It's 15 august guys, time to dring your sodas and be careful outside with dam trucks

It's 15 august guys, time to dring your sodas and be careful outside with dam trucks.
Also KagePro thread

Other urls found in this thread:

More sodaposting



dw guys, here's best girl


Is this a soda thread?

i hope it is


Anime reboot announced

One can only hope it's better than Actors.

No Shaft please

It's been said that Sidu's part of the animation team. I don't know if that counts as no Shaft.

best guy

Nice joke.

Best pairing

My n i g g a

Send help

>Sidu's part of the animation team

It better be good or else!

>Post yfw anime reboot
I'll start

It's not a reboot, it's a season 2.

But the story was over

It hasn't been confirmed to be a sequel at all. Likewise the name 'reload' implies it's won't be.

Pleased that I'll get to watch it while it's airing, because I never bothered watching Mekakucity Actors. Was it really that bad?


>preferring pepsi over coke
what are you gay?

>drinking soda at all