but the anime stays the same. Each of the six posters probably don't look in these threads anymore, but you can find someone posting mosaics oddly similar to them. You'd think things would change over the years.
You should also add Bear for comparison to the average underage faggot.
Bear isn't the same anymore since he started lifting
Honestly I think his are the only one's over ever been impressed by.
5/6, pretty balsy putting Re Zero on there before it's even ended.
eh, if it ends up sucking I'll just remove it, not that big a deal
It's truly painful watching this board's culture getting butchered like this.
Go back to circlejerking your pathetic youtuber on youtube. You're not welcomed here.