Which issue is Sup Forums most divided on? I'd say Christianity

Which issue is Sup Forums most divided on? I'd say Christianity.

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Quality threads
Maybe anime girls

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/username/report these threads/
>5490 posts

And counting
Still that's only ¼ of the guy with the most posts

>Which issue is Sup Forums most divided on? I'd say Christianity.
Bullshit! Sup Forums is about 85% Christian.

Sup Forums is already fascist, but it's turning in very hardcore Christian community very fast. This is great. God is great.

I hope Sup Forums turns into super fanatic Christian community very fast. Add that to fascism and it's exactly what the modern world needs to sort itself out.

Christ, Nation and Family.

Sup Forums has concluded that christianity is a false religion

pedophilia and hitler are the 2 most divided camps. And the pro-side might eventually win.

Literally not true.
Christian threads every day, go fast as fuck.
Sup Forums has a deep hunger for metaphysicals truths and spiritual life.

God will prevail here.

>Christian threads every day, go fast as fuck.

christians are an easy punching bag.

I have a punching bag in my room.

Does that mean I am heavy inquiry in the morality of punching sand? Nah, its a stress reliever.

nice try jew

Black midgets: are they more hilarious? Or are they more nigger?

Try punching me faggot.
God is great. He is not going anywhere.
Jewish promoted nihilism for the goys is about to get a huge hit.

Jesus Christ words live in me and will make a comeback in the face of the damn filth that we are being served by the money masters.


>Unironically being a christcuck

Tits or ass.

Bless you user

Ever think about how the term 'midget' marginalizes them? Why not call them 'niggers' and the rest 'biggers?' Little people have taken enough shit, it's time the tables were turned




God bless us all, bro.

Family should be before nation.

Anyone Nation that expects loyalty to it over its children is orwellian bullshit

Go be an European Nativist all you want. Multiple times, Christianism was the cultural glue that sticked the community together against an invader.

See the Poles against the turks, the Spaniards and Portuguese during the reconquista, the Nazis against communism. Go suck your nihilist dick, and fight degeneracy with your rick and morty weakling stupid shit.

I choose the living God. Atheism is for wimps. Either you are an intelectual giant, or you are just an idiot following a destructive manufactured trend, made to weak the community, and to make it more liberal.


Anybody here that believes in yahweh desert cult is too ignorant to post here.

>Putting your superstitions above your country and race

I have no problems with your Christianity you are still able to acknowledge different races can't live together.
>rick and morty

They can live together, but this shouldn't be mandatory. People should be able to live with their own if they want. Jews are the ones pushing for white genocide in Europe, and they almost got it in america with Shillary.

Jesus Christ, our true lord and savior, is the only way to go in life. He allows us to get closer to the creator's divine love.

Christianity has made a come back in Sup Forums because a lot of these men truly mean well. Most of them are simply confused in life and have given in to sin.

Know that you can repent, accept Jesus Christ as your lord and live a life of peace. Many don't realize it but a life review awaits for you after you die. God will review everything you ever did and not only will you see it from your own eyes again, but you will also see it from every person affected by your actions.
So always do good and extend your arm towards a brother in need.

>they can live together.
lol, different kind of Europeans maybe.

>And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?
>Numbers 22:28

How is this shit any less retarded than the flying horse in the Quran?

>Christianity has made a come back in Sup Forums
I doubt it.

To be fair, a lot of us still respect Jesus, but we've evolved past his thinking.

Praise Jesus, the true light of this world

Yes, but Christians are way more highly represented on here than in real world Britain.


Says the Tay Sachs infected shill who uses a VPN to keep his threads bumped.

Amen. Well said.

its not, its made by the same dumb arabs, google "jesus in india"

I will always shill for God.
Absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Enjoy the caliphate when it reaches you.

Christ is king.



Surely its traps, this individual believes its gay.

Yeah without a question. Maybe one day we'll know the answer

I cringe at you Pickle Ricks faggots.
You are a sickness in the community.
Why do you think Jews try so hard to destroy Christianity? They want you to live like swines. They don't tolerate Jesus or his faith.

Enjoy being ultra jewed by the Pharisees.

Triggered christard! Oh noooooss PREPARE FOR THE WRATH OF YAHWEH ANONS!!!

Remove ALL religion.

Not triggered at all.

Remove all faggots and heathens.

>thinking anyone give a shit about a nigger commies opinion. Kek. Fuck off shitdick.

>Not triggered at all.
next post seconds later: >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE's (in hebrew)


I think the atheist trend is just another sign of the social and moral degeneration of our modern age.
How is that being triggered? You sound so desperate. Is this how a nihilistic faggot in cosmic horror for his utter irrelevance in the great schemes of things sounds like?

>Enjoy being ultra jewed by the Pharisees.

this makes like zero sense.

the pharisees followed a living torah. Ultra-radical Jesus was a literalist and bullied them for not stoning their children.

> “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’....(but you pharisees are more humanistic and choose to follow it metaphorically so FUCK YOU)
Mark 7:10
(quotations are paraphrased)


You mean Sup Forums HASN'T accepted Internet-Alien-Jesus as their Lord and Savior?

Yes THEY did. But GOD is for them, not for you filthy GOYIM.

Go see the kind of art mocking Christ they promote. Go see how they treat those with christian faith. Go see how they treat Christian morals.

Do you think it's coincidence that the downfall of the west started with the downfall of faith?

Open your eyes.
Also, NT is what matters more.





Keep your filthy sand nigger religion somewhere else

>Deepthroat nigger feet
>Have QT white wife and lots of kids on a farm in the sticks

What do Sup Forums? What do?

Yes, take the God out of the stupid goyim, give them that porn and tinder, so they can become like directionless swines.


Jesus was a kike you fucking christcuck


proves he's jidf Proceeds to call anons goyim

If this isn't a redpill on deus (means Zeus, a pagan god) vult flag faggots I don't know what is.

Also known as Gaslighting.

Jesus was a shit skin sand nigger, that's a pure fact

Jesus was God, he WAS and IS hated by jews.

Fuck you for defending them.


Fuck off faggot. Christ forever.

Shouting slogans like "kike on a stick" isn't an argument. These are just immature young people who are poorly read and don't like the idea that they are morally accountable for their behaviour.

I'm not a Christian myself. I think that as it is often practiced, it is a Jewish religion, not a truly western one. But, I see its value to western society, put in proper form. Judaism and Christianity are, after all, hellenistic religions.

I believe what is in order is for us to do what the Roman's failed to do: paganize Christianity, bring it into the true spirit of the west, the spirit exemplified in our old pagan traditions.

The European faith will overcome the Semite.


>Shouting slogans like "you will not replace us" isn't an argument. These are just immature young people who are suburban retards.

You don’t actually believe this ?

Is it though? A lot of Sup Forumsacks are Christians, quite a lot at least profess Christian values even if they're atheists. And the rest are edgelords. No one treats pagans seriously.
I see more division about East/West.
I think it's about 40-50% in the polls, but as I said a lot at least value Christian traditions.

It's more about country as a place of living, than state. Of course state shouldn't be more important than family.

You are right; it would be one thing to share the space with non-believers, but many here have contempt for God in their heart.

I used to as well, so I do not blame them. I was forgiven and so should they be. Excercise patience and don't allow yourself to be angered by empty words.



>divided on christianity
How's Sup Forums divided on that? There are some whiney mongoloids who wanted everything handed to them on a silver platter who complain? You don't say...


why does it have to be christianity? the same religion we cherish is also the same religion that says "refugees welcome" as a principle.

the likelihood that any revised faith like christianity, islam, or judaism is correct is small anyways. the ancient pantheists were probably right, our true god's icon is the sun and all these angels and demons are actually minor gods.


I think most of us are Christians.

>the same religion we cherish is also the same religion that says "refugees welcome" as a principle.
It does not.

You think incorrect, most of us dont care at all for semitic theology and thought nor grant authority to Jesus or moses.

wrong newshit

Jesus the middle eastern shitskin belongs to the gas chamber my dear goyim

Even if most of us weren't Christians, you non-Christians are pissants and don't really belong here anyway.

But I still think most of us here are genuine Christians.

Wrong. Non-Christians are enablers of our enemies

Reminder that pagans worship a comic book character that guzzles dead peoples’ cum