Reminder that it's not possible to be a white nationalist AND to worship foreign semitic gods...

Reminder that it's not possible to be a white nationalist AND to worship foreign semitic gods. Embracing Paganism is embracing our history and is the only way forward. We must save Europe for the Gods.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not this thread again

Reminder that if you're choosing your religion based on your political views, you're an atheist using the concept of religion as a form of political expression.

not this cuck again

>when you will never be as chad as this guy

well I guess nazi germany wasnt white nationalist

Im catholic but my sister is propaganistic.
I like all the stuff of the pagans but in the end i love the jesus god.
Im more like the kight type than the beserk one.
Anyways i only came here to tell you that the real pagans dont spread shit over the cristians, the (((ones))) that do this things are obviously an enemy to all the white countrys.

As a token of my apreciation

You can be an atheist and still worship the God(s) of your ancestors because paganism is not literal they are symbols and metaphors for something real, the deities represent something real e.g. Poseidon representing the sea, Gaia representing the earth. By worshiping the old Gods you are honoring your ancestors/roots.

b u m p

so fucking beta, go cosplay and learn hymns on your recorder faggot

>Le epic atheist covering his autistic screeching with Pagaism
If you have a problem with Christianity, SAY IT, fucking fedora.
Your pretending roleplaying beyond pathetic

Preying to the sun and lighting isn't any less cucky that worshiping a kike on a stick. You clearly dont have any religious beliefs.

Reminder that it's not possible to be a white nationalist AND to worship bastardized versions of the already barbaric and archaic old gods. Embracing Christianity is embracing our achievements, history, family, culture, way of life, and is the only way forward. We must save Europe for Christ.


Dont disrespect the European religion.

So much for your "God" here we stand and will exterminate your "God" from this world.

Its not possible to be a White Nationalist and have degenerate tattoos all over your body

>we wuz religious n shit

those weren’t patriotitic pagans, they were brigand robbers lol

daily reminder that Tsar Nicholas II is a true Christian tsar.

I fucking love jackboots so much

Those are tribal folk tattoos of honorable ancestors not degenerate ones.

This is a slide thread
>This is a slide thread
This is a slide thread
>This is a slide thread
This is a slide thread
>This is a slide thread

Shoo, pagan LARPer
All pagans are closet homosexuals who want to LARP innawoods
Odin had to suck the dicks of dead men to regain strength - is that a god worthy of honor?

>Sage and report slide threads

Go here instead: >Go here instead:
Go here instead: >Go here instead:

>Retarded, parasitic barbarians turn a saint into a martyr, in turn radicalizing Christians and speeding up the process of conversion

>Paganfags celebrate this nigger-tier act of impulse as a victory

stop larping as ancom fag.

ancoms cannot like jackboots, only Christian trad men and women can like them

That doesn't make any sense, paganism isn't about ethnic nationalism. The Romans mixed with the people they conquered and colonized like the Berbers in North Africa.

I agree, and so does my pagan natsoc g(b)f. When I plow his boypussy I'm reminded of the old ways of Europa before the dead kike religion infected our pure heathen faith. Once the christsemites poisoned our faith they took away Wotan's gift of homosexuality, which created the Dark Ages through sexual repression. Remember your heritage, Aryan Bois.

fly the red flag high, my trad comrades

Where is the Christian God?
The Bible states that Yaewah would destroy those who destroy their chosen, no such thing has occured, your God us a false God snd must be erased from this earth, Abraham has declared war on Europe and it will not be Europe that will falter but Abraham that will be exterminated.

>cut down old useless tree to use the wood to build a building.

>get attacked and killed by robbers.

every day w/ this shit

The Gods have spoken.

why did you kill my tsar?

are there any Traditional European Pagan groups in the USA?
That isnt Larpers or Wiccans?

This is totally true and the show "Vikings" has just brought them out more and more.

I dont think we would be having a muslim problem or a migrant crisis if the ottoman empire still existed.

such a shame.

Christ hating jew at it again.
Yes, let's all become godless communists, that will show the jews.

I have nothing to do with you UnEuropean.


>godless communists
regarless of how incorrect that is, the jews would be freaking if even 20% of whites turned pagan.

did you forget the link?

also, lose the flag. Its discouraging when someone is trying to hide their flag.

fuck off varg

it would be better if Constantinople belonged to the Orthodox Empire.

You don't have a genuine connection with the old gods if you're a white nationalist.

>How incorrect that is

Spotted the commie subversion jew

McNallen is good, and has in the past months decided to openly defend whites after having investigated native european religion for so long.

good luck with that

when the religion is Christianity it does.

Christianity destroys ethnic identity and culture.

it's always the jews

UnEuropean stop talking about the European.

Old Norse Religion didn't allow tattoos, you degenerate

I could post videos of Christians doing the same stuff or worse, but what's the point?

Another good pagan channel (very interesting, with a variety of subject matter, presents info from ancient through to modern German culture):

Can you explain where you're getting that? I hadn't heard of such a rule or custom and find myself quite curious.

They couldn't trick Christ.

>larp thread

Thats wrong.

Lots of people are very genuine, I assure you.

I would die for the European faith, the Gods of my people will honor me, I would prefer death yhan blaspheming the European faith.

Dude, im a fellow southerner, i get in heated debates about the civil war.

but to call another a person larper while using the confederate flag is bass ackwards

One more good channel for general European history:

They had The Great Courses' The Vikings series, but took down the videos, unfortunately. Whether you're pagan or not, I highly recommend the series, if you can see it elsewhere.

Sadly you could not, if you did not pay attention i posted something that is to be considered official, you cannot have a gay marriage in a christian church by christian priest as they are going to hell according to bible. What you could post is merkel tier christians who are christian on paper and do catastrophic things and i could answer the same with pagans doing the same degeneracy. If you disagree with what they are doing you sadly need to look in different direction from asatru.

off by 1

i seriously hope you're not this retarded

Paganism is a good thing, but Christianity is absolutely European. It's had almost 2000 years to develop in Europe, it's help directed all of our peoples and history. I don't think you necessarily have to identify as a Christian, but you absolutely should not turn your back on it.

It's "official" in the words of a heretical organization that flies in the face of all knowledge of pre-christian europe and germanic religion. It is as clearly wrong as the Christians acting against the Bible in your example.

it was good enough for king Knut, who are you to say different?

At its least LARP-ey form, "paganism" would just resemble Confucianism for white people. Respect nature. Embrace the value of kin and through one's proper relationship to them, see yourself advanced. Act dutifully and honorably and expect the same from your children, wife, and subordinates. Respect and honor one's ancestors. Pass down their stories and reflect on what they teach.

All this is really just basic shit and, desu, the basis of fascism in the true sense of the word. It's the explicit valuing of strength as a virtue and the development or correspondingly strong social systems to ensure that those values are appreciated and guarded.

This. You are just being a vapid relativist.

Pagans?? Druids are the origanal “priests” before the Romans destroyed the true Britain. Be a Druid!

Yep, Jews LOVE Christianity because it was planted on the strong pagan Aryans long ago in order to subvert their culture, Jews do everything they can to spread the bible, especially in schools and entertainment, Jews love Jesus!

Christianity is a semetic faith though. It's foreign to Europeans.

That is fantastic imagery, going to have to try and find that now.