have u ever fapped to an anime guy Sup Forums?
Have u ever fapped to an anime guy Sup Forums?
i have
Only when I fall in love
inb4 people arguing why fapping to traps *totally* isn't gay
is this gay?
Not every day.
Look man, it was a very feminine guy. It wasn't gay, and if it was gay, it was only a little gay.
It really makes you twink.
wow that's good I'm stealing that one user
Of course not, I'm not a faggot
Nagisa is a cutie.
hey it's my favourite picture of that cute little slut
>is on Sup Forums
>claims he's not a faggot
Of course you're not, Mary.
w e w
that's a hot ass nagisa u got there
Yes, lots of times. My favorite Free doujinshi is Uke Mako
Love is a bounteous harvest of Nagisa, but this really needs to stop being a Nagisa thread.
i'll post some other cream-puffs then
are you me
Probably not, but I can appreciate a cute boy.
Not a faggot, but I've probably released more times focusing on Koizumi than any other of the cast.
No, but I wanna have a body like this
from haruhi?
you can do it user. get that otter-mode body
I think you need to just fuck off.
I'm convinced Makoto's body is beyond mortal means to attain. 3D is too bestial to achieve such perfection.
>from haruhi?
I'm not a faggot so no.
great taste user, he's pretty slinky and cute
you could have made a pretty good joke there adding in a 'u'
I like the muscle definition there. Good stuff.
Is it wrong?
Really? That's cool, if you change your mind you know you're always welcome here.
And /y/ is for porn.
Signs point to No.
Someone pointed out in another thread that Tanaka is a good example of an actual skinny guy in anime. I know it probably puts some people off but the fact you can nearly see his ribs at least makes his body realistic.
Better than generic flat mc body.
Roids, just like Phelps.
Looks and sounds like a girl so it doesn't even matter
Dick is dick.
Nothing more cancerous than roleplaying Freetards.
whose roleplaying here?
You really can tell when underaged fujoshits are posting.
You sure seem upset.
Everybody here is a little girl.
Yeah, a few times.
Yeah, maybe.
Never I am not gay.
With Aikawa. I'm not proud of it.
only if it's pure love
Never in my whole life.
>posting softboi
I fap to Sup Forumsnons.
Yes because inside I'm actually a little girl.
Does Frieza count?
Does succubus(male) count?
yes if you post the one.
Yes, with Kaname.
is that a boi
You're a total musclewhore.
But i like softbois
Does fapping to ddlb shit count?
It's hard not to when there's this level of bait.
Who BARA here.
a bara is good too
I fapped to haku, the when i saw the next chapter i realized what i had done, but the damage was already dealt, was it gay
No one will blame you for doing so. He was a huge husbando back in the day.
Always up for cute muscle men.
>is this rule violation or illegal content?
Nah I'm not that gay but I wouldn't feel gay doing it to him.
Not yet but wait til narancia is animated and i will
In the anime haku is a girl if i remember right?
no it's not
>my fellow SC member
You called?
You didn't drown?
Good god I forgotten how gay Free can be. For two reasons; number 1: I can see quite a bit of gay tensions in the anime, and number 2: Yaoi fangirls.
I'm not him. There's more then one Narancia fan on here.
>Everybody here is a little girl
Only in your fucked up head.
Too bad one of the few narancia fan probably died ;_;
No, its a man
>Hurr I'll click in an obviously gay thread and get mad at faggotry
What the fuck is your problem?
I tried a couple of times out of perverse curiousity but the end results were really disappointing so I gave up on it
It's not gay if they're wearing a skirt
It's time.
Every time I look at this faggot I'm reminded of Lockon and I expect him to be voiced by Miki.
Get fucked, Art
No, boys are gross.
High Speed raws/decent subs when?
Everyone who wants decent subs should beg WhyNot for a decent release.
I had to when I saw this.
NagiRin is good shit
Just one?
I can't believe how trapped up all the boys in that show are