Remember to eat your vegetables
Monster Musume
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I don't understand why there's constant threads when the manga is going at a snail's pace. How the fuck have you guys not given up yet? Hornet girl is just gonna be another addition to the harem.
Most of the new girls haven't been additions to the harem at all actually. We haven't had a new girl in the Harem since Lala.
Lala's not in the harem, she's in the friend zone.
Time for sleep, sweet Lala dreams everyone
Zombambo and and the Cyclops fall for Kurusu. How are they not part of the harem?
I can't wait to go home and sleep in 4 hours. These threads are great for keeping me going through the long nights.
They've had a few moments but I don't think I'd consider them fully in the darling bowl.
If anyone from MON is, it's Manako for sure though.
are there any other joke edits of these?
I think Tio would be down for being in a relation ship with him, but not for any reason in particular. Just hes a cute boy is all.
Zombina because she knows he can manage her special type of lifestyle.
Manako I think is already incapable of seeing any other guy as seriously as she sees him due to the festival date.
>joke edit
Put an asterisk next to the jeep/ship and footnote the pun.
I get your point.
"What did I count to(just now)?" "Where was I at?". I'll admit, I'm just trying to get as close to the original meaning as I can, while trying to make it read naturally in English.
Sorry but for Papi's line I stand by my original translation. Translating tone and speaking style is a part of meaning and putting the literal word choice over the actual meaning isn't how I or TF think of translation.
It's important to think "How would this character say that in English" the words are a vehicle to meaning and are ultimately inconsequential. For example when someone says "shikataganai" I will almost never translate that as "It can't be helped" even though that is the dictionary 1 to 1 translation. The reason being that depending on context, speaking pattern, and intent. The true meaning of that phrase in Japanese will not necessarily have any part of "It can't be helped" in it. It could be "damn, now I'll have to..." or "I guess I need to..." or a bunch of other phrases. Separating semantic meaning from literal dictionary definitions is how you get translations that are accurate and read fluently in the target language.
Sorry for ranting at you but as someone who has worked as a professional translator and interpreter before this is a subject I feel pretty strongly about.
Should I scrap the asterisk then?
Should I change it, or is it flat wrong?
I'll defer to your experience.
The asterisk explaining the pun is fine just don't change Papi's lines. Thanks for understanding.
The way you have it now is fine I think.
>ywn be 2d to be together with your monster girl waifu.
Reality is just cruel.
>Ben garrison signature stashed in the corner
Never gets old
Boy that sure is sad___
Of course, if I went and changed something, then it defeats the purpose of your effort.
As far as I'm concerned you doing this for me/us is gravy to story translations. I'm making a collection for my personal satisfaction and to be hopefully somewhat helpful. But If you say one day all these are wrong, again I'll defer to your judgment. I'll make version 1.1 and keep 1.0 for archive reasons.
No problem.
Thanks for collecting all this stuff together I know other anons really appreciate it. I do too since I keep forgetting which characters I've done already...
Dat's kawaii as fuck.
Would love to see it as a movie to be honest.
>TFW you will never drink beers and watch zombie movies with Zombina
Why live?
Happy Birthday Zombina!
They aren't actively pursuing him, living in the house, or one of the marriage candidates.
>ywn binge watch horror movies until morning with Zombina
Bina isn't even in my top5 and it's painful.
Time to wake up and milk the cows
Just realized 2hrs and 22min later OP should have been Zombina.
Forgive me.
OP is a faggot.
The cow is a bully that needs to be deported.
Made this in photoshop
Nobody ever tries with their tabs anymore
Nice work.
I'd rather the barometzes.
Cheating slut
I'd rather a chapter about Cathyl getting revenge on the bullies by massaging and suckling their tiny teats until they produce soymilk
Don't sweat it man, I'm feeling my way through this as I go, so hopefully I'll remember what you said in any future translations I attempt. I've only ever tried two pages before(the hot springs omake).
Shoop it so the channel name is Darling Productions.
You gonna do one for all the girls' birthdays? Were you the one who did the Papi "consoling" Draco one as well?
Merino > Cott = Ton > Cathyl
Good taste
Merino is shit-tier, user. You must love Smith for she is best waifu.
Darling is the Superior Boy
Succubi don't deserve love
I'm reminded of that loli cockroach mango.
Requesting colored manga panels.
I wonder if it's still running even
Do we have suu translation for the counting sheeps? I know she talks a lot during it
How does slime know what sheeps is?
>Not feeling it, mero. Seals are pure
My fucking sides
Next on my list. I'll probably do Suu and one other tomorrow sometime. Cerea and Doppel are firmly in the soon(TM) camp.
>ben garrison
She's happy you remembered her, though she undertands if you didn't
How could I ever forget Iso-chan?
Would fuck
Her and Mero will never be loved, user. We must forget about them.
That's Yuuhi
Even Crabman liked it, and was surprised that Shake-O added her
Smith said that they are marriage candidates too, besides the 7 girlsliving in the house
What's Miia + Miia?
I'll transcribe Cerea's by tomorrow, probably. Just gotta rush through the DMM game tonight.
Because Miia is a number two.
two! that is TWO (2) snakes
lmao 2snek
were there any spoilers for next chap besides the cover image ?
fuck you james
Kimihito needs to get Smith to remove the two parasites.
But user cerea's not in that picture.
>helps around the house
user, we both know you hate Iso and Mero. Stop defending them.
Luka was right to slay the Lamia.
I hate shitty memes like Iso. Mero is fine.
But user, Iso-chan loves you even though you don't love her.
merino is pure sex
Miia Miia
Dodo, dododo
Miia Miia
Dodo dodo
Miia Miia
Dodo dododo dododo
Dododo dododo, dodo dodo do do do.
masturbating with her own tail
Iso needs to be purge, user. She's a parasite that lives in a Mermaid's tongue that steals her food.
Have you ever noticed just how beautiful Draco is?
Of course happy birthday to my second favorite girl Zombina. Tomboys are a miracle of the universe
Is Draco even consider a tomboy?
The real question is would you let Draco lay an unfertilized egg in your mouth or have her use said egg as a suppository for you as a part of kinky draco sex.
Reverse trap doesn't automaticly make them a tomboy
I wonder how sweet are Draco's lips if you were kiss her on the mouth?
papi is so freaking adorable >w
Doppel is the Superior Girl
I would never let a single one of Draco's eggs go unfertilized.
Papi is and always will be best girl
I never said Draco was a tomboy, but Zombina certainly is
Draco is the first time I've liked a non-tomboy over a tomboy in any anime though
Even if she just laid a clutch of 20 fertilized eggs and your egg incubator is maxed out of it capacity to incubate those said eggs with out it causing problems.
user please, my sides! You should know exactly what happens to Papi after three steps...
Zombina is Superior Girl, cause its her birthday!
>You'll never tell Draco what a brave girl she's being as she passes her twelth egg, looks at her still swollen belly and cries she can;t keep doing this
Fun Fact, most Draco fags would kill Draco by playing with her tail, and causing her to die when it pops off.