Time for Kirigiri to die!
Why is Chisa starting to go insane?
>Ultimate Fahsionista
>not ulimate gyarus
There's something wrong with the Reserve Course. For example, Satou went insane and killed Natsumi.
More like Ultimate Waifu
Yeah but Chisa is starting to go insane.
because normies
Monaca is a more interesting villain than Junko, prove me wrong.
I see your butt and I raise for illusion naked ass
She is trapped in anime
2/10 for making me reply
I can't.
>normies made my wife insane
Bleh. Normies ruin everything again
She returned to her students. She'll get better.
Time for Future-arc-level Despair soon, how are you preparing yourself physically and psychologically?
It's not very hard to be a more interesting villain than "Lol so random" Joker/Harley lovechild.
Think it this way: everyone in the Reserve Course would want to be in the Main Course, but they aren't. The competition/depression/stress must be pretty high.
>She'll get better
Well don't worry, because Togami has to appear this episode, Sup Forums will shriek
Isn't that Monaca too, since she's just Junko Jr?
Goodbye Ryota.
You were bullied.
You made your cave drawings.
And then you were murdered.
Press F to pay your respects.
I am torn between watching the source stream and waiting 1 hour longed for the subbed
Pros of source:
will find out everything right away
will watch it with Sup Forums
wont have to stay away from the thread from 24 hours
Will not understand anything, which will ruin the experience
Laggy af stream
Low quality
Help me out here
1 hour, not 24 hours lol
I think he is talking about the shitposting.
Monaca never goes lol-so-random and actually does shit in-screen.
I love Sonia!
watch together
Woud you prefer Hinata keeping long hair or not?
Me too!
Do people really like Junko as a villain? I can get that you want to fuck her but i can't get how someone would think that she's a good antagonist.
I've stayed away from Sup Forums on multiple occasions for weeks leading up to a release of something I anticipated. If I can do that, you can wait an hour.
No, thats me, and i meant 1 hour. I am one of the shitposters after all
Long hair make Hinata looks badass and cute
Friendly reminder that it's not sex if he's wearing a condom.
Not the best villain imo. But if she turns good or even somewhat good in the end, she will be perfect
Guys, please, tell me.
I need to know this.
Why the actual fuck do you like Komaeda?
I know this series is full of shit characters but he's gotta be the worst, he never deserved to be a main character.
she's a fun meme
none of dr is particularly written well
I kinda hope due to the experiments it grows super fast no matter what and his hijink is that no matter if he cuts it, hair grows back long in matter of days.
What are you trying to prove? is pretty normal to a kid to act like that and unlike junko,Monca isn't changing her personallity every two seconds.
Because HOPE
I only like serious, detective Komaeda.
give it time monaca is trying to be Junko 2.0 so she'll end up going to the Personailty switching every 2 secs after she gets revealed
>Divas are probably dead in reality
A child acting like a child is not really random and that is nothing compared to Junko.
but its short during the first killing game Chiaki gotta see her Husbands face
His whole hope through despair shtick is getting so fucking old. and his lolsoultimate luck is a stupid plot device
Why post Sonia? You know she wanted the Dark Lord D
I want to hold her hands and whisk her away to a faraway kingdom
why did god put me here in a universe where she doesn't exist?
But the Dark Lord's true lover is his right arm!
Is Archer going to kill Ryota?
She don't care
Never mind the fact that she was performing a satanic ritual.
God is cruel
The best part of AE is that the kids talk like actual kids, they have long conversations about odd things that dont connect with each other and arent written as just small adults.
Which makes moments like this great.
She going to become the Monokuma maid
Not this theory again
What would happen if this man and Kodaka decided to collaborate together? Would the universe explode?
HaijiXKotoko OTP
>Check the dub out of boredom
>Despair Ep1.
>One of the first things Chisa says is "Saw a lot of important things first hand, like the maid in some murder mystery".
Sonia x Hamster
Naegi x Bacon
Chiaki x Hajime
Komaeda x anyone
Does anyone know what happened to the REAL Kamukura Izuru, The Founder and the first principal of Hope's Peak? Does he have a family or descendant that attend this school? There's no way that his family doesn't involved in this mess.
Atleast the dub makes this scene make sense.
Make it Sonia/Gundam and we're cool
>1 year pasted and Souda still wanted her
He needs a waifu
Well considering he's always depicted as some old man and the school has had 78 classes, or 78 years. He's probably dead from old age. Unless he's like 124 years old or some shit.
Fuck off.
Do you think we'll finally get some investigating done this episode, or will it just be more shonen garbage
>Blows up two cars
>Doesn't get in trouble for it
What a fucking hack man.
fucking roasted
He's the SHSL Vampire and will feature in DRv3.
Wasn't Junko good enough to fight Sakura to a stand-still and even wound her?
Speaking of the dub, it's just too weird hearing 3/4th of the DR2 class sound the same, then Fuyuhiko, Peko, Gundam, and Ibuki are all completely different. And then I feel like Christine forgot how she did Chiaki so she's just using her Nepgear voice and it's really strange.
>Saw a lot of important things first hand, like the maid in some murder mystery
Character in TRIAL rating based on their usefulness and affection:
5/5: Kirigiri
4/5: Naegi
3/5: Togami, Celes, Chihiro
2/5: Yamada, Aoi
1/5: Oogami, Owada, Leon
0/5: Fukawa, Ishimaru
Weed/5: Weed
Not enough information to rate: Sayaka (most likely 1-2/5), Mukuro (most likely 0-4/5)
4/5: Komaeda, Hinata, Nanami
3/5: Mikan, Gundam, Sonia
2.5/5: Kuzu
2/5: Koizumi, Peko, Mioda, Teru
1/5: Souda, Nidai
0/5: Saionji, Owari
Not enough information to rate: Twogami (most likely 2-3/5)
>useful in trial
Just another example of most dub voice actors only being able to do one voice at least HanaKana has some vocal range.
I don't honestly mind JYB as Hinata, he's another guy that can only do his one voice that being the Red Ranger/Nero voice.
>Mioda that high
Literally the most worthless character in either game.
what? what does this mean?
Seriously he says like one thing for the first trial and it's completely fucking wrong because he didn't do jackshit in the investigation.
All these cans and none of the best one.
I hope his great great grandchild will appear to end this all sort of mess.
Seriously, at least there's must be a character in entire DR series that has connection to his old man.
What do?
>No hormones!
What did she mean by this?
I'm okay with it, their voices still kinda fit the characters especially Ibuki.
>Dr. Skipper
So close yet so far
>Time for Kirigiri to die!